Edwin Sutanudjaja
Edwin Sutanudjaja
Utrecht University - Department of Physical Geography
Потвърден имейл адрес: uu.nl
Environmental flow limits to global groundwater pumping
IEM de Graaf, T Gleeson, LPH Van Beek, EH Sutanudjaja, MFP Bierkens
Nature 574 (7776), 90-94, 2019
PCR-GLOBWB 2: a 5 arcmin global hydrological and water resources model
EH Sutanudjaja, R Van Beek, N Wanders, Y Wada, JHC Bosmans, ...
Geoscientific Model Development 11 (6), 2429-2453, 2018
Hyper-resolution global hydrological modelling: what is next?
MFP Bierkens, VA Bell, P Burek, N Chaney, LE Condon, CH David, A Roo, ...
Hydrological processes 29 (2), 2015
A global-scale two-layer transient groundwater model: Development and application to groundwater depletion
IEM de Graaf, RLPH van Beek, T Gleeson, N Moosdorf, O Schmitz, ...
Advances in water Resources 102, 53-67, 2017
A high-resolution global-scale groundwater model
IEM de Graaf, EH Sutanudjaja, LPH Van Beek, MFP Bierkens
Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 19 (2), 823-837, 2015
Calibration of a large-scale hydrological model using satellite-based soil moisture and evapotranspiration products
P López López, EH Sutanudjaja, J Schellekens, G Sterk, MFP Bierkens
Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 21 (6), 3125-3144, 2017
Aqueduct 3.0: Updated decision-relevant global water risk indicators
RW Hofste, S Kuzma, S Walker, EH Sutanudjaja, MFP Bierkens, M Kuijper, ...
World Resources Institute 784, 2019
Calibrating a large‐extent high‐resolution coupled groundwater‐land surface model using soil moisture and discharge data
EH Sutanudjaja, LPH Van Beek, SM De Jong, FC Van Geer, ...
Water Resources Research 50 (1), 687-705, 2014
Toward seamless hydrologic predictions across spatial scales
L Samaniego, R Kumar, S Thober, O Rakovec, M Zink, N Wanders, ...
Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 21 (9), 4323-4346, 2017
PCR-GLOBWB 2: a 5 arcmin global hydrological and water resources model, Geosci. Model Dev., 11, 2429–2453
EH Sutanudjaja, R Van Beek, N Wanders, Y Wada, JHC Bosmans, ...
Comparison of groundwater storage changes from GRACE satellites with monitoring and modeling of major US aquifers
A Rateb, BR Scanlon, DR Pool, A Sun, Z Zhang, J Chen, B Clark, ...
Water resources research 56 (12), e2020WR027556, 2020
Hydrological impacts of global land cover change and human water use
JHC Bosmans, LPH van Beek, EH Sutanudjaja, MFP Bierkens
Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 21 (11), 5603-5626, 2017
Large-scale groundwater modeling using global datasets: a test case for the Rhine-Meuse basin
EH Sutanudjaja, LPH van Beek, SM de Jong, FC van Geer, MFP Bierkens
Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 15, 2913-2935, 2011
Common irrigation drivers of freshwater salinisation in river basins worldwide
J Thorslund, MFP Bierkens, GHP Oude Essink, EH Sutanudjaja, ...
Nature Communications 12 (1), 4232, 2021
Using high resolution tracer data to constrain water storage, flux and age estimates in a spatially distributed rainfall‐runoff model
MHJ Van Huijgevoort, D Tetzlaff, EH Sutanudjaja, C Soulsby
Hydrological Processes 30 (25), 4761-4778, 2016
Long-term, non-anthropogenic groundwater storage changes simulated by three global-scale hydrological models
B Li, M Rodell, J Sheffield, E Wood, E Sutanudjaja
Scientific Reports 9 (1), 10746, 2019
Improved large-scale hydrological modelling through the assimilation of streamflow and downscaled satellite soil moisture observations
P López López, N Wanders, J Schellekens, LJ Renzullo, EH Sutanudjaja, ...
Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 20 (7), 3059-3076, 2016
Projections of salt intrusion in a mega-delta under climatic and anthropogenic stressors
S Eslami, P Hoekstra, PSJ Minderhoud, NN Trung, JM Hoch, ...
Communications Earth & Environment 2 (1), 142, 2021
Assessing total water storage and identifying flood events over Tonlé Sap basin in Cambodia using GRACE and MODIS satellite observations combined with hydrological models
N Tangdamrongsub, PG Ditmar, SC Steele-Dunne, BC Gunter, ...
Remote Sensing of Environment 181, 162-173, 2016
Aqueduct floods methodology
PJ Ward, HC Winsemius, S Kuzma, MFP Bierkens, A Bouwman, ...
World Resources Institute 1, 2020
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