Dinu Maria Jose
Dinu Maria Jose
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Improving multiple model ensemble predictions of daily precipitation and temperature through machine learning techniques
DM Jose, AM Vincent, GS Dwarakish
Scientific Reports 12 (1), 4678, 2022
Bias Correction and trend analysis of temperature data by a high-resolution CMIP6 Model over a Tropical River Basin
DM Jose, GS Dwarakish
Asia-Pacific Journal of Atmospheric Sciences 58 (1), 97-115, 2022
Uncertainties in predicting impacts of climate change on hydrology in basin scale: a review
DM Jose, GS Dwarakish
Arabian Journal of Geosciences 13 (19), 1037, 2020
Ranking of downscaled CMIP5 and CMIP6 GCMs at a basin scale: case study of a tropical river basin on the South West coast of India
DM Jose, GS Dwarakish
Arabian Journal of Geosciences 15 (1), 120, 2022
Improving multiple model ensemble predictions of daily precipitation and temperature through machine learning techniques. Sci Rep 12: 4678
DM Jose, AM Vincent, GS Dwarakish
Frequency-intensity-distribution bias correction and trend analysis of high-resolution CMIP6 precipitation data over a tropical river basin
DM Jose, GS Dwarakish
Theoretical and Applied Climatology 149 (1), 683-694, 2022
Hydrological modelling to study the impacts of climate and LULC change at basin scale: a review
DM Jose, W Makhdumi, GS Dwarakish
Water Resources Management and Reservoir Operation: Hydraulics, Water …, 2021
Assessment of coastal water quality along south west coast of India using multile regression analysis on satellite data
DM Jose, VR Mandla, SSV Subbarao, NS Rao, SA Moses
Journal of Rural Development, 269-284, 2018
Application of XGBoost in Flood Modeling
S Ghosh, D Borse, LRK Padilam, DM Jose, S Kondapalli, KA Sawicz, ...
International Conference on Hydraulics, Water Resources and Coastal …, 2023
Analysis of Influence of Land Use Land Cover and Climate Changes on Streamflow of Netravati Basin, India
DM Jose
National Institute Of Technology Karnataka Surathkal, 2023
Analysis of Land Use Land Cover Changes in the Netravati Basin, Karnataka, India
N Nayana, DM Jose, GS Dwarakish
International Conference on Hydraulics, Water Resources and Coastal …, 2021
Improving Multiple Model Ensemble Predictions of Precipitation through Long Short-Term Memory Deep Learning Model
DM Jose, G Dwarakish, S John
AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2021, H25A-1058, 2021
Development of Satellite Data-Based Multiple Regression Equations for the Estimation of Total Coliform and Petroleum Hydrocarbons Along South West Coast of India
DM Jose, VR Mandla, SR Neerukattu, SVS Saladi
Advances in Civil Engineering: Select Proceedings of ARICE 2019, 491-506, 2020
Impacts of LULC and climate change on streamflow in Netravati basin, Karnataka, India
DM Jose, G Siddaramaiah Dwarakish
EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, 541, 2020
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