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From hydrogenases to noble metal–free catalytic nanomaterials for H2 production and uptake
A Le Goff, V Artero, B Jousselme, PD Tran, N Guillet, R Métayé, A Fihri, ...
Science 326 (5958), 1384-1387, 2009
Low-platinum and platinum-free catalysts for the oxygen reduction reaction at fuel cell cathodes
A Morozan, B Jousselme, S Palacin
Energy & Environmental Science 4 (4), 1238-1254, 2011
A Janus cobalt-based catalytic material for electro-splitting of water
S Cobo, J Heidkamp, PA Jacques, J Fize, V Fourmond, L Guetaz, ...
Nature materials 11 (9), 802-807, 2012
Electron transport through a metal-molecule-metal junction
C Kergueris, JP Bourgoin, S Palacin, D Estève, C Urbina, M Magoga, ...
Physical Review B 59 (19), 12505, 1999
Molecular engineering of a cobalt-based electrocatalytic nanomaterial for H2 evolution under fully aqueous conditions
ES Andreiadis, PA Jacques, PD Tran, A Leyris, M Chavarot-Kerlidou, ...
Nature chemistry 5 (1), 48-53, 2013
Noncovalent modification of carbon nanotubes with pyrene‐functionalized nickel complexes: carbon monoxide tolerant catalysts for hydrogen evolution and uptake
PD Tran, A Le Goff, J Heidkamp, B Jousselme, N Guillet, S Palacin, H Dau, ...
Angewandte Chemie-International Edition 50 (6), 1371, 2011
Catalytic activity of cobalt and iron phthalocyanines or porphyrins supported on different carbon nanotubes towards oxygen reduction reaction
A Morozan, S Campidelli, A Filoramo, B Jousselme, S Palacin
Carbon 49 (14), 4839-4847, 2011
Grafting polymers on surfaces: A new powerful and versatile diazonium salt-based one-step process in aqueous media
V Mévellec, S Roussel, L Tessier, J Chancolon, M Mayne-LʼHermite, ...
Chemistry of Materials 19 (25), 6323-6330, 2007
Spontaneous grafting of diazonium salts: chemical mechanism on metallic surfaces
A Mesnage, X Lefèvre, P Jégou, G Deniau, S Palacin
Langmuir 28 (32), 11767-11778, 2012
Electrochemical performance of annealed cobalt–benzotriazole/CNTs catalysts towards the oxygen reduction reaction
A Morozan, P Jégou, B Jousselme, S Palacin
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 13 (48), 21600-21607, 2011
Molecule‐to‐metal bonds: electrografting polymers on conducting surfaces
S Palacin, C Bureau, J Charlier, G Deniau, B Mouanda, P Viel
ChemPhysChem 5 (10), 1468-1481, 2004
Patterning with magnetic materials at the micron scale
S Palacin, PC Hidber, JP Bourgoin, C Miramond, C Fermon, ...
Chemistry of materials 8 (6), 1316-1325, 1996
Hydrogen-bonded tapes based on symmetrically substituted diketopiperazines: a robust structural motif for the engineering of molecular solids
S Palacin, DN Chin, EE Simanek, JC MacDonald, GM Whitesides, ...
Journal of the American Chemical Society 119 (49), 11807-11816, 1997
ABS polymer electroless plating through a one-step poly (acrylic acid) covalent grafting
A Garcia, T Berthelot, P Viel, A Mesnage, P Jégou, F Nekelson, S Roussel, ...
ACS applied materials & interfaces 2 (4), 1177-1183, 2010
Univocal Demonstration of the Electrochemically Mediated Binding of Pb2+ by a Modified Surface Incorporating a TTF-Based Redox-Switchable Ligand
J Lyskawa, F Le Derf, E Levillain, M Mazari, M Sallé, L Dubois, P Viel, ...
Journal of the American Chemical Society 126 (39), 12194-12195, 2004
Evidence of the Key Role of Metal-Molecule Bonding<? format?> in Metal-Molecule-Metal Transport Experiments
L Patrone, S Palacin, J Charlier, F Armand, JP Bourgoin, H Tang, ...
Physical review letters 91 (9), 096802, 2003
Facile and tunable functionalization of carbon nanotube electrodes with ferrocene by covalent coupling and π-stacking interactions and their relevance to glucose bio-sensing
A Le Goff, F Moggia, N Debou, P Jegou, V Artero, M Fontecave, ...
Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry 641 (1-2), 57-63, 2010
Electro-reduction of diazonium salts on gold: Why do we observe multi-peaks?
A Benedetto, M Balog, P Viel, F Le Derf, M Sallé, S Palacin
Electrochimica Acta 53 (24), 7117-7122, 2008
AH 2-evolving photocathode based on direct sensitization of MoS 3 with an organic photovoltaic cell
T Bourgeteau, D Tondelier, B Geffroy, R Brisse, C Laberty-Robert, ...
Energy & Environmental Science 6 (9), 2706-2713, 2013
In situ generation of indium catalysts to grow crystalline silicon nanowires at low temperature on ITO
PJ Alet, L Yu, G Patriarche, S Palacin, PR i Cabarrocas
Journal of Materials Chemistry 18 (43), 5187-5189, 2008
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