Amanda C Jones
Amanda C Jones
Потвърден имейл адрес: otago.ac.nz
Impact of sugar‐sweetened beverage taxes on purchases and dietary intake: Systematic review and meta‐analysis
AM Teng, AC Jones, A Mizdrak, L Signal, M Genç, N Wilson
Obesity Reviews 20 (9), 1187-1204, 2019
Taxes and front-of-package labels improve the healthiness of beverage and snack purchases: a randomized experimental marketplace
RB Acton, AC Jones, SI Kirkpatrick, CA Roberto, D Hammond
International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity 16, 1-15, 2019
Beverage consumption and energy intake among Canadians: analyses of 2004 and 2015 national dietary intake data
AC Jones, SI Kirkpatrick, D Hammond
Nutrition journal 18, 1-14, 2019
Assessing research activity on priority interventions for non-communicable disease prevention in low-and middle-income countries: a bibliometric analysis
AC Jones, R Geneau
Global health action 5 (1), 18847, 2012
Top dietary sources of energy, sodium, sugars, and saturated fats among Canadians: Insights from the 2015 Canadian Community Health Survey
SI Kirkpatrick, A Raffoul, KM Lee, AC Jones
Applied Physiology, Nutrition, and Metabolism 44 (6), 650-658, 2019
The health and economic impact of a tax on sugary drinks in Canada
AC Jones, JL Veerman, D Hammond
Waterloo (ON): University of Waterloo, 2017
The health and financial impacts of a sugary drink tax across different income groups in Canada
KE Kao, AC Jones, A Ohinmaa, M Paulden
Economics & Human Biology 38, 100869, 2020
Evaluation of the online beverage frequency questionnaire (BFQ)
L Vanderlee, JL Reid, CM White, EP Hobin, RB Acton, AC Jones, ...
Nutrition Journal 17, 1-10, 2018
Trends in sugary drinks in Canada, 2004 to 2015: a comparison of market sales and dietary intake data
CD Czoli, AC Jones, D Hammond
Public health nutrition 22 (15), 2723-2728, 2019
Where should we eat? Lunch source and dietary measures among youth during the school week
AC Jones, D Hammond, JL Reid, ST Leatherdale
Canadian Journal of Dietetic Practice and Research 76 (4), 157-165, 2015
Food taxes and subsidies to protect health: relevance to Aotearoa New Zealand.
N Wilson, LT Morenga, S Mackay, S Gerritsen, C Cleghorn, AC Jones, ...
Politicians: please work together to minimise the spread of COVID-19 133 (1511), 2020
‘How many calories did I just eat?’An experimental study examining the effect of changes to serving size information on nutrition labels
AC Jones, L Vanderlee, CM White, EP Hobin, I Bordes, D Hammond
Public Health Nutrition 19 (16), 2959-2964, 2016
Predicting the potential health and economic impact of a sugary drink tax in Canada: a modelling study
AC Jones
University of Waterloo, 2018
Epidemiology of major disasters in New Zealand as revealed by disaster memorials
N Wilson, AC Jones, G Rice, G Thomson
The New Zealand Medical Journal (Online) 132 (1507), 104-107, 2019
Feasible diet intervention options to improve health and save costs for the New Zealand population
C Cleghorn, T Blakely, A Jones, G Kvizhinadze, A Mizdrak, N Nghiem, ...
An Occasional Report Prepared by the BODE3Team, 2019
Preventing cardiovascular disease in New Zealand: making better use of statins but also tobacco control, changing the food supply and other strategies
N Wilson, AC Jones, N Nghiem, T Blakely
The New Zealand Medical Journal (Online) 131 (1484), 61-67, 2018
Exploring Ugandan secondary school students’ sexual health education needs and developing school-based sexual health interventions through participatory action research
AC Jones
A public health perspective on taxing harmful products
N Wilson, T Blakely, A Jones, L Cobiac, N Nghiem, A Mizdrak, C Cleghorn
Setting the record straight on taxation and disparities in smoking
D Hammond, JL Reid, AC Jones
CMAJ 190 (32), E964-E964, 2018
Artificially sweetened beverages: What does the latest evidence tell us on health benefits versus harm?
C Cleghorn, A Jones, A Teng, T Blakely, N Wilson
Public Health Expert Briefing, 2018
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