Victor Bolbot
Victor Bolbot
PostDoc Researcher
Потвърден имейл адрес: aalto.fi
Vulnerabilities and safety assurance methods in Cyber-Physical Systems: A comprehensive review
V Bolbot, G Theotokatos, LM Bujorianu, E Boulougouris, D Vassalos
Reliability Engineering & System Safety 182, 179-193, 2019
A novel cyber-risk assessment method for ship systems
V Bolbot, G Theotokatos, E Boulougouris, D Vassalos
Safety science 131, 104908, 2020
Unravelling causal factors of maritime incidents and accidents
R Puisa, L Lin, V Bolbot, D Vassalos
Safety Science 110 (A), 124-141, 2018
Developments and research directions in maritime cybersecurity: A systematic literature review and bibliometric analysis
V Bolbot, K Kulkarni, P Brunou, OV Banda, M Musharraf
International Journal of Critical Infrastructure Protection 39, 100571, 2022
A novel risk assessment process: Application to an autonomous inland waterways ship
V Bolbot, G Theotokatos, LA Wennersberg, J Faivre, D Vassalos, ...
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part O: Journal of …, 2023
Improved formula for estimating added resistance of ships in engineering applications
S Liu, B Shang, A Papanikolaou, V Bolbot
Journal of Marine Science and Application 15, 442-451, 2016
Cruise ships power plant optimisation and comparative analysis
V Bolbot, NL Trivyza, G Theotokatos, E Boulougouris, A Rentizelas, ...
Energy 196, 117061, 2020
Research on risk, safety, and reliability of autonomous ships: A bibliometric review
M Chaal, X Ren, A BahooToroody, S Basnet, V Bolbot, OAV Banda, ...
Safety science 167, 106256, 2023
Simulation-based investigation of a marine dual-fuel engine
G Theotokatos, S Stoumpos, V Bolbot, E Boulougouris
Journal of Marine Engineering & Technology 19 (sup1), 5-16, 2020
Automatic traffic scenarios generation for autonomous ships collision avoidance system testing
V Bolbot, C Gkerekos, G Theotokatos, E Boulougouris
Ocean Engineering 254, 111309, 2022
Risk analysis methodology using STPA-based Bayesian network-applied to remote pilotage operation
S Basnet, A BahooToroody, M Chaal, J Lahtinen, V Bolbot, OAV Banda
Ocean Engineering 270, 113569, 2023
Safety related cyber-attacks identification and assessment for autonomous inland ships
V Bolbot, G Theotokatos, E Boulougouris, D Vassalos
International Seminar on Safety and Security of Autonomous Vessels (ISSAV), 2019
A functional model-based approach for ship systems safety and reliability analysis: Application to a cruise ship lubricating oil system
K Dionysiou, V Bolbot, G Theotokatos
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part M: Journal of …, 2022
Regulatory framework analysis for the unmanned inland waterway vessel
W Nzengu, J Faivre, AS Pauwelyn, V Bolbot, LA Lien Wennersberg, ...
WMU Journal of Maritime Affairs 20 (3), 357-376, 2021
A novel method for safety analysis of Cyber-Physical Systems—Application to a ship exhaust gas scrubber system
V Bolbot, G Theotokatos, E Boulougouris, G Psarros, R Hamann
Safety 6 (2), 26, 2020
A methodology to define risk matrices–Application to inland water ways autonomous ships
V Bolbot, G Theotokatos, J McCloskey, D Vassalos, E Boulougouris, ...
International Journal of Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering 14, 100457, 2022
Safety performance assessment of a marine dual fuel engine by integrating failure mode, effects and criticality analysis with simulation tools
S Stoumpos, V Bolbot, G Theotokatos, E Boulougouris
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part M: Journal of …, 2022
Paving the way toward autonomous shipping development for European Waters–The AUTOSHIP project
V Bolbot, G Theotokatos, E Boulougouris, LAL Wennersberg, H Nordahl, ...
Royal Institution of Naval Architects, 2020
AUTOSHIP deliverable D3. 1 Autonomous ship design standards
ØJ Rødseth, J Faivre, SR Hjørungnes, P Andersen, V Bolbot, ...
Revision 2, 2020
Model-based safety analysis and design enhancement of a marine LNG fuel feeding system
K Milioulis, V Bolbot, G Theotokatos
Journal of Marine Science and Engineering 9 (1), 69, 2021
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