Sebastián Aguiar
Sebastián Aguiar
IFEVA (FAUBA/CONICET) & Humboldt University, Berlin
Потвърден имейл адрес: agro.uba.ar
Global agricultural productivity is threatened by increasing pollinator dependence without a parallel increase in crop diversification
MA Aizen, S Aguiar, JC Biesmeijer, LA Garibaldi, DW Inouye, C Jung, ...
Global change biology 25 (10), 3516-3527, 2019
¿ Cuál es la situación de la Ley de Bosques en la Región Chaqueña a diez años de su sanción?: Revisar su pasado para discutir su futuro
S Aguiar, ME Mastrangelo, MA García Collazo, GH Camba Sans, ...
Ecología Austral 28 (2), 400-417, 2018
Presiones sobre la conservación asociadas al uso de la tierra en las ecorregiones terrestres de la Argentina
AS Nanni, M Piquer Rodríguez, MD Rodriguez, MM Núñez Regueiro, ...
Asociación Argentina de Ecología, 2020
Assessing the effectiveness of a land zoning policy in the Dry Chaco. The Case of Santiago del Estero, Argentina
GHC Sans, S Aguiar, M Vallejos, JM Paruelo
Land Use Policy 70, 313-321, 2018
Elementos conceptuales y metodológicos para la Evaluación de Impactos Ambientales Acumulativos (EIAAc) en bosques subtropicales: El caso del este de Salta, Argentina
JM Paruelo, SR Verón, JN Volante, L Seghezzo, M Vallejos, S Aguiar, ...
Ecología austral 21 (2), 163-178, 2011
The sign and magnitude of tree–grass interaction along a global environmental gradient
N Mazía, J Moyano, L Perez, S Aguiar, LA Garibaldi, T Schlichter
Global Ecology and Biogeography 25 (12), 1510-1519, 2016
Global changes in crop diversity: trade rather than production enriches supply
S Aguiar, M Texeira, LA Garibaldi, EG Jobbágy
Global Food Security 26, 100385, 2020
Conflictos por la tenencia de la tierra en la provincia de Santiago Del Estero. Su relación con los cambios en el uso de la tierra
S Aguiar, M Texeira, JM Paruelo, M Román
Román M, González MC, coordinadores. Transformaciones agrarias argentinas …, 2016
Are ecological modernization narratives useful for understanding and steering social-ecological change in the Argentine Chaco?
ME Mastrangelo, S Aguiar
Sustainability 11 (13), 3593, 2019
The law is spider's web: An assessment of illegal deforestation in the Argentine Dry Chaco ten years after the enactment of the “Forest Law”
M Vallejos, GHC Sans, S Aguiar, ME Mastrángelo, JM Paruelo
Environmental Development 38, 100611, 2021
Social-ecological functional types: connecting people and ecosystems in the Argentine Chaco
M Vallejos, S Aguiar, G Baldi, ME Mastrangelo, F Gallego, ...
Ecosystems 23, 471-484, 2020
Impronta ambiental de la agricultura de granos en Argentina: revisando desafíos propios y ajenos
E Jobbágy, S Aguiar, G Piñeiro, LA Garibaldi
Asociación Civil Ciencia Hoy, 2021
Subnational institutions and power of landholders drive illegal deforestation in a major commodity production frontier
D Blum, S Aguiar, Z Sun, D Müller, A Alvarez, I Aguirre, S Domingo, ...
Global Environmental Change 74, 102511, 2022
Instrumentos económicos basados en mercados para la conservación de la biodiversidad y los servicios ecosistémicos en Latinoamérica:¿ panacea o rueda cuadrada?
S Aguiar, G Camba Sans, JM Paruelo
Ecología austral 27 (1), 146-161, 2017
Roads and land tenure mediate the effects of precipitation on forest cover change in the Argentine Dry Chaco
S Aguiar, ME Mastrángelo, M Texeira, P Meyfroidt, JN Volante, ...
Land use policy 112, 105806, 2022
Transformative governance for linking forest and landscape restoration to human well-being in Latin America
S Aguiar, ME Mastrángelo, PHS Brancalion, P Meli
Ecosystems and People 17 (1), 523-538, 2021
Global patterns of rainfall partitioning by invasive woody plants
JI Whitworth‐Hulse, PN Magliano, SR Zeballos, S Aguiar, G Baldi
Global Ecology and Biogeography 30 (1), 235-246, 2021
Environmental footprints of meat, milk and egg production in Argentina
EM Arrieta, S Aguiar, CG Fischer, A Cuchietti, DA Cabrol, AD González, ...
Journal of Cleaner Production 347, 131325, 2022
The health, environmental, and economic dimensions of future dietary transitions in Argentina
EM Arrieta, CG Fischer, S Aguiar, M Geri, RJ Fernández, JB Coquet, ...
Sustainability Science, 1-17, 2022
Past and present effects of habitat amount and fragmentation per se on plant species richness, composition and traits in a deforestation hotspot
C Herrero-Jáuregui, GC Sans, DM Andries, S Aguiar, L Fahrig, ...
Biological Conservation 276, 109815, 2022
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