Felix Weber
Felix Weber
Alfred Wegener Institute Helmholtz Centre for Polar and Marine Research
Потвърден имейл адрес: awi.de
Unveiling trophic functions of uncultured protist taxa by incubation experiments in the brackish Baltic Sea
F Weber, J del Campo, C Wylezich, R Massana, K Jürgens
Public Library of Science 7 (7), e41970, 2012
Influence of suspended mariculture on vertical distribution profiles of bacteria in sediment from Daya Bay, Southern China
R Shi, S Xu, Z Qi, Q Zhu, H Huang, F Weber
Marine Pollution Bulletin 146, 816-826, 2019
Morphological and molecular approaches reveal highly stratified protist communities along Baltic Sea pelagic redox gradients
F Weber, R Anderson, W Foissner, AP Mylnikov, K Jürgens
Aquatic Microbial Ecology 73 (1), 1-16, 2014
Using stable isotope probing and Raman microspectroscopy to measure growth rates of heterotrophic bacteria
F Weber, T Zaliznyak, VP Edgcomb, GT Taylor
Applied and Environmental Microbiology 87 (22), e01460-21, 2021
Culturing heterotrophic protists from the Baltic Sea: mostly the “usual suspects” but a few novelties as well
F Weber, AP Mylnikov, K Jürgens, C Wylezich
Journal of Eukaryotic Microbiology 64 (2), 153-163, 2017
Massisteria marina has a sister: Massisteria voersi sp. nov., a rare species isolated from coastal waters of the Baltic Sea
AP Mylnikov, F Weber, K Jürgens, C Wylezich
European Journal of Protistology 51 (4), 299-310, 2015
Particle-associated and free-living microbial assemblages are distinct in a permanently redox-stratified freshwater lake
AB Cohen, V Klepac-Ceraj, K Butler, F Weber, AI Garber, LN Christensen, ...
BioRxiv, 2021.11. 24.469905, 2021
Deep photoautotrophic prokaryotes contribute substantially to carbon dynamics in oxygen‐deficient waters in a permanently redox‐stratified freshwater lake
AB Cohen, V Klepac‐Ceraj, K Bidas, F Weber, AI Garber, LN Christensen, ...
Limnology and Oceanography 68 (1), 232-247, 2023
Nutritional thermal ecology: investigating the combined influence of temperature and nutrient availability on plant‐ectotherm trophic interactions
CL Meunier, IV Kirstein, F Weber, AM Evarita, C Laspoumaderes, ...
Oikos 2024 (12), e10940, 2024
Preserved particulate organic carbon is likely derived from the subsurface sulfidic photic zone of the Proterozoic Ocean: evidence from a modern, oxygen‐deficient lake
AB Cohen, LN Christensen, F Weber, M Yagudaeva, E Lo, GA Henkes, ...
Geobiology 22 (2), e12593, 2024
Particle-Associated Biogeochemical Processes in Fayetteville Green Lake, a High Sulfur, Permanently Anoxic Lake
AB Cohen, F Weber, E Lo, GT Taylor
Ocean Sciences Meeting 2020, 2020
Follow the Carbon: From Environment to Microbial Prey to Predator and from Host to Virus using SIP-Raman Microspectroscopy
GT Taylor, F Weber, E Yakubovskaya, T Zaliznyak, J Martinez-Martinez, ...
Ocean Sciences Meeting 2020, 2020
Sample Preparation for 3D-Raman Microspectroscopic Mapping of Fully Hydrated Protist Cells
F Weber, T Zaliznyak, G Taylor
Tracking Assimilation of Bacterial Prey Biomass into Protozoan Predators by Stable Isotope Probing and Confocal Raman Microspectrometry
F Weber, T Zaliznyak, R Beinart, VP Edgcomb, GT Taylor
2018 Ocean Sciences Meeting, 2018
Taking a look from different angles: A multifaceted approach for identifying planktonic protists in sunlit zones and deep pelagic redoxclines of the Baltic Sea
F Weber
Dissertation, Rostock, Universität Rostock. Mathematisch …, 2015
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