Karin Pritsch
Karin Pritsch
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Global diversity and geography of soil fungi
L Tedersoo, M Bahram, S Põlme, U Kõljalg, NS Yorou, R Wijesundera, ...
science 346 (6213), 1256688, 2014
Tree diversity and species identity effects on soil fungi, protists and animals are context dependent
L Tedersoo, M Bahram, T Cajthaml, S Põlme, I Hiiesalu, S Anslan, ...
The ISME journal 10 (2), 346-362, 2016
Climate extremes initiate ecosystem‐regulating functions while maintaining productivity
A Jentsch, J Kreyling, M Elmer, E Gellesch, B Glaser, K Grant, R Hein, ...
Journal of ecology 99 (3), 689-702, 2011
Activity profiling of ectomycorrhiza communities in two forest soils using multiple enzymatic tests
PE Courty, K Pritsch, M Schloter, A Hartmann, J Garbaye
New Phytologist 167 (1), 309-319, 2005
Recovery of trees from drought depends on belowground sink control
F Hagedorn, J Joseph, M Peter, J Luster, K Pritsch, U Geppert, R Kerner, ...
Nature plants 2 (8), 1-5, 2016
Organic carbon sequestration in earthworm burrows
A Don, B Steinberg, I Schöning, K Pritsch, M Joschko, G Gleixner, ...
Soil Biology and Biochemistry 40 (7), 1803-1812, 2008
Decolorization of synthetic dyes and production of manganese-dependent peroxidase by new fungal isolates
Q Yang, M Yang, K Pritsch, A Yediler, A Hagn, M Schloter, A Kettrup
Biotechnology Letters 25, 709-713, 2003
Plant diversity effects on soil microbial functions and enzymes are stronger than warming in a grassland experiment
K Steinauer, D Tilman, PD Wragg, S Cesarz, JM Cowles, K Pritsch, ...
Ecology 96 (1), 99-112, 2015
A rapid and highly sensitive method for measuring enzyme activities in single mycorrhizal tips using 4-methylumbelliferone-labelled fluorogenic substrates in a microplate system
K Pritsch, S Raidl, E Marksteiner, H Blaschke, R Agerer, M Schloter, ...
Journal of microbiological methods 58 (2), 233-241, 2004
Regional-scale in-depth analysis of soil fungal diversity reveals strong pH and plant species effects in Northern Europe
L Tedersoo, S Anslan, M Bahram, R Drenkhan, K Pritsch, F Buegger, ...
Frontiers in Microbiology 11, 1953, 2020
Mixed Norway spruce (Picea abies [L.] Karst) and European beech (Fagus sylvatica [L.]) stands under drought: from reaction pattern to mechanism
H Pretzsch, T Rötzer, R Matyssek, TEE Grams, KH Häberle, K Pritsch, ...
Trees 28, 1305-1321, 2014
Plant nutrient‐acquisition strategies drive topsoil microbiome structure and function
M Bahram, T Netherway, F Hildebrand, K Pritsch, R Drenkhan, K Loit, ...
New Phytologist 227 (4), 1189-1199, 2020
Enzymatic activities and stable isotope patterns of ectomycorrhizal fungi in relation to phylogeny and exploration types in an afrotropical rain forest
L Tedersoo, T Naadel, M Bahram, K Pritsch, F Buegger, M Leal, U Kõljalg, ...
New Phytologist 195 (4), 832-843, 2012
Recurrent soil freeze–thaw cycles enhance grassland productivity
J Kreyling, C Beierkuhnlein, K Pritsch, M Schloter, A Jentsch
New Phytologist 177 (4), 938-945, 2008
Growth and mortality of Norway spruce and European beech in monospecific and mixed-species stands under natural episodic and experimentally extended drought. Results of the …
H Pretzsch, T Grams, KH Häberle, K Pritsch, T Bauerle, T Rötzer
Trees 34, 957-970, 2020
Enzyme secretion by ECM fungi and exploitation of mineral nutrients from soil organic matter
K Pritsch, J Garbaye
Annals of Forest Science 68, 25-32, 2011
Fungal and bacterial communities in indoor dust follow different environmental determinants
F Weikl, C Tischer, AJ Probst, J Heinrich, I Markevych, S Jochner, ...
PloS one 11 (4), e0154131, 2016
Fungal diversity in agricultural soil under different farming management systems, with special reference to biocontrol strains of Trichoderma spp.
A Hagn, K Pritsch, M Schloter, JC Munch
Biology and Fertility of soils 38, 236-244, 2003
The Global Soil Mycobiome consortium dataset for boosting fungal diversity research
L Tedersoo, V Mikryukov, S Anslan, M Bahram, AN Khalid, A Corrales, ...
Fungal Diversity 111, 573-588, 2021
Soil biotic processes remain remarkably stable after 100-year extreme weather events in experimental grassland and heath
J Kreyling, C Beierkuhnlein, M Elmer, K Pritsch, M Radovski, M Schloter, ...
Plant and Soil 308, 175-188, 2008
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