Franziska Emmerling
Franziska Emmerling
Federal Institute for Materials Research and Testing
Потвърден имейл адрес: bam.de
Mechanism of gold nanoparticle formation in the classical citrate synthesis method derived from coupled in situ XANES and SAXS evaluation
J Polte, TT Ahner, F Delissen, S Sokolov, F Emmerling, AF Thünemann, ...
Journal of the American Chemical Society 132 (4), 1296-1301, 2010
Mechanochemical synthesis of metal− organic frameworks: a fast and facile approach toward quantitative yields and high specific surface areas
M Klimakow, P Klobes, AF Thunemann, K Rademann, F Emmerling
Chemistry of Materials 22 (18), 5216-5221, 2010
Turkevich in new robes: key questions answered for the most common gold nanoparticle synthesis
M Wuithschick, A Birnbaum, S Witte, M Sztucki, U Vainio, N Pinna, ...
ACS nano 9 (7), 7052-7071, 2015
Nucleation and Growth of Gold Nanoparticles Studied via in situ Small Angle X-ray Scattering at Millisecond Time Resolution
J Polte, R Erler, AF Thunemann, S Sokolov, TT Ahner, K Rademann, ...
ACS nano 4 (2), 1076-1082, 2010
Formation mechanism of colloidal silver nanoparticles: analogies and differences to the growth of gold nanoparticles
J Polte, X Tuaev, M Wuithschick, A Fischer, AF Thuenemann, ...
Acs Nano 6 (7), 5791-5802, 2012
Formation mechanism of silver nanoparticles stabilized in glassy matrices
A Simo, J Polte, N Pfänder, U Vainio, F Emmerling, K Rademann
Journal of the American Chemical Society 134 (45), 18824-18833, 2012
Direct in situ investigation of milling reactions using combined X‐ray diffraction and Raman spectroscopy
L Batzdorf, F Fischer, M Wilke, KJ Wenzel, F Emmerling
Angewandte Chemie 127 (6), 1819-1822, 2015
Early homogenous amorphous precursor stages of calcium carbonate and subsequent crystal growth in levitated droplets
SE Wolf, J Leiterer, M Kappl, F Emmerling, W Tremel
Journal of the American Chemical Society 130 (37), 12342-12347, 2008
Challenges and opportunities in the bottom-up mechanochemical synthesis of noble metal nanoparticles
PFM de Oliveira, RM Torresi, F Emmerling, PHC Camargo
Journal of Materials Chemistry A 8 (32), 16114-16141, 2020
SERS enhancement of gold nanospheres of defined size
V Joseph, A Matschulat, J Polte, S Rolf, F Emmerling, J Kneipp
Journal of Raman Spectroscopy 42 (9), 1736-1742, 2011
A new experimental station for simultaneous X-ray microbeam scanning for small-and wide-angle scattering and fluorescence at BESSY II
O Paris, C Li, S Siegel, G Weseloh, F Emmerling, H Riesemeier, A Erko, ...
Applied Crystallography 40 (s1), s466-s470, 2007
Tribochemistry, mechanical alloying, mechanochemistry: what is in a name?
AAL Michalchuk, EV Boldyreva, AM Belenguer, F Emmerling, VV Boldyrev
Frontiers in chemistry 9, 685789, 2021
Strong stabilization of amorphous calcium carbonate emulsion by ovalbumin: gaining insight into the mechanism of ‘polymer-induced liquid precursor’processes
SE Wolf, J Leiterer, V Pipich, R Barrea, F Emmerling, W Tremel
Journal of the American Chemical Society 133 (32), 12642-12649, 2011
A Core‐Modified Rubyrin with meso‐Aryl Substituents and Phenanthrene‐Fused Pyrrole Rings: A Highly Conjugated Near‐Infrared Dye and Hg2+ Probe
D Wu, AB Descalzo, F Weik, F Emmerling, Z Shen, XZ You, K Rurack
Angewandte Chemie International Edition 47 (1), 193-197, 2008
Size-controlled synthesis of colloidal silver nanoparticles based on mechanistic understanding
M Wuithschick, B Paul, R Bienert, A Sarfraz, U Vainio, M Sztucki, ...
Chemistry of Materials 25 (23), 4679-4689, 2013
Warming up for mechanosynthesis–temperature development in ball mills during synthesis
H Kulla, M Wilke, F Fischer, M Röllig, C Maierhofer, F Emmerling
Chemical Communications 53 (10), 1664-1667, 2017
In situ monitoring of the mechanosynthesis of the archetypal metal–organic framework HKUST-1: Effect of liquid additives on the milling reactivity
T Stolar, L Batzdorf, S Lukin, D Žilić, C Motillo, T Friščić, F Emmerling, ...
Inorganic chemistry 56 (11), 6599-6608, 2017
Carbonate-coordinated metal complexes precede the formation of liquid amorphous mineral emulsions of divalent metal carbonates
SE Wolf, L Müller, R Barrea, CJ Kampf, J Leiterer, U Panne, T Hoffmann, ...
Nanoscale 3 (3), 1158-1165, 2011
Hexadentate bispidine derivatives as versatile bifunctional chelate agents for copper (II) radioisotopes
S Juran, M Walther, H Stephan, R Bergmann, J Steinbach, W Kraus, ...
Bioconjugate chemistry 20 (2), 347-359, 2009
In situ investigations of mechanochemical one‐pot syntheses
H Kulla, S Haferkamp, I Akhmetova, M Röllig, C Maierhofer, K Rademann, ...
Angewandte Chemie International Edition 57 (20), 5930-5933, 2018
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