Garett C Heineck
Garett C Heineck
Research Agronomist, USDA-ARS
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Floret site utilization and reproductive tiller number are primary components of grain yield in intermediate wheatgrass spaced plants
KR Altendorf, LR DeHaan, GC Heineck, X Zhang, JA Anderson
Crop Science, 2020
Winter hardiness and freezing tolerance in a hairy vetch collection
NP Wiering, C Flavin, CC Sheaffer, GC Heineck, W Sadok, NJ Ehlke
Crop Science 58 (4), 1594-1604, 2018
Using R‐based image analysis to quantify rusts on perennial ryegrass
GC Heineck, IG McNish, JM Jungers, E Gilbert, E Watkins
The Plant Phenome Journal 2 (1), 1-10, 2019
Relationships and influence of yield components on spaced‐plant and sward seed yield in perennial ryegrass
GC Heineck, NJ Ehlke, KR Altendorf, RF Denison, JM Jungers, EG Lamb, ...
Grass and Forage Science 75 (4), 424-437, 2020
Intermediate wheatgrass seed size and moisture dynamics inform grain harvest timing
GC Heineck, B Schlautman, EP Law, MR Ryan, JW Zimbric, V Picasso, ...
Crop Science 62 (1), 410-424, 2022
The Fungal Endophyte Epichloë festucae var. lolii Does Not Improve the Freezing Tolerance of Perennial Ryegrass
GC Heineck, E Watkins, NJ Ehlke
Crop Science 58 (4), 1788-1800, 2018
Variability in creeping bentgrass cultivar germinability as influenced by cold temperatures
GC Heineck, SJ Bauer, M Cavanaugh, A Hollman, E Watkins, BP Horgan
Crop, Forage & Turfgrass Management 5 (1), 1-7, 2019
The fungal endophyte Epichloë festucae var. lolii plays a limited role in mediating crown rust severity in perennial ryegrass
GC Heineck, Y Qiu, NJ Ehlke, E Watkins
Crop Science 60 (2), 1090-1104, 2020
Phenotypic and Genetic Characterization of the Lentil Single Plant-Derived Core Collection for Resistance to Root Rot Caused by Fusarium avenaceum
GC Heineck, KR Altendorf, CJ Coyne, Y Ma, R McGee, LD Porter
Phytopathology® 112 (9), 1979-1987, 2022
Exploring alternative management options for multiyear perennial ryegrass seed production in northern Minnesota
G Heineck, E Watkins, NJ Ehlke
Crop science 58 (1), 426-434, 2018
The effect of fine fescue species and seeding rate in no-mow areas
A Hollman, E Watkins, G Heineck
Effects of De‐Icing Products on Putting Green Turf
AB Hollman, GC Heineck, KW Frank, SJ Bauer, J Bryan, BP Horgan
International Turfgrass Society Research Journal 13 (1), 256-263, 2017
The LTAR Cropland Common Experiment at RJ Cook Agronomy Farm
DR Huggins, CL Phillips, BR Carlson, JJ Casanova, GC Heineck, ...
Journal of Environmental Quality 53 (6), 839-850, 2024
Soil and crop effects of a subsurface fluid lime applicator
J Casanova, G Heineck, MK LeTourneau, JC Hansen, JL Carlson, ...
Applied Engineering in Agriculture 40 (3), 351-362, 2024
A comparison of yield prediction approaches using long-term multi-crop site-specific data
J Casanova, G Heineck, D Huggins
Journal of the ASABE 67 (3), 601-615, 2024
HopBox: An image analysis pipeline to characterize hop cone morphology
KR Altendorf, GC Heineck, C Wakholi, A Tawril, P Raja, D Rippner
The Plant Phenome Journal 6 (1), e20080, 2023
Suitable Methods of Inoculation and Quantification of Fusarium Root Rot in Lentil
GC Heineck, J Casanova, LD Porter
Plant Disease 107 (5), 1316-1328, 2023
Predictive ability of perennial ryegrass spaced‐plant nurseries for turfgrass and seed production swards in Minnesota
GC Heineck, NJ Ehlke, E Watkins
Crop Science 61 (5), 2997-3010, 2021
Evaluating the Effects of Propiconazole on Hard Fescue (Festuca brevipila) via RNA sequencing and Liquid Chromatography–Mass Spectrometry
Y Qiu, D Petrella, F Sessoms, Y Yang, M Esler, CD Hirsch, G Heineck, ...
BioRxiv, 2020.11. 17.387290, 2020
A novel inoculation technique for integrating the endophyte Epichloe festucae into perennial ryegrass
G Heineck, B Ashbrenner, M Miller, E Watkins
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