Hierarchical group dynamics in pigeon flocks M Nagy, Z Ákos, D Biro, T Vicsek Nature 464 (7290), 890-893, 2010 | 1217 | 2010 |
Speed determines leadership and leadership determines learning during pigeon flocking B Pettit, Z Akos, T Vicsek, D Biro Current Biology 25 (23), 3132-3137, 2015 | 141 | 2015 |
Thermal soaring flight of birds and unmanned aerial vehicles Z Ákos, M Nagy, S Leven, T Vicsek Bioinspiration & biomimetics 5 (4), 045003, 2010 | 130 | 2010 |
Friction forces position the neural anlage M Smutny, Z Ákos, S Grigolon, S Shamipour, V Ruprecht, D Čapek, ... Nature cell biology 19 (4), 306-317, 2017 | 97 | 2017 |
Comparing bird and human soaring strategies Z Akos, M Nagy, T Vicsek Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 105 (11), 4139-4143, 2008 | 81 | 2008 |
Leadership and path characteristics during walks are linked to dominance order and individual traits in dogs Z Ákos, R Beck, M Nagy, T Vicsek, E Kubinyi PLoS computational biology 10 (1), e1003446, 2014 | 71 | 2014 |
Robustness of flight leadership relations in pigeons A Flack, Z Ákos, M Nagy, T Vicsek, D Biro Animal Behaviour 86 (4), 723-732, 2013 | 50 | 2013 |
Coacting enhancers can have complementary functions within gene regulatory networks and promote canalization L Dunipace, Z Ákos, A Stathopoulos PLoS genetics 15 (12), e1008525, 2019 | 22 | 2019 |
Collective Migrations of Drosophila Embryonic Trunk and Caudal Mesoderm-Derived Muscle Precursor Cells J Sun, F Macabenta, Z Akos, A Stathopoulos Genetics 215 (2), 297-322, 2020 | 13 | 2020 |
NaNuTrap: a technique for in vivo cell nucleus labelling using nanobodies Z Ákos, L Dunipace, A Stathopoulos Development 148 (18), dev199822, 2021 | 4 | 2021 |
Viscoelastic properties of ECM-rich embryonic microenvironments Z Akos, DG Isai, S Rajasingh, E Kosa, S Ghazvini, P Dhar, A Czirok | 2 | 2019 |
An active microrheological approach to determine material properties of early avian embryos E Kosa, Z Akos, M Filla, DG Isai, S Ghazvini, P Dhar, A Czirok The FASEB Journal 30, 1031.3-1031.3, 2016 | | 2016 |
How and why embryonic tissue layers move during early morphogenesis in avian embryos? A Czirok, Z Akos, E Kosa, M Filla, D Isai, C Little, P Dhar, B Rongish The FASEB Journal 29, 216.4, 2015 | | 2015 |
Sebességkorrelációk kollektíven mozgó élő rendszerekben Á Zsuzsa, V Tamás | | 2013 |
Velocity correlations in collectively moving living systems Z Ákos Department of Biological Physics, Eötvös Loránd University, 2013 | | 2013 |
A vezeto szerep, a dominancia és a személyiségjegyek kapcso-lata egy kutyacsoportban Á Zsuzsa, B Róbert, N Máté, V Tamás, K Eniko | | |