Jonathan McDonough
Jonathan McDonough
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A perspective on the current and future roles of additive manufacturing in process engineering, with an emphasis on heat transfer
JR McDonough
Thermal Science and Engineering Progress 19, 100594, 2020
Rapid process development using oscillatory baffled mesoreactors–A state-of-the-art review
JR McDonough, AN Phan, AP Harvey
Chemical Engineering Journal 265, 110-121, 2015
Micromixing in oscillatory baffled flows
JR McDonough, MF Oates, R Law, AP Harvey
Chemical Engineering Journal 361, 508-518, 2019
Oscillatory fluid motion unlocks plug flow operation in helical tube reactors at lower Reynolds numbers (Re≤ 10)
JR McDonough, S Murta, R Law, AP Harvey
Chemical Engineering Journal 358, 643-657, 2019
Fluidization in small-scale gas-solid 3D-printed fluidized beds
JR McDonough, R Law, DA Reay, V Zivkovic
Chemical Engineering Science 200, 294-309, 2019
Intensified carbon capture using adsorption: Heat transfer challenges and potential solutions
JR McDonough, R Law, DA Reay, V Zivkovic
Thermal Science and engineering progress 8, 17-30, 2018
A study of the flow structures generated by oscillating flows in a helical baffled tube
JR McDonough, SMR Ahmed, AN Phan, AP Harvey
Chemical Engineering Science 171, 160-178, 2017
Effect of geometrical parameters on flow-switching frequencies in 3D printed fluidic oscillators containing different liquids
JR McDonough, R Law, J Kraemer, AP Harvey
Chemical Engineering Research and Design 117, 228-239, 2017
From thermal energy to kinetic energy: Droplet motion triggered by the Leidenfrost effect
G Wang, JR McDonough, V Zivkovic, T Long, S Wang
Advanced Materials Interfaces 8 (2), 2001249, 2021
Miniaturisation of the toroidal fluidisation concept using 3D printing
JR McDonough, R Law, DA Reay, D Groszek, V Zivkovic
Chemical Engineering Research and Design 160, 129-140, 2020
Coil-in-coil reactor: Augmenting plug flow performance by combining different geometric features using 3D printing
JR McDonough, J Armett, R Law, AP Harvey
Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research 58 (47), 21363-21371, 2019
Heat pipes: theory, design and applications
H Jouhara, D Reay, R McGlen, P Kew, J McDonough
Butterworth-Heinemann, 2023
The development of helical vortex pairs in oscillatory flows–A numerical and experimental study
JR McDonough, SMR Ahmed, AN Phan, AP Harvey
Chemical Engineering and Processing-Process Intensification 143, 107588, 2019
Multi-fidelity data-driven design and analysis of reactor and tube simulations
T Savage, N Basha, J McDonough, OK Matar, EA del Rio Chanona
Computers & Chemical Engineering 179, 108410, 2023
Machine learning-assisted discovery of flow reactor designs
T Savage, N Basha, J McDonough, J Krassowski, O Matar, ...
Nature Chemical Engineering 1 (8), 522-531, 2024
Discovery of mixing characteristics for enhancing coiled reactor performance through a Bayesian optimisation-CFD approach
N Basha, T Savage, J McDonough, EA del Rio Chanona, OK Matar
Chemical Engineering Journal 473, 145217, 2023
Passive isothermalisation of an exothermic reaction in flow using a novel “Heat Pipe Oscillatory Baffled Reactor (HPOBR)”
JR McDonough, AN Phan, DA Reay, AP Harvey
Chemical Engineering and Processing: Process Intensification 110, 201-213, 2016
Fluidisation behaviour and wall effects of cohesive hydrotalcite powder in a micro-fluidised bed
A Alamri, J McDonough, V Zivkovic
Powder Technology 415, 118192, 2023
Rapid and intensified screening of a carbon capture adsorbent using a 3D-printed swirling fluidised bed
R Jamei, JR McDonough, DA Reay, V Zivkovic
Chemical Engineering Journal 451, 138405, 2023
Process development using oscillatory baffled mesoreactors
JR McDonough
Newcastle University, 2018
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