Liat Tikotzky
Parenting and infant sleep
A Sadeh, L Tikotzky, A Scher
Sleep medicine reviews 14 (2), 89-96, 2010
Infant sleep and parental sleep-related cognitions.
A Sadeh, E Flint-Ofir, T Tirosh, L Tikotzky
Journal of family psychology 21 (1), 74, 2007
Sleep patterns and sleep disruptions in kindergarten children
L Tikotzky, A Sadeh
Journal of Clinical Child Psychology 30 (4), 581-591, 2001
Maternal sleep‐related cognitions and infant sleep: A longitudinal study from pregnancy through the 1st Year
L Tikotzky, A Sadeh
Child development 80 (3), 860-874, 2009
Sleep and physical growth in infants during the first 6 months
L Tikotzky, G De Marcas, J HAR‐TOOV, S Dollberg, Y BAR‐HAIM, ...
Journal of sleep research 19 (1‐Part‐I), 103-110, 2010
Infant sleep and paternal involvement in infant caregiving during the first 6 months of life
L Tikotzky, A Sadeh, T Glickman-Gavrieli
Journal of Pediatric Psychology 36 (1), 36-46, 2010
Sleep in infancy and childhood: implications for emotional and behavioral difficulties in adolescence and beyond
A Sadeh, L Tikotzky, M Kahn
Current opinion in psychiatry 27 (6), 453-459, 2014
Infant sleep predicts attention regulation and behavior problems at 3–4 years of age
A Sadeh, G De Marcas, Y Guri, A Berger, L Tikotzky, Y Bar-Haim
Developmental Neuropsychology 40 (3), 122-137, 2015
VII. Infant sleep development from 3 to 6 months postpartum: Links with maternal sleep and paternal involvement
L Tikotzky, A Sadeh, E Volkovich, R Manber, G Meiri, G Shahar
Monographs of the Society for Research in Child Development 80 (1), 107-124, 2015
Infant sleep, parental sleep and parenting stress in families of mothers on maternity leave and in families of working mothers
D Sinai, L Tikotzky
Infant Behavior and Development 35 (2), 179-186, 2012
The role of cognitive–behavioral therapy in behavioral childhood insomnia
L Tikotzky, A Sadeh
Sleep Medicine 11 (7), 686-691, 2010
Postpartum maternal sleep, maternal depressive symptoms and self-perceived mother–infant emotional relationship
L Tikotzky
Behavioral Sleep Medicine 14 (1), 5-22, 2016
Sleep patterns of co-sleeping and solitary sleeping infants and mothers: a longitudinal study
E Volkovich, H Ben-Zion, D Karny, G Meiri, L Tikotzky
Sleep medicine 16 (11), 1305-1312, 2015
Young children's reactions to war-related stress: A survey and assessment of an innovative intervention
A Sadeh, S Hen-Gal, L Tikotzky
Pediatrics 121 (1), 46-53, 2008
Maternal perceptions of sleep problems among children and mothers during the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID‐19) pandemic in Israel
G Zreik, K Asraf, I Haimov, L Tikotzky
Journal of Sleep Research, e13201, 2020
Objective and subjective sleep during pregnancy: links with depressive and anxiety symptoms
E Volkovich, L Tikotzky, R Manber
Archives of women's mental health 19, 173-181, 2016
Infant sleep and early parental sleep-related cognitions predict sleep in pre-school children
L Tikotzky, L Shaashua
Sleep medicine 13 (2), 185-192, 2012
Parenting and sleep in early childhood
L Tikotzky
Current Opinion in psychology 15, 118-124, 2017
Low parental tolerance for infant crying: an underlying factor in infant sleep problems?
A Sadeh, M Juda‐Hanael, E Livne‐Karp, M Kahn, L Tikotzky, TF Anders, ...
Journal of sleep research 25 (5), 501-507, 2016
Sleep, screen time and behaviour problems in preschool children: an actigraphy study
M Kahn, O Schnabel, M Gradisar, GS Rozen, M Slone, N Atzaba-Poria, ...
European Child & Adolescent Psychiatry 30, 1793-1802, 2021
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