Professor Kuldip Singh Sangwan
Professor Kuldip Singh Sangwan
Други именаKuldip Singh Sangwan, K S Sangwan
Mechanical Engineering Department, Birla Institute of Technology and Science Pilani, INDIA
Потвърден имейл адрес: pilani.bits-pilani.ac.in
Lean Manufacturing: Literature review and research issues
J Bhamu, KS Sangwan
International Journal of Operations & Production Management 34 (7), 876-940, 2014
Environmental impact assessment of fly ash and silica fume based geopolymer concrete
R Bajpai, K Choudhary, A Srivastava, KS Sangwan, M Singh
Journal of Cleaner Production 254, 120147, 2020
Prediction and optimization of machining parameters for minimizing power consumption and surface roughness in machining
G Kant, KS Sangwan
Journal of Cleaner Production 83, 151-164, 2014
A study on environmental and economic impacts of using waste marble powder in concrete
M Singh, K Choudhary, A Srivastava, KS Sangwan, D Bhunia
Journal of Building Engineering 13, 87-95, 2017
Optimization of machining parameters to minimize surface roughness using integrated ANN-GA approach
KS Sangwan, S Saxena, G Kant
Procedia Cirp 29, 305-310, 2015
Predictive modelling and optimization of machining parameters to minimize surface roughness using artificial neural network coupled with genetic algorithm
G Kant, KS Sangwan
Procedia Cirp 31, 453-458, 2015
Development of an integrated performance measurement framework for lean organizations
NR Sangwa, KS Sangwan
Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management 29 (1), 41-84, 2018
Closed loop supply chain network design and optimisation using fuzzy mixed integer linear programming model
A Jindal, KS Sangwan
International Journal of Production Research 52 (14), 4156-4173, 2014
Prioritizing barriers to green manufacturing: environmental, social and economic perspectives
VK Mittal, KS Sangwan
Procedia cirp 17, 559-564, 2014
Analysis of barriers to Industry 4.0 adoption in manufacturing organizations: An ISM approach
P Kumar, J Bhamu, KS Sangwan
Procedia Cirp 98, 85-90, 2021
Key activities, decision variables and performance indicators of reverse logistics
KS Sangwan
Procedia Cirp 61, 257-262, 2017
A bibliometric analysis of green manufacturing and similar frameworks
KS Sangwan, VK Mittal
Management of Environmental Quality: An International Journal 26 (4), 566-587, 2015
A systematic literature review on machine tool energy consumption
N Sihag, KS Sangwan
Journal of Cleaner Production 275, 123125, 2020
An overview of existing performance measurement frameworks in the context of world class manufacturing performance measurement
AK Digalwar, KS Sangwan
International Journal of Services and Operations Management 9 (1), 60-82, 2011
Development of a model of barriers to environmentally conscious manufacturing implementation
VK Mittal, KS Sangwan
International Journal of Production Research 52 (2), 584-594, 2014
Prioritizing drivers for green manufacturing: environmental, social and economic perspectives
VK Mittal, KS Sangwan
Procedia Cirp 15, 135-140, 2014
Development of lean manufacturing implementation drivers for Indian ceramic industry
K Singh Sangwan, J Bhamu, D Mehta
International Journal of Productivity and Performance Management 63 (5), 569-587, 2014
An analysis of energy consumption and carbon footprints of cryptocurrencies and possible solutions
V Kohli, S Chakravarty, V Chamola, KS Sangwan, S Zeadally
Digital Communications and Networks 9 (1), 79-89, 2023
Adoption of integrated lean-green-agile strategies for modern manufacturing systems
VK Mittal, R Sindhwani, V Kalsariya, F Salroo, KS Sangwan, PL Singh
Procedia Cirp 61, 463-468, 2017
Waste water treatment plant life cycle assessment: treatment process to reuse of water
S Raghuvanshi, V Bhakar, C Sowmya, KS Sangwan
Procedia CIRP 61, 761-766, 2017
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