Sung-Pil Choi
Sung-Pil Choi
Associate Professor, Kyonggi University
Потвърден имейл адрес: kgu.ac.kr
Overview of the cancer genetics and pathway curation tasks of bionlp shared task 2013
S Pyysalo, T Ohta, R Rak, A Rowley, HW Chun, SJ Jung, SP Choi, J Tsujii, ...
BMC bioinformatics 16, 1-19, 2015
Extraction of protein–protein interactions (PPIs) from the literature by deep convolutional neural networks with various feature embeddings
SP Choi
Journal of Information Science 44 (1), 60-73, 2018
Author-Topic over Time (AToT): a dynamic users’ interest model
S Xu, Q Shi, X Qiao, L Zhu, H Jung, S Lee, SP Choi
Mobile, Ubiquitous, and Intelligent Computing: MUSIC 2013, 239-245, 2014
Simplicity is better: revisiting single kernel PPI extraction
SP Choi, SH Myaeng
Proceedings of the 23rd International Conference on Computational …, 2010
Procedural knowledge extraction on medline abstracts
S Song, H Oh, SH Myaeng, SP Choi, HW Chun, YS Choi, CH Jeong
Active Media Technology: 7th International Conference, AMT 2011, Lanzhou …, 2011
An intensive case study on kernel-based relation extraction
SP Choi, S Lee, H Jung, S Song
Multimedia tools and applications 71, 741-767, 2014
Korean grammatical error correction based on transformer with copying mechanisms and grammatical noise implantation methods
M Lee, H Shin, D Lee, SP Choi
Sensors 21 (8), 2658, 2021
A dynamic users’ interest discovery model with distributed inference algorithm
S Xu, Q Shi, X Qiao, L Zhu, H Zhang, H Jung, S Lee, SP Choi
International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks 10 (4), 280892, 2014
Multi-words terminology recognition using web search
SK Song, YS Choi, HW Chun, CH Jeong, SP Choi, WK Sung
U-and E-Service, Science and Technology: International Conference, UNESST …, 2011
Relation extraction based on extended composite kernel using flat lexical features
SP Choi, CH Jeong, YS Choi, SH Myaeng
Journal of KIISE: Software and Applications 36 (8), 642-652, 2009
Bidirectional LSTM-CRF 기반의 음절 단위 한국어 품사 태깅 및 띄어쓰기 통합 모델 연구
김선우, 최성필
정보과학회논문지 45 (8), 792-800, 2018
System for extracting ralation between technical terms in large collection using a verb-based pattern
MH Lee, YS Choi, SP Choi, NG Kang, KY Kim, HG Kim, CH Jeong, ...
US Patent App. 13/127,011, 2011
Method and apparatus of semantic technological approach based on semantic relation in context and storage media having program source thereof
MH Lee, YS Choi, SP Choi, NG Kang, KY Kim, HG Kim, CH Jeong, ...
US Patent App. 13/126,998, 2011
Ontology construction of technological knowledge for r&d trend analysis
MN Hwang, S Lee, M Cho, SY Kim, SP Choi, H Jung
The Journal of the Korea Contents Association 12 (12), 35-45, 2012
Relation extraction based on composite kernel combining pattern similarity of predicate-argument structure
CH Jeong, SP Choi, YS Choi, SK Song, HW Chun
Journal of Internet Computing and Services 12 (5), 73-85, 2011
Toward DB-IR Integration: Per-Document Basis Transactional Index Maintenance
J Kim, DS Jin, Y Choi, CH Jeong, K Kim, SP Choi, M Lee, MH Cho, ...
Sixth International Conference on Advanced Language Processing and Web …, 2007
단어 임베딩 (Word Embedding) 기법을 적용한 키워드 중심의 사회적 이슈 도출 연구: 장애인 관련 뉴스 기사를 중심으로
최가람, 최성필
정보관리학회지 35 (1), 231-250, 2018
Terminological paraphrase extraction from scientific literature based on predicate argument tuples
SP Choi, SH Myaeng
Journal of Information Science 38 (6), 593-611, 2012
Survey on Kernel-Based Relation Extraction
H Jung, SP Choi, S Lee, SK Song
Theory and Applications for Advanced Text Mining, 2012
A study on personalization of science and technology information by user interest tracking technique
H Han, Y Choi, SP Choi
Journal of the Korean Society for Library and Information Science 52 (3), 5-33, 2018
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