Alexander L. Dubov
Alexander L. Dubov
A. N. Frumkin Institute of Physical Chemistry and Electrochemistry, RAS
Потвърден имейл адрес: nanofluidics.phys.msu.ru
Superhydrophobic textures for microfluidics
OI Vinogradova, AL Dubov
Mendeleev Communications 22 (5), 229-236, 2012
Inertial focusing of finite-size particles in microchannels
ES Asmolov, AL Dubov, TV Nizkaya, J Harting, OI Vinogradova
Journal of fluid mechanics 840, 613-630, 2018
Contact angle hysteresis on superhydrophobic stripes
AL Dubov, A Mourran, M Möller, OI Vinogradova
The Journal of chemical physics 141 (7), 2014
Principles of transverse flow fractionation of microparticles in superhydrophobic channels
ES Asmolov, AL Dubov, TV Nizkaya, AJC Kuehne, OI Vinogradova
Lab on a Chip 15 (13), 2835-2841, 2015
New environmental nontoxic agents for the preparation of core-shell magnetic nanoparticles
AE Chekanova, TA Sorkina, AL Dubov, VN Nikiforov, GA Davydova, ...
Mendeleev Communications 19 (2), 72-74, 2009
Superhydrophobic silica surfaces: fabrication and stability
AL Dubov, K Perez-Toralla, A Letailleur, E Barthel, J Teisseire
Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering 23 (12), 125013, 2013
Elastic instability and contact angles on hydrophobic surfaces with periodic textures
AL Dubov, J Teisseire, E Barthel
Europhysics Letters 97 (2), 26003, 2012
Regimes of wetting transitions on superhydrophobic textures conditioned by energy of receding contact lines
AL Dubov, A Mourran, M Möller, OI Vinogradova
Applied Physics Letters 106 (24), 2015
Probing effective slippage on superhydrophobic stripes by atomic force microscopy
TV Nizkaya, AL Dubov, A Mourran, OI Vinogradova
Soft Matter 12 (33), 6910-6917, 2016
Lattice-Boltzmann simulations of the drag force on a sphere approaching a superhydrophobic striped plane
AL Dubov, S Schmieschek, ES Asmolov, J Harting, OI Vinogradova
The Journal of Chemical Physics 140 (3), 2014
Boundary conditions at the gas sectors of superhydrophobic grooves
AL Dubov, TV Nizkaya, ES Asmolov, OI Vinogradova
Physical Review Fluids 3 (1), 014002, 2018
Continuous electroosmotic sorting of particles in grooved microchannels
AL Dubov, TY Molotilin, OI Vinogradova
Soft Matter 13 (41), 7498-7504, 2017
Your organisation
MY Melnikov, EM Budynina, OA Ivanova, IV Trushkov, YA Dyadin, ...
Mendeleev Commun 21 (6), 293-301, 2011
Soluble microcapsules for non-toxic magnetic fluids
AE Chekanova, AL Dubov, EA Goodilin, EA Eremina, A Birkner, ...
Mendeleev Communications 19 (1), 4-6, 2009
Humic acid-stabilized superparamagnetic maghemite nanoparticles: Surface charge and embryotoxicity evaluation
AE Goldt, AY Polyakov, TA Sorkina, AL Dubov, GA Davidova, II Selezneva, ...
Наносистемы: физика, химия, математика 10 (2), 184-189, 2019
Humic substances as stabilizing agents for superparamagnetic nanoparticles
A Chekanova, T Sorkina, A Dubov, E Goodilin, N Kulikova, I Perminova
Proceedings of the 14 th International Meeting of the International Humic …, 2008
Inertial Focusing of Slightly Non-Neutrally Buoyant Finite-Size Particles in Microchannels
AL Dubov, TV Nizkaya, J Harting, OI Vinogradova, ES Asmolov
arXiv preprint arXiv:1706.09636, 2017
Abstracted/indexed in: Analytical Abstracts, Beilstein, CAB Abstracts, Chemical Abstracts, CASREACT, Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology Abstracts, Current Contents …
MI Abdullin, NS Aleksandrova, MY Antipin, IM Aref’ev, GN Baeva, F Bailly, ...
Wetting and Hydrodynamic Properties of Anisotropic Superhydrophobic Textures
AL Dubov, OI Vinogradova
Controlling wetting through surface engineering
A Gauthier, M Rivetti, A Dubov, KP Toralla, E Barthel, J Teisseire
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