Bertorelle Giorgio
Bertorelle Giorgio
Professor in Genetics, University of Ferrara
Потвърден имейл адрес: unife.it
The genetic legacy of the Mongols
T Zerjal, Y Xue, G Bertorelle, RS Wells, W Bao, S Zhu, R Qamar, Q Ayub, ...
The American Journal of Human Genetics 72 (3), 717-721, 2003
Gene-culture coevolution between cattle milk protein genes and human lactase genes
A Beja-Pereira, G Luikart, PR England, DG Bradley, OC Jann, ...
Nature genetics 35 (4), 311-313, 2003
ABC as a flexible framework to estimate demography over space and time: some cons, many pros
G Bertorelle, A Benazzo, S Mona
Molecular ecology 19 (13), 2609-2625, 2010
The origin of European cattle: evidence from modern and ancient DNA
A Beja-Pereira, D Caramelli, C Lalueza-Fox, C Vernesi, N Ferrand, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 103 (21), 8113-8118, 2006
Evidence for a genetic discontinuity between Neandertals and 24,000-year-old anatomically modern Europeans
D Caramelli, C Lalueza-Fox, C Vernesi, M Lari, A Casoli, F Mallegni, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 100 (11), 6593-6597, 2003
Computer simulations: tools for population and evolutionary genetics
S Hoban, G Bertorelle, OE Gaggiotti
Nature Reviews Genetics 13 (2), 110-122, 2012
Inferring admixture proportions from molecular data.
G Bertorelle, L Excoffier
Molecular biology and evolution 15 (10), 1298-1311, 1998
Estimating allele age
M Slatkin, B Rannala
Annual review of genomics and human genetics 1 (1), 225-249, 2000
The earth BioGenome project 2020: Starting the clock
HA Lewin, S Richards, E Lieberman Aiden, ML Allende, JM Archibald, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 119 (4), e2115635118, 2022
The era of reference genomes in conservation genomics
G Formenti, K Theissinger, C Fernandes, I Bista, A Bombarely, C Bleidorn, ...
Trends in ecology & evolution 37 (3), 197-202, 2022
Clines of nuclear DNA markers suggest a largely Neolithic ancestry of the European gene pool
L Chikhi, G Destro-Bisol, G Bertorelle, V Pascali, G Barbujani
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 95 (15), 9053-9058, 1998
Genetics and the population history of Europe
G Barbujani, G Bertorelle
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 98 (1), 22-25, 2001
Inferring admixture proportions from molecular data: extension to any number of parental populations
I Dupanloup, G Bertorelle
Molecular Biology and Evolution 18 (4), 672-675, 2001
How genomics can help biodiversity conservation
K Theissinger, C Fernandes, G Formenti, I Bista, PR Berg, C Bleidorn, ...
Trends in genetics 39 (7), 545-559, 2023
Genetic load: genomic estimates and applications in non-model animals
G Bertorelle, F Raffini, M Bosse, C Bortoluzzi, A Iannucci, E Trucchi, ...
Nature Reviews Genetics 23 (8), 492-503, 2022
Microsatellite variation and evolution of human lactase persistence
M Coelho, D Luiselli, G Bertorelle, AI Lopes, S Seixas, G Destro-Bisol, ...
Human genetics 117, 329-339, 2005
Ancient vs. recent processes as factors shaping the genetic variation of the European wild boar: are the effects of the last glaciation still detectable?
M Scandura, L Iacolina, B Crestanello, E Pecchioli, MF Di Benedetto, ...
Molecular ecology 17 (7), 1745-1762, 2008
Bringing genetic diversity to the forefront of conservation policy and management
SM Hoban, HC Hauffe, S Pérez-Espona, JW Arntzen, G Bertorelle, J Bryja, ...
Conservation Genetics Resources 5, 593-598, 2013
Citizen science reveals unexpected continental-scale evolutionary change in a model organism
J Silvertown, L Cook, R Cameron, M Dodd, K McConway, J Worthington, ...
PloS one 6 (4), e18927, 2011
The genetic impact of demographic decline and reintroduction in the wild boar (Sus scrofa): A microsatellite analysis
C Vernesi, B Crestanello, E Pecchioli, D Tartari, D Caramelli, H Hauffe, ...
Molecular ecology 12 (3), 585-595, 2003
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