Christopher C Caudill
Christopher C Caudill
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Homing and straying by anadromous salmonids: a review of mechanisms and rates
ML Keefer, CC Caudill
Reviews in fish biology and fisheries 24, 333-368, 2014
Fresh water
CJ Vörösmarty, C Léveque, C Revenga, R Bos, C Caudill, J Chilton, ...
Ecosystems and Human Well-Being: Current States and Trends, Millenium …, 2005
Mutualisms and aquatic community structure: the enemy of my enemy is my friend
ME Hay, JD Parker, DE Burkepile, CC Caudill, AE Wilson, ZP Hallinan, ...
Annu. Rev. Ecol. Evol. Syst. 35 (1), 175-197, 2004
Slow dam passage in adult Columbia River salmonids associated with unsuccessful migration: delayed negative effects of passage obstacles or condition-dependent mortality?
CC Caudill, WR Daigle, ML Keefer, CT Boggs, MA Jepson, BJ Burke, ...
Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 64 (7), 979-995, 2007
Hydrologic and behavioral constraints on oviposition of stream insects: implications for adult dispersal
BL Peckarsky, BW Taylor, CC Caudill
Oecologia 125, 186-200, 2000
Late-season mortality during migration of radio-tagged adult sockeye salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka) in the Columbia River
GP Naughton, CC Caudill, ML Keefer, TC Bjornn, LC Stuehrenberg, ...
Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 62 (1), 30-47, 2005
Thermal exposure of adult Chinook salmon and steelhead: Diverse behavioral strategies in a large and warming river system
ML Keefer, TS Clabough, MA Jepson, EL Johnson, CA Peery, CC Caudill
PLoS One 13 (9), e0204274, 2018
Molecular phylogeography and evolutionary history of the estuarine copepod, Acartia tonsa, on the Northwest Atlantic coast
CC Caudill, A Bucklin
Hydrobiologia 511, 91-102, 2004
Prespawn mortality in adult spring Chinook salmon outplanted above barrier dams
ML Keefer, GA Taylor, DF Garletts, GA Gauthier, TM Pierce, CC Caudill
Ecology of Freshwater Fish 19 (3), 361-372, 2010
Migration timing of Columbia River spring Chinook salmon: effects of temperature, river discharge, and ocean environment
ML Keefer, CA Peery, CC Caudill
Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 137 (4), 1120-1133, 2008
Beaver herbivory on aquatic plants
JD Parker, CC Caudill, ME Hay
Oecologia 151, 616-625, 2007
Non‐direct homing behaviours by adult Chinook Salmon in a large, multi‐stock river system
ML Keefer, CC Caudill, CA Peery, CT Boggs
Journal of Fish Biology 72 (1), 27-44, 2008
Context-dependent diel behavior of upstream-migrating anadromous fishes
ML Keefer, CC Caudill, CA Peery, ML Moser
Environmental biology of fishes 96, 691-700, 2013
Transporting juvenile salmonids around dams impairs adult migration
ML Keefer, CC Caudill, CA Peery, SR Lee
Ecological applications 18 (8), 1888-1900, 2008
Prespawn mortality of female Chinook salmon increases with water temperature and percent hatchery origin
T Bowerman, A Roumasset, ML Keefer, CS Sharpe, CC Caudill
Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 147 (1), 31-42, 2018
Indirect effects of impoundment on migrating fish: temperature gradients in fish ladders slow dam passage by adult Chinook salmon and steelhead
CC Caudill, ML Keefer, TS Clabough, GP Naughton, BJ Burke, CA Peery
PloS one 8 (12), e85586, 2013
Diversity of juvenile Chinook salmon life history pathways
SL Bourret, CC Caudill, ML Keefer
Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries 26, 375-403, 2016
Empirical evidence for nonselective recruitment and a source–sink dynamic in a mayfly metapopulation
CC Caudill
Ecology 84 (8), 2119-2132, 2003
Genes predict long distance migration and large body size in a migratory fish, Pacific lamprey
JE Hess, CC Caudill, ML Keefer, BJ McIlraith, ML Moser, SR Narum
Evolutionary applications 7 (10), 1192-1208, 2014
Experimental evaluation of fishway modifications on the passage behaviour of adult Chinook salmon and steelhead at Lower Granite Dam, Snake River, USA
GP Naughton, CC Caudill, CA Peery, TS Clabough, MA Jepson, ...
River Research and Applications 23 (1), 99-111, 2007
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