Christian Hasse
Christian Hasse
TU Darmstadt, Simulation of reactive Thermo-Fluid Systeme
Потвърден имейл адрес: stfs.tu-darmstadt.de
IJER editorial: The future of the internal combustion engine
RD Reitz, H Ogawa, R Payri, T Fansler, S Kokjohn, Y Moriyoshi, ...
International Journal of Engine Research 21 (1), 3-10, 2020
The role of hydrogen for future internal combustion engines
A Onorati, R Payri, BM Vaglieco, AK Agarwal, C Bae, G Bruneaux, ...
International Journal of Engine Research 23 (4), 529-540, 2022
A two mixture fraction flamelet model applied to split injections in a DI diesel engine
C Hasse, N Peters
Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 30 (2), 2755-2762, 2005
Simulation of combustion in direct injection diesel engines using a eulerian particle flamelet model
H Barths, C Hasse, G Bikas, N Peters
Proceedings of the combustion Institute 28 (1), 1161-1168, 2000
Towards comprehensive coal combustion modelling for LES
OT Stein, G Olenik, A Kronenburg, F Cavallo Marincola, BM Franchetti, ...
Flow, turbulence and combustion 90, 859-884, 2013
Quenching of laminar iso-octane flames at cold walls
C Hasse, M Bollig, N Peters, HA Dwyer
Combustion and flame 122 (1-2), 117-129, 2000
Simulation of entrained flow gasification with advanced coal conversion submodels. Part 1: Pyrolysis
M Vascellari, R Arora, M Pollack, C Hasse
Fuel 113, 654-669, 2013
Computational fluid dynamics modelling of non-premixed combustion in direct injection diesel engines
H Barths, C Hasse, N Peters
International Journal of Engine Research 1 (3), 249-267, 2000
Numerical investigation of cyclic variations in gasoline engines using a hybrid URANS/LES modeling approach
C Hasse, V Sohm, B Durst
Computers & Fluids 39 (1), 25-48, 2010
Development of an ethanol combustion mechanism based on a hierarchical optimization approach
C Olm, T Varga, É Valkó, S Hartl, C Hasse, T Turányi
International Journal of Chemical Kinetics 48 (8), 423-441, 2016
Iron as a sustainable chemical carrier of renewable energy: Analysis of opportunities and challenges for retrofitting coal-fired power plants
P Debiagi, RC Rocha, A Scholtissek, J Janicka, C Hasse
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 165, 112579, 2022
An extended flamelet model for multiple injections in DI Diesel engines
C Felsch, M Gauding, C Hasse, S Vogel, N Peters
Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 32 (2), 2775-2783, 2009
Advanced modeling approaches for CFD simulations of coal combustion and gasification
C Hasse, P Debiagi, X Wen, K Hildebrandt, M Vascellari, T Faravelli
Progress in Energy and Combustion Science 86, 100938, 2021
Flamelet modeling of coal particle ignition
M Vascellari, H Xu, C Hasse
Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 34 (2), 2445-2452, 2013
Modeling soot formation in premixed flames using an extended conditional quadrature method of moments
S Salenbauch, A Cuoci, A Frassoldati, C Saggese, T Faravelli, C Hasse
Combustion and Flame 162 (6), 2529-2543, 2015
Large Eddy Simulation of coal combustion in a large-scale laboratory furnace
M Rabacal, BM Franchetti, FC Marincola, F Proch, M Costa, C Hasse, ...
Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 35 (3), 3609-3617, 2015
The influence of non-ideal vapor–liquid equilibrium on the evaporation of ethanol/iso-octane droplets
A Bader, P Keller, C Hasse
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 64, 547-558, 2013
LES flamelet-progress variable modeling and measurements of a turbulent partially-premixed dimethyl ether jet flame
S Popp, F Hunger, S Hartl, D Messig, B Coriton, JH Frank, F Fuest, ...
Combustion and Flame 162 (8), 3016-3029, 2015
Probability density function approach coupled with detailed chemical kinetics for the prediction of knock in turbocharged direct injection spark ignition engines
D Linse, A Kleemann, C Hasse
Combustion and Flame 161 (4), 997-1014, 2014
Wall heat fluxes and CO formation/oxidation during laminar and turbulent side-wall quenching of methane and DME flames
H Kosaka, F Zentgraf, A Scholtissek, L Bischoff, T Häber, R Suntz, B Albert, ...
International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow 70, 181-192, 2018
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