Atefeh Vafaie
Chemo-hydro-mechanical effects of CO2 injection on reservoir and seal rocks: A review on laboratory experiments
A Vafaie, J Cama, JM Soler, IR Kivi, V Vilarrasa
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 178, 113270, 2023
Experimental investigation of the pore structure characteristics of the Garau gas shale formation in the Lurestan Basin, Iran
A Vafaie, B Habibnia, SA Moallemi
Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering 27, 432-442, 2015
Permeability prediction in tight gas reservoirs based on pore structure characteristics: A case study from South Western Iran
A Vafaie, IR Kivi, SA Moallemi, B Habibnia
Unconventional Resources 1, 9-17, 2021
An investigation on the effect of thermal maturity and rock composition on the mechanical behavior of carbonaceous shale formations
A Vafaie, IR Kivi
Marine and Petroleum Geology 116, 104315, 2020
Chemo-hydro-mechanical effects of CO2 injection into a permeable limestone
A Vafaie, J Cama, JM Soler, D Grgic, V Vilarrasa
International Journal of Coal Geology 278, 104359, 2023
Effect of CO2-rich water injection on the hydromechanical properties of Pont Du Gard limestone
A Vafaie, J Cama, JM Soler
EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, EGU22-2970, 2022
A 3D Darcy-scale reactive transport modeling of experimental wormhole formation in limestone under geological CO2 storage conditions
A Vafaie, JM Soler, J Cama, IR Kivi, V Vilarrasa
EarthArXiv, 2024
Tracking signatures of chaotic mixing in porous media using high-resolution tomography
JH Atefeh Vafaie, Iman R. Kivi, Sojwal Manoorkar, Francesco Gomez, Marc ...
7th Interpore UK Chapter Meeting, 2024
A MATLAB approach for developing digital rock models of heterogeneous limestones for reactive transport modeling
A Vafaie, JM Soler, J Cama, IR Kivi, V Vilarrasa
Geologica Acta 22, 1-14, 2024
What controls the development of heterogenous dissolution patterns in carbonate rocks?
A Vafaie, JM Soler, J Cama, IR Kivi, S Krevor, V Vilarrasa
EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, 2217, 2024
Numerical models for simulating reactive flow of HCl and CO2-rich water in cm-scale limestone samples [Dataset]
A Vafaie, JM Soler, J Cama, IR Kivi, V Vilarrasa
Experimental study of coupled hydro-chemo-mechanical processes of CO2 injection into a low-permeability sandstone
IR Kivi, D Grgic, M Moumni, A Vafaie, J Carrera, S Krevor, V Vilarrasa
Factors controlling acid interactions with carbonate rocks.
A Vafaie, J Cama, JM Soler, D Grgic, IR Kivi, S Krevor, V Vilarrasa
Changes in chemo-hydro-mechanical properties of limestone in contact with CO2-rich water
A Vafaie, J Cama, JM Soler, C Morlot, V Vilarrasa
Experimental and numerical study of chemo-hydro-mechanical effects of CO2 injection on permeable limestone
A Vafaie
Universitat de Barcelona. Facultat de Ciències de la Terra, 2023
Effect of CO2-rich water injection on hydromechanical properties of a grain-supported limestone sample: laboratory experiment and numerical modeling
A Vafaie, J Cama, J M Soler
Seminario Grupo Hidrología Subterránea-Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya …, 2022
3D reactive transport modeling of laboratory-scale CO2 injection in limestone leading to wormhole formation
A Vafaie, J Cama, J M Soler
Interpore 2022, ‎, Khalifa University, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates‎, 2022
[CODE] A MATLAB code for digitized reconstruction of the rock porosity distribution from Computed Tomography (CT) images
A Vafaie, JM Soler, J Cama, IR Kivi, V Vilarrasa
http://hdl.handle.net/10261/284837, 2022
Percolation experiments to study the impact of acidic solutions on porous limestones in the context of CO2 storage
A Vafaie, J Cama, J M Soler
Interpore Spanish Chapter, Valencia, Spain, 2021
Laboratory measurements of the hydraulic-geochemical-mechanical properties of a limestone during injection of CO 2-rich water under CO 2 supercritical conditions
A Vafaie, J Cama, JM Soler
Goldschmidt2021• Virtual• 4-9 July, 2021
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