Magnus Arnell
Magnus Arnell
Потвърден имейл адрес: iea.lth.se
Balancing effluent quality, economic cost and greenhouse gas emissions during the evaluation of (plant-wide) control/operational strategies in WWTPs
X Flores-Alsina, M Arnell, Y Amerlinck, L Corominas, KV Gernaey, L Guo, ...
Science of the Total Environment 466, 616-624, 2014
Modelling anaerobic co-digestion in Benchmark Simulation Model No. 2: Parameter estimation, substrate characterisation and plant-wide integration
M Arnell, S Astals, L Åmand, DJ Batstone, PD Jensen, U Jeppsson
Water Research 98, 138-146, 2016
Multi-objective performance assessment of wastewater treatment plants combining plant-wide process models and life cycle assessment
M Arnell, M Rahmberg, F Oliveira, U Jeppsson
Journal of Water and Climate Change 8 (4), 715-729, 2017
The future of WRRF modelling–outlook and challenges
P Regmi, H Stewart, Y Amerlinck, M Arnell, PJ García, B Johnson, ...
Water Science and Technology 79 (1), 3-14, 2019
Anaerobic co-digestion of sludge and organic food waste—performance, inhibition, and impact on the microbial community
A Keucken, M Habagil, D Batstone, U Jeppsson, M Arnell
Energies 11 (9), 2325, 2018
Modelling gas–liquid mass transfer in wastewater treatment: when current knowledge needs to encounter engineering practice and vice versa
A Amaral, S Gillot, M Garrido-Baserba, A Filali, AM Karpinska, BG Plósz, ...
Water Science and Technology 80 (4), 607-619, 2019
Modelling heat recovery potential from household wastewater
C Wärff, M Arnell, R Sehlén, U Jeppsson
Water Science and Technology 81 (8), 1597-1605, 2020
Dynamic modelling of nitrous oxide emissions from three Swedish sludge liquor treatment systems
E Lindblom, M Arnell, X Flores-Alsina, F Stenström, DJI Gustavsson, ...
Water Science and Technology 73 (4), 798-806, 2016
Performance assessment of wastewater treatment plants: multi-objective analysis using plant-wide models
M Arnell
Lund University, 2016
Sustainability Analysis forWastewater Heat Recovery-Literature Review
M Arnell, E Lundin, U Jeppsson
Lund University Open Access, 2017
Making waves: a vision for digital water utilities
M Arnell, M Miltell, G Olsson
Water Research X 19, 100170, 2023
A dynamic modelling approach to evaluate GHG emissions from wastewater treatment plants
X Flores-Alsina, M Arnell, Y Amerlinck, L Corominas, KV Gernaey, L Guo, ...
IWA world congress on water, climate and energy (WCE2012), Dublin, Ireland, 2012
Utsläpp av lustgas och metan från avloppssystem
M Arnell
En granskning av, 2013
Nya utsläppskrav för svenska reningsverk–effekter på reningsverkens totala miljöpåverkan
L Åmand, S Lovisa Andersson, F Oliveira, M Rahmberg, C Junestedt
IVL Svenska Miljöinstitutet, 2015
Plant-wide modelling and analysis of WWTP temperature dynamics for sustainable heat recovery from wastewater
M Arnell, M Ahlström, C Wärff, R Saagi, U Jeppsson
Water Science and Technology 84 (4), 1023-1036, 2021
City-wide model-based analysis of heat recovery from wastewater using an uncertainty-based approach
R Saagi, M Arnell, C Wärff, M Ahlström, U Jeppsson
Science of the Total Environment 820, 153273, 2022
Implementation of the Bürger-Diehl settler model on the Benchmark Simulation Platform
M Arnell
Lund University, 2015
Multikriterieanalys för integrerade systemlösningar i H+ området
E Kärrman, M Arnell, B Rydhagen, G Svensson, HB Wittgren
Urban Water AB. Uppdrag 120010, 2012
A collaborative planning process to develop future scenarios for wastewater systems
M Neth, A Mattsson, D I'Ons, S Tumlin, M Arnell, L Blom, BM Wilén, ...
Journal of Environmental Management 316, 115202, 2022
Modelling temperature dynamics in sewer systems–comparing mechanistic and conceptual modelling approaches
R Saagi, M Arnell, D Reyes, C Wärff, M Ahlström, U Jeppsson
Water Science and Technology 84 (9), 2335-2352, 2021
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