Dr. Martin B. Kalinowski
Dr. Martin B. Kalinowski
Senior Nuclear Scientist, ISTI, Vienna, Austria
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Discrimination of nuclear explosions against civilian sources based on atmospheric xenon isotopic activity ratios
MB Kalinowski, A Axelsson, M Bean, X Blanchard, TW Bowyer, G Brachet, ...
Pure and Applied Geophysics 167 (4), 517-539, 2010
Atmospheric transport modelling in support of CTBT verification—Overview and basic concepts
G Wotawa, LE De Geer, P Denier, M Kalinowski, H Toivonen, R D’Amours, ...
Atmospheric Environment 37 (18), 2529-2537, 2003
Global radioxenon emission inventory based on nuclear power reactor reports
MB Kalinowski, MP Tuma
Journal of Environmental Radioactivity 100 (1), 58-70, 2009
Isotopic signature of atmospheric xenon released from light water reactors
MB Kalinowski, C Pistner
Journal of environmental radioactivity 88 (3), 215-235, 2006
A new compilation of the atmospheric 85 krypton inventories from 1945 to 2000 and its evaluation in a global transport model
K Winger, J Feichter, MB Kalinowski, H Sartorius, C Schlosser
Journal of environmental radioactivity 80 (2), 183-215, 2005
Computation and Analysis of the Global Distribution of the Radioxenon Isotope 133Xe based on Emissions from Nuclear Power Plants and Radioisotope …
G Wotawa, A Becker, M Kalinowski, P Saey, M Tuma, M Zähringer
Pure and Applied Geophysics 167 (4), 541-557, 2010
Computation and Analysis of the Global Distribution of the Radioxenon Isotope 133Xe based on Emissions from Nuclear Power Plants and Radioisotope …
G Wotawa, A Becker, M Kalinowski, P Saey, M Tuma, M Zähringer
Pure and Applied Geophysics 167 (4), 541-557, 2010
Computation and Analysis of the Global Distribution of the Radioxenon Isotope 133Xe based on Emissions from Nuclear Power Plants and Radioisotope …
G Wotawa, A Becker, M Kalinowski, P Saey, M Tuma, M Zähringer
Pure and Applied Geophysics 167 (4), 541-557, 2010
Update and improvement of the global krypton-85 emission inventory
J Ahlswede, S Hebel, JO Ross, R Schoetter, MB Kalinowski
Journal of Environmental Radioactivity 115, 34-42, 2013
Characterisation of prompt and delayed atmospheric radioactivity releases from underground nuclear tests at Nevada as a function of release time
MB Kalinowski
Journal of environmental radioactivity 102 (9), 824-836, 2011
Environmental radioxenon levels in Europe: a comprehensive overview
PRJ Saey, C Schlosser, P Achim, M Auer, A Axelsson, A Becker, ...
Pure and Applied Geophysics 167 (4), 499-515, 2010
International control of tritium to prevent horizontal proliferation and to foster nuclear disarmament
MB Kalinowski, LC Colschen
Science & Global Security 5 (2), 131-203, 1995
World-wide seasonal variation of 7Be related to large-scale atmospheric circulation dynamics
L Terzi, M Kalinowski
Journal of environmental radioactivity 178 (179), 1-15, 2017
Conclusions on plutonium separation from atmospheric krypton-85 measured at various distances from the Karlsruhe reprocessing plant
MB Kalinowski, H Sartorius, S Uhl, W Weiss
Journal of environmental radioactivity 73 (2), 203-222, 2004
Setting the baseline for estimated background observations at IMS systems of four radioxenon isotopes in 2014
C Gueibe, MB Kalinowski, J Baré, A Gheddou, M Krysta, ...
Journal of Environmental Radioactivity 178, 297-314, 2017
International challenge to model the long-range transport of radioxenon released from medical isotope production to six Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty monitoring stations
C Maurer, J Baré, J Kusmierczyk-Michulec, A Crawford, PW Eslinger, ...
Journal of environmental radioactivity 192, 667-686, 2018
International control of tritium for nuclear nonproliferation and disarmament
MB Kalinowski
CRC Press, 2004
A review of the developments of radioxenon detectors for nuclear explosion monitoring
CB Sivels, JI McIntyre, TW Bowyer, MB Kalinowski, SA Pozzi
Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry 314, 829-841, 2017
Fast and accurate dating of nuclear events using La-140/Ba-140 isotopic activity ratio
K Yamba, O Sanogo, MB Kalinowski, M Nikkinen, J Koulidiati
Applied Radiation and Isotopes 112, 141-146, 2016
Simulation of atmospheric krypton-85 transport to assess the detectability of clandestine nuclear reprocessing
O Ross
Hamburg University Hamburg, 2010
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