Clark Rushing
Quantifying drivers of population dynamics for a migratory bird throughout the annual cycle
CS Rushing, TB Ryder, PP Marra
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 283 (1823), 20152846, 2016
Spatial and temporal drivers of avian population dynamics across the annual cycle
CS Rushing, JA Hostetler, TS Sillett, PP Marra, JA Rotenberg, TB Ryder
Ecology 98 (11), 2837-2850, 2017
Migratory behavior and winter geography drive differential range shifts of eastern birds in response to recent climate change
CS Rushing, JA Royle, DJ Ziolkowski Jr, KL Pardieck
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 117 (23), 12897-12903, 2020
Quantifying the strength of migratory connectivity
EB Cohen, JA Hostetler, MT Hallworth, CS Rushing, TS Sillett, PP Marra
Methods in Ecology and Evolution 9 (3), 513-524, 2018
Assessing migratory connectivity for a long‐distance migratory bird using multiple intrinsic markers
CS Rushing, TB Ryder, JF Saracco, PP Marra
Ecological Applications 24 (3), 445-456, 2014
Winter habitat quality but not long‐distance breeding dispersal influences apparent reproductive success in a migratory bird
CS Rushing, PP Marra, MR Dudash
Ecology 97 (5), 1218-1227, 2016
The strength of migratory connectivity for birds en route to breeding through the Gulf of Mexico
EB Cohen, CR Rushing, FR Moore, MT Hallworth, JA Hostetler, ...
Ecography 42 (4), 658-669, 2019
Integrating microorganism and macroorganism dispersal: modes, techniques and challenges with particular focus on co-dispersal
SVM Tesson, B Okamura, RY Dudaniec, W Vyverman, J Löndahl, ...
Écoscience 22 (2-4), 109-124, 2015
Using demographic attributes from long‐term monitoring data to delineate natural population structure
CS Rushing, TB Ryder, AL Scarpignato, JF Saracco, PP Marra
Journal of applied ecology 53 (2), 491-500, 2016
Evaluating the impacts of white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus) browsing on vegetation in fenced and unfenced timber harvests
HA Parker, JT Larkin, D Heggenstaller, J Duchamp, MC Tyree, ...
Forest Ecology and Management 473, 118326, 2020
Modeling spatially and temporally complex range dynamics when detection is imperfect
CS Rushing, JA Royle, DJ Ziolkowski, KL Pardieck
Scientific Reports 9 (1), 12805, 2019
Using value of information to prioritize research needs for migratory bird management under climate change: a case study using federal land acquisition in the United States
CS Rushing, M Rubenstein, JE Lyons, MC Runge
Biological Reviews 95 (4), 1109-1130, 2020
Long-term variation in white-tailed deer abundance shapes landscape-scale population dynamics of forest-breeding birds
CS Rushing, RW Rohrbaugh, CJ Fiss, CS Rosenberry, AD Rodewald, ...
Forest Ecology and Management 456, 117629, 2020
Annual variation in long‐distance dispersal driven by breeding and non‐breeding season climatic conditions in a migratory bird
CS Rushing, MR Dudash, CE Studds, PP Marra
Ecography 38 (10), 1006-1014, 2015
Monitoring boreal avian populations: How can we estimate trends and trajectories from noisy data
C Roy, NL Michel, CM Handel, SL Van Wilgenburg, JC Burkhalter, ...
Avian Conservation and Ecology 14 (8), 2019
Integrating tracking and resight data enables unbiased inferences about migratory connectivity and winter range survival from archival tags
CS Rushing, AM Van Tatenhove, A Sharp, V Ruiz-Gutierrez, MC Freeman, ...
The Condor 123 (2), duab010, 2021
Reducing the conservation reliance of the endangered Kirtland's warbler through adaptive management
NW Cooper, CS Rushing, PP Marra
The Journal of Wildlife Management 83 (6), 1297-1305, 2019
Feather corticosterone levels are related to age and future body condition, but not to subsequent fitness, in a declining migratory songbird
TJ Boves, GD Fairhurst, CS Rushing, DA Buehler
Conservation Physiology 4 (1), cow041, 2016
Incorporating breeding abundance into spatial assignments on continuous surfaces
CS Rushing, PP Marra, CE Studds
Ecology and Evolution 7 (11), 3847-3855, 2017
Habitat features and long‐distance dispersal modify the use of social information by a long‐distance migratory bird
CS Rushing, MR Dudash, PP Marra
Journal of Animal Ecology 84 (6), 1469-1479, 2015
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