Xuewu Zhu
Xuewu Zhu
Потвърден имейл адрес: sdjzu.edu.cn
Ultrathin thin-film composite polyamide membranes constructed on hydrophilic poly (vinyl alcohol) decorated support toward enhanced nanofiltration performance
X Zhu, X Cheng, X Luo, Y Liu, D Xu, X Tang, Z Gan, L Yang, G Li, H Liang
Environmental Science & Technology 54 (10), 6365-6374, 2020
Ferrous iron/peroxymonosulfate oxidation as a pretreatment for ceramic ultrafiltration membrane: Control of natural organic matter fouling and degradation of atrazine
X Cheng, H Liang, A Ding, X Tang, B Liu, X Zhu, Z Gan, D Wu, G Li
Water Research 113, 32-41, 2017
Nanofiltration membranes with crumpled polyamide films: a critical review on mechanisms, performances, and environmental applications
S Shao, F Zeng, L Long, X Zhu, LE Peng, F Wang, Z Yang, CY Tang
Environmental Science & Technology 56 (18), 12811-12827, 2022
Effect of sulfate radical-based oxidation pretreatments for mitigating ceramic UF membrane fouling caused by algal extracellular organic matter
X Cheng, D Wu, H Liang, X Zhu, X Tang, Z Gan, J Xing, X Luo, G Li
Water research 145, 39-49, 2018
MXene nanosheet templated nanofiltration membranes toward ultrahigh water transport
D Xu, X Zhu, X Luo, Y Guo, Y Liu, L Yang, X Tang, G Li, H Liang
Environmental Science & Technology 55 (2), 1270-1278, 2020
Supramolecular-based regenerable coating layer of a thin-film composite nanofiltration membrane for simultaneously enhanced desalination and antifouling properties
X Zhu, H Liang, X Tang, L Bai, X Zhang, Z Gan, X Cheng, X Luo, D Xu, ...
ACS applied materials & interfaces 11 (23), 21137-21149, 2019
Application of Fe (II)/peroxymonosulfate for improving ultrafiltration membrane performance in surface water treatment: Comparison with coagulation and ozonation
X Cheng, H Liang, A Ding, X Zhu, X Tang, Z Gan, J Xing, D Wu, G Li
Water research 124, 298-307, 2017
Crumple-textured polyamide membranes via MXene nanosheet-regulated interfacial polymerization for enhanced nanofiltration performance
X Zhu, X Zhang, J Li, X Luo, D Xu, D Wu, W Wang, X Cheng, G Li, H Liang
Journal of Membrane Science 635, 119536, 2021
Toward tailoring nanofiltration performance of thin-film composite membranes: novel insights into the role of poly (vinyl alcohol) coating positions
X Zhu, Z Yang, Z Gan, X Cheng, X Tang, X Luo, D Xu, G Li, H Liang
Journal of Membrane Science 614, 118526, 2020
Ordered mesoporous cobalt containing perovskite as a high-performance heterogeneous catalyst in activation of peroxymonosulfate
X Luo, L Bai, J Xing, X Zhu, D Xu, B Xie, Z Gan, G Li, H Liang
ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 11 (39), 35720-35728, 2019
Toward enhancing desalination and heavy metal removal of TFC nanofiltration membranes: a cost-effective interface temperature-regulated interfacial polymerization
X Cheng, C Lai, J Li, W Zhou, X Zhu, Z Wang, J Ding, X Zhang, D Wu, ...
ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 13 (48), 57998-58010, 2021
Metal-polyphenol dual crosslinked graphene oxide membrane for desalination of textile wastewater
D Xu, H Liang, X Zhu, L Yang, X Luo, Y Guo, Y Liu, L Bai, G Li, X Tang
Desalination 487, 114503, 2020
Coupling sodium percarbonate (SPC) oxidation and coagulation for membrane fouling mitigation in algae-laden water treatment
X Cheng, J Lian, Z Ren, C Hou, Y Jin, L Zhang, X Zhu, C Luo, D Wu, ...
Water Research 204, 117622, 2021
In-situ covalently bonded supramolecular-based protective layer for improving chlorine resistance of thin-film composite nanofiltration membranes
X Zhu, X Cheng, J Xing, T Wang, D Xu, L Bai, X Luo, W Wang, G Li, ...
Desalination 474, 114197, 2020
Surface modification of nanofiltration membranes with zwitterions to enhance antifouling properties during brackish water treatment: A new concept of a “buffer layer”
J Ding, H Liang, X Zhu, D Xu, X Luo, Z Wang, L Bai
Journal of Membrane Science 637, 119651, 2021
Improving chlorine resistance and separation performance of thin-film composite nanofiltration membranes with in-situ grafted melamine
X Zhu, D Xu, Z Gan, X Luo, X Tang, X Cheng, L Bai, G Li, H Liang
Desalination 489, 114539, 2020
A comparison study of sand filtration and ultrafiltration in drinking water treatment: Removal of organic foulants and disinfection by-product formation
D Xu, L Bai, X Tang, D Niu, X Luo, X Zhu, G Li, H Liang
Science of the Total Environment 691, 322-331, 2019
Secondary wastewater treatment using peroxymonosulfate activated by a carbon nanofiber supported Co3O4 (Co3O4@ CNF) catalyst combined with ultrafiltration
Q Fan, X Cheng, X Zhu, C Luo, H Ren, D Wu, H Liang
Separation and Purification Technology 287, 120579, 2022
Synergistic process using calcium peroxide and ferrous iron for enhanced ultrafiltration of Microcystis aeruginosa-laden water
X Cheng, C Hou, H Gao, P Li, X Zhu, C Luo, L Zhang, Y Jin, D Wu, ...
Water Research 211, 118067, 2022
Gravity-driven membrane filtration treating manganese-contaminated surface water: flux stabilization and removal performance
X Tang, B Xie, R Chen, J Wang, K Huang, X Zhu, G Li, H Liang
Chemical Engineering Journal 397, 125248, 2020
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