Monica Longmore
Monica Longmore
Professor of Sociology, Bowling Green State University
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Hooking up: The relationship contexts of “nonrelationship” sex
WD Manning, PC Giordano, MA Longmore
Journal of Adolescent Research 21 (5), 459-483, 2006
The relationship context of contraceptive use at first intercourse
WD Manning, MA Longmore, PC Giordano
Family planning perspectives, 104-110, 2000
Gender and the meanings of adolescent romantic relationships: A focus on boys
PC Giordano, MA Longmore, WD Manning
American sociological review 71 (2), 260-287, 2006
The age–IPV curve: Changes in the perpetration of intimate partner violence during adolescence and young adulthood
WL Johnson, PC Giordano, WD Manning, MA Longmore
Journal of youth and adolescence 44, 708-726, 2015
The characteristics of romantic relationships associated with teen dating violence
PC Giordano, DA Soto, WD Manning, MA Longmore
Social science research 39 (6), 863-874, 2010
The changing institution of marriage: Adolescents’ expectations to cohabit and to marry
WD Manning, MA Longmore, PC Giordano
Journal of marriage and family 69 (3), 559-575, 2007
Symbolic interactionism and the study of sexuality
MA Longmore
Journal of Sex Research 35 (1), 44-57, 1998
Adolescent romantic relationships and delinquency involvement
DL Haynie, PC Giordano, WD Manning, MA Longmore
Criminology 43 (1), 177-210, 2005
A life‐course perspective on spirituality and desistance from crime
PC Giordano, MA Longmore, RD Schroeder, PM Seffrin
Criminology 46 (1), 99-132, 2008
Preadolescent parenting strategies and teens' dating and sexual initiation: A longitudinal analysis
MA Longmore, WD Manning, PC Giordano
Journal of marriage and family 63 (2), 322-335, 2001
Adolescents' involvement in non-romantic sexual activity
WD Manning, MA Longmore, PC Giordano
Social Science Research 34 (2), 384-407, 2005
Ideology, power, and equity: Testing competing explanations for the perception of fairness in household labor
A DeMaris, MA Longmore
Social Forces 74 (3), 1043-1071, 1996
Relationship churning in emerging adulthood: On/off relationships and sex with an ex
S Halpern-Meekin, WD Manning, PC Giordano, MA Longmore
Journal of adolescent research 28 (2), 166-188, 2013
Self-esteem, depressive symptoms, and adolescents' sexual onset
MA Longmore, WD Manning, PC Giordano, JL Rudolph
Social psychology quarterly 67 (3), 279-295, 2004
Perceived inequity and depression in intimate relationships: The moderating effect of self-esteem
MA Longmore, A DeMaris
Social Psychology Quarterly, 172-184, 1997
The development of attitudes toward intimate partner violence: An examination of key correlates among a sample of young adults
JE Copp, PC Giordano, MA Longmore, WD Manning
Journal of interpersonal violence 34 (7), 1357-1387, 2019
Relationship churning, physical violence, and verbal abuse in young adult relationships
S Halpern‐Meekin, WD Manning, PC Giordano, MA Longmore
Journal of Marriage and Family 75 (1), 2-12, 2013
Identity, peer relationships, and adolescent girls' sexual behavior: An exploration of the contemporary double standard
H Lyons, PC Giordano, WD Manning, MA Longmore
Journal of sex research 48 (5), 437-449, 2011
Parenthood and crime: The role of wantedness, relationships with partners, and SES
PC Giordano, PM Seffrin, WD Manning, MA Longmore
Journal of criminal justice 39 (5), 405-416, 2011
Parent–child relations and offending during young adulthood
WL Johnson, PC Giordano, WD Manning, MA Longmore
Journal of youth and adolescence 40, 786-799, 2011
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