Sur les équations d’Halphen et les actions de A Guillot
Publications Mathématiques de l'IHÉS 105, 221-294, 2007
55 2007 Semicompleteness of homogeneous quadratic vector fields A Guillot
Annales de l'institut Fourier 56 (5), 1583-1615, 2006
39 2006 Semicomplete meromorphic vector fields on complex surfaces A Guillot, J Rebelo
Journal für die reine und angewandte Mathematik (Crelles Journal) 2012 (667 …, 2012
34 2012 Un théorème de point fixe pour les endomorphismes de l’espace projectif avec des applications aux feuilletages algébriques A Guillot
Bulletin of the Brazilian Mathematical Society 35, 345-362, 2004
27 2004 Sur les exemples de Lins Neto de feuilletages algébriques A Guillot
Comptes Rendus Mathematique 334 (9), 747-750, 2002
19 2002 Singular sets of holonomy maps for algebraic foliations G Calsamiglia, B Deroin, A Guillot, S Frankel
Journal of the European Mathematical Society 15 (3), 1067-1099, 2013
17 2013 Quasihomogeneous analytic affine connections on surfaces S Dumitrescu, A Guillot
Journal of Topology and Analysis 5 (04), 491-532, 2013
16 2013 The Painlevé property for quasihomogenous systems and a many-body problem in the plane A Guillot
Communications in mathematical physics 256 (1), 181-194, 2005
14 2005 The geometry of Chazy's homogeneous third-order differential equations A Guillot
Funkcialaj Ekvacioj 55 (1), 67-87, 2012
13 2012 Champs quadratiques uniformisables A Guillot
Lyon, École normale supérieure (sciences), 2001
12 2001 Quadratic differential equations in three variables without multivalued solutions: Part I A Guillot
SIGMA. Symmetry, Integrability and Geometry: Methods and Applications 14, 122, 2018
9 2018 Some generalizations of Halphen's equations A Guillot
Osaka Journal of Mathematics 48 (4), 1085-1094, 2011
9 2011 Meromorphic vector fields with single-valued solutions on complex surfaces A Guillot
Advances in Mathematics 354, 106742, 2019
8 2019 A classification of locally homogeneous affine connections on compact surfaces A Guillot, A Sánchez Godinez
Annals of Global Analysis and Geometry 46, 335-349, 2014
8 2014 A further solvable three-body problem in the plane F Calogero, JP Françoise, A Guillot
Journal of Mathematical Physics 44 (11), 5159-5165, 2003
8 2003 Foliated affine and projective structures B Deroin, A Guillot
Compositio Mathematica 159 (6), 1153-1187, 2023
6 2023 Vector fields, separatrices and Kato surfaces A Guillot
Annales de l'institut Fourier 64 (3), 1331-1361, 2014
6 2014 On the Multipliers at Fixed Points of Quadratic Self-Maps of the Projective Plane with an Invariant Line A Guillot, V Ramírez
Computational Methods and Function Theory 19 (4), 687-716, 2019
5 2019 Complex differential equations and geometric structures on curves A Guillot
Geometrical Themes Inspired by the N-body Problem, 1-47, 2018
5 2018 Further Riccati differential equations with elliptic coefficients and meromorphic solutions A Guillot
Journal of Nonlinear Mathematical Physics 25 (3), 497-508, 2018
4 2018