Jose F Rodrigues-Jr
Jose F Rodrigues-Jr
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BoWFire: Detection of Fire in Still Images by Integrating Pixel Color and Texture Analysis
D Chino, L Avalhais, J Rodrigues, A Traina
The 28th SIBGRAPI Conference on Graphics, Patterns and Images, 95-102, 2015
BioLeaf: a professional mobile application to measure foliar damage caused by insect herbivory
JRJ B Machado, J Orue, M Arruda, C Santos, D Sarath, W Goncalves, G Silva, H ...
Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 129 (1), 44-55, 2016
Big data and machine learning for materials science
JF Rodrigues, L Florea, MCF De Oliveira, D Diamond, ON Oliveira
Discover Materials 1, 1-27, 2021
Local descriptors for soybean disease recognition
RDL Pires, DN Gonçalves, JPM Oruê, WES Kanashiro, JF Rodrigues Jr, ...
Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 125, 48-55, 2016
Reconstructing commuters network using machine learning and urban indicators
G Spadon, AC Carvalho, JF Rodrigues-Jr, LGA Alves
Scientific reports 9 (1), 11801, 2019
Pay attention to evolution: Time series forecasting with deep graph-evolution learning
G Spadon, S Hong, B Brandoli, S Matwin, JF Rodrigues-Jr, J Sun
IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence 44 (9), 5368-5384, 2021
Fismo: A compilation of datasets from emergency situations for fire and smoke analysis
MT Cazzolato, L Avalhais, D Chino, JS Ramos, JA de Souza, ...
Brazilian symposium on databases-SBBD, 213-223, 2017
Aircraft fuselage corrosion detection using artificial intelligence
B Brandoli, AR de Geus, JR Souza, G Spadon, A Soares, JF Rodrigues Jr, ...
Sensors 21 (12), 4026, 2021
e-lors: Uma abordagem para recomendacao de objetos de aprendizagem
L Zaina, G Bressan, MAAC Cardieri, J Rodrigues
Revista Brasileira de Informática na Educação 20 (1), 4-16, 2012
Reviewing data visualization: an analytical taxonomical study
J Rodrigues, AJM Traina, MCF de Oliveira, C Traina
Tenth International Conference on Information Visualization, 713-720, 2006
On the convergence of nanotechnology and Big Data analysis for computer-aided diagnosis
J Rodrigues-Jr, F Paulovich, M Oliveira, O Oliveira-Jr
Nanomedicine 11 (8), 959-982, 2016
Gmine: a system for scalable, interactive graph visualization and mining
J Rodrigues, H Tong, AJM Traina, C Faloutsos, J Leskovec
Proceedings of the 32nd international conference on Very large data bases …, 2006
Transforming French electronic health records into the Observational Medical Outcome Partnership's common data model: a feasibility study
A Lamer, N Depas, M Doutreligne, A Parrot, D Verloop, MM Defebvre, ...
Applied clinical informatics 11 (01), 013-022, 2020
LIG-Doctor: Efficient patient trajectory prediction using bidirectional minimal gated-recurrent networks
JF Rodrigues-Jr, MA Gutierrez, G Spadon, B Brandoli, S Amer-Yahia
Information Sciences 545, 813-827, 2021
Transforming two decades of ePR data to OMOP CDM for clinical research
DM Lima, JF Rodrigues-Jr, AJM Traina, FA Pires, MA Gutierrez
MEDINFO 2019: Health and Wellbeing e-Networks for All, 233-237, 2019
Large Graph Analysis in the GMine System
J Rodrigues, H Tong, J Pan, A Traina, C Traina, C Faloutsos
IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering 25 (1), 106 - 118, 2011
Frequency plot and relevance plot to enhance visual data exploration
J Rodrigues, AJM Traina, C Traina
XVI Symposium on Computer Graphics and Image Processing, 117-124, 2003
DropLeaf: A precision farming smartphone tool for real-time quantification of pesticide application coverage
B Brandoli, G Spadon, T Esau, P Hennessy, ACPL Carvalho, ...
Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 180, 105906, 2021
SuperGraph visualization
JF Rodrigues, AJM Traina, C Faloutsos, C Traina
Eighth IEEE International Symposium on Multimedia, 227-234, 2006
Techniques for effective and efficient fire detection from social media images
M Bedo, G Blanco, W Oliveira, M Cazzolato, A Costa, J Rodrigues, ...
International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems, 34-45, 2015
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