Duyen H Cao
Duyen H Cao
Research Scientist at First Solar
Потвърден имейл адрес: firstsolar.com
Lead-free solid-state organic–inorganic halide perovskite solar cells
F Hao, CC Stoumpos, DH Cao, RPH Chang, MG Kanatzidis
Nature photonics 8 (6), 489-494, 2014
2D homologous perovskites as light-absorbing materials for solar cell applications
DH Cao, CC Stoumpos, OK Farha, JT Hupp, MG Kanatzidis
Journal of the American Chemical Society 137 (24), 7843-7850, 2015
Ruddlesden–Popper hybrid lead iodide perovskite 2D homologous semiconductors
CC Stoumpos, DH Cao, DJ Clark, J Young, JM Rondinelli, JI Jang, ...
Chemistry of Materials 28 (8), 2852-2867, 2016
Importance of reducing vapor atmosphere in the fabrication of tin-based perovskite solar cells
TB Song, T Yokoyama, CC Stoumpos, J Logsdon, DH Cao, ...
Journal of the American Chemical Society 139 (2), 836-842, 2017
High members of the 2D Ruddlesden-Popper halide perovskites: synthesis, optical properties, and solar cells of (CH3 (CH2) 3NH3) 2 (CH3NH3) 4Pb5I16
CC Stoumpos, CMM Soe, H Tsai, W Nie, JC Blancon, DH Cao, F Liu, ...
Chem 2 (3), 427-440, 2017
Thin Films and Solar Cells Based on Semiconducting Two-Dimensional Ruddlesden–Popper (CH3 (CH2) 3NH3) 2 (CH3NH3) n− 1SnnI3n+ 1 Perovskites
DH Cao, CC Stoumpos, T Yokoyama, JL Logsdon, TB Song, OK Farha, ...
American Chemical Society, 2017
Overcoming Short-Circuit in Lead-Free CH3NH3SnI3 Perovskite Solar Cells via Kinetically Controlled Gas–Solid Reaction Film Fabrication Process
T Yokoyama, DH Cao, CC Stoumpos, TB Song, Y Sato, S Aramaki, ...
The journal of physical chemistry letters 7 (5), 776-782, 2016
Remnant PbI2, an unforeseen necessity in high-efficiency hybrid perovskite-based solar cells?
DH Cao, CC Stoumpos, CD Malliakas, MJ Katz, OK Farha, JT Hupp, ...
Apl Materials 2 (9), 2014
Structural and thermodynamic limits of layer thickness in 2D halide perovskites
CMM Soe, GP Nagabhushana, R Shivaramaiah, H Tsai, W Nie, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 116 (1), 58-66, 2019
Interconversion between free charges and bound excitons in 2D hybrid lead halide perovskites
MC Gélvez-Rueda, EM Hutter, DH Cao, N Renaud, CC Stoumpos, ...
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 121 (47), 26566-26574, 2017
The origin of lower hole carrier concentration in methylammonium tin halide films grown by a vapor-assisted solution process
T Yokoyama, TB Song, DH Cao, CC Stoumpos, S Aramaki, MG Kanatzidis
ACS Energy Letters 2 (1), 22-28, 2017
Liquid water-and heat-resistant hybrid perovskite photovoltaics via an inverted ALD oxide electron extraction layer design
IS Kim, DH Cao, DB Buchholz, JD Emery, OK Farha, JT Hupp, ...
Nano letters 16 (12), 7786-7790, 2016
Preparation of conductive silver films at mild temperatures for printable organic electronics
L Polavarapu, KK Manga, HD Cao, KP Loh, QH Xu
Chemistry of Materials 23 (14), 3273-3276, 2011
Effect of cation rotation on charge dynamics in hybrid lead halide perovskites
MC Gélvez-Rueda, DH Cao, S Patwardhan, N Renaud, CC Stoumpos, ...
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 120 (30), 16577-16585, 2016
Amorphous TiO2 Compact Layers via ALD for Planar Halide Perovskite Photovoltaics
IS Kim, RT Haasch, DH Cao, OK Farha, JT Hupp, MG Kanatzidis, ...
ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 8 (37), 24310-24314, 2016
Alkylamine capped metal nanoparticle “inks” for printable SERS substrates, electronics and broadband photodetectors
L Polavarapu, KK Manga, K Yu, PK Ang, HD Cao, J Balapanuru, KP Loh, ...
Nanoscale 3 (5), 2268-2274, 2011
Infrared-pump electronic-probe of methylammonium lead iodide reveals electronically decoupled organic and inorganic sublattices
P Guo, A Mannodi-Kanakkithodi, J Gong, Y Xia, CC Stoumpos, DH Cao, ...
Nature communications 10 (1), 482, 2019
Introducing perovskite solar cells to undergraduates
S Patwardhan, DH Cao, S Hatch, OK Farha, JT Hupp, MG Kanatzidis, ...
The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 6 (2), 251-255, 2015
Comprehensive computational study of partial lead substitution in methylammonium lead bromide
A Mannodi-Kanakkithodi, JS Park, N Jeon, DH Cao, DJ Gosztola, ...
Chemistry of Materials 31 (10), 3599-3612, 2019
Atomic layer deposition nucleation on isolated self-assembled monolayer functional groups: a combined DFT and experimental study
S Patwardhan, DH Cao, GC Schatz, ABF Martinson
ACS Applied Energy Materials 2 (7), 4618-4628, 2019
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