Sai Manoj Gali
Band transport by large Fröhlich polarons in MXenes
W Zheng, B Sun, D Li, SM Gali, H Zhang, S Fu, L Di Virgilio, Z Li, S Yang, ...
Nature Physics 18 (5), 544-550, 2022
Electronic and Transport Properties in Defective MoS2: Impact of Sulfur Vacancies
SM Gali, A Pershin, A Lherbier, JC Charlier, D Beljonne
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 124 (28), 15076-15084, 2020
Exceptionally high charge mobility in phthalocyanine-based poly (benzimidazobenzophenanthroline)-ladder-type two-dimensional conjugated polymers
M Wang, S Fu, P Petkov, Y Fu, Z Zhang, Y Liu, J Ma, G Chen, SM Gali, ...
Nature Materials 22 (7), 880-887, 2023
Resonant isotropic optical magnetism of plasmonic nanoclusters in visible light
V Ponsinet, P Barois, SM Gali, P Richetti, JB Salmon, A Vallecchi, ...
Physical Review B 92 (22), 220414, 2015
Ultrafast and highly sensitive chemically functionalized graphene oxide-based humidity sensors: harnessing device performances via the supramolecular approach
C Anichini, A Aliprandi, SM Gali, F Liscio, V Morandi, A Minoia, ...
ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 12 (39), 44017-44025, 2020
Organic capping—Effect and mechanism in Mn-doped CdS nanocomposites
P Verma, GS Manoj, AC Pandey
Physica B: Condensed Matter 405 (5), 1253-1257, 2010
Collective Dipole‐Dominated Doping of Monolayer MoS2: Orientation and Magnitude Control via the Supramolecular Approach
Y Wang, SM Gali, A Slassi, D Beljonne, P Samorì
Advanced Functional Materials 30 (36), 2002846, 2020
2D MXene–molecular hybrid additive for high‐performance ambipolar polymer field‐effect transistors and logic gates
H Wang, Y Wang, Z Ni, N Turetta, SM Gali, H Peng, Y Yao, Y Chen, ...
Advanced Materials 33 (20), 2008215, 2021
Molecular Functionalization of Chemically Active Defects in WSe2 for Enhanced Opto‐Electronics
Y Zhao, SM Gali, C Wang, A Pershin, A Slassi, D Beljonne, P Samori
Advanced Functional Materials 30 (45), 2005045, 2020
Stable, concentrated, biocompatible, and defect-free graphene dispersions with positive charge
Y Shin, S Vranic, X Just-Baringo, SM Gali, T Kisby, Y Chen, A Gkoutzidou, ...
Nanoscale 12 (23), 12383-12394, 2020
Divanillin-based polyazomethines: toward biobased and metal-free π-conjugated polymers
G Garbay, L Giraud, SM Gali, G Hadziioannou, E Grau, S Grelier, ...
ACS omega 5 (10), 5176-5181, 2020
Carbon vacancies steer the activity in dual Ni carbon nitride photocatalysis
M Marchi, E Raciti, SM Gali, F Piccirilli, H Vondracek, A Actis, E Salvadori, ...
Advanced Science 10 (26), 2303781, 2023
Light-programmable logic-in-memory in 2D semiconductors enabled by supramolecular functionalization: photoresponsive collective effect of aligned molecular dipoles
Y Wang, D Iglesias, SM Gali, D Beljonne, P Samorì
ACS nano 15 (8), 13732-13741, 2021
Molecular doping of 2D indium selenide for ultrahigh performance and low‐power consumption broadband photodetectors
Y Wang, H Wang, SM Gali, N Turetta, Y Yao, C Wang, Y Chen, ...
Advanced Functional Materials 31 (30), 2103353, 2021
Interlayer Bonding in Two-Dimensional Materials: The Special Case of SnP3 and GeP3
A Slassi, SM Gali, A Pershin, A Gali, J Cornil, D Beljonne
The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 11 (11), 4503-4510, 2020
Unveiling Charge‐Transport Mechanisms in Electronic Devices Based on Defect‐Engineered MoS2 Covalent Networks
S Ippolito, F Urban, W Zheng, O Mazzarisi, C Valentini, AG Kelly, SM Gali, ...
Advanced Materials 35 (15), 2211157, 2023
Unusual electromechanical response in rubrene single crystals
M Matta, MJ Pereira, SM Gali, D Thuau, Y Olivier, A Briseno, I Dufour, ...
Materials Horizons 5 (1), 41-50, 2018
Energetic fluctuations in amorphous semiconducting polymers: Impact on charge-carrier mobility
SM Gali, G D’avino, P Aurel, G Han, Y Yi, TA Papadopoulos, ...
The Journal of Chemical Physics 147 (13), 2017
Radical defects modulate the photocatalytic response in 2D-graphitic carbon nitride
E Raciti, SM Gali, M Melchionna, G Filippini, A Actis, M Chiesa, ...
Chemical Science 13 (34), 9927-9939, 2022
Ambipolarity and dimensionality of charge transport in crystalline group 14 phthalocyanines: A computational study
SM Gali, M Matta, BH Lessard, F Castet, L Muccioli
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 122 (5), 2554-2563, 2018
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