Universal nonequilibrium properties of dissipative Rydberg gases M Marcuzzi, E Levi, S Diehl, JP Garrahan, I Lesanovsky
Physical review letters 113 (21), 210401, 2014
192 2014 Robustness of many-body localization in the presence of dissipation E Levi, M Heyl, I Lesanovsky, JP Garrahan
Physical review letters 116 (23), 237203, 2016
188 2016 Dynamics of many-body localisation in a translation invariant quantum glass model M van Horssen, E Levi, JP Garrahan
Physical Review B 92, 100305, 2015
162 2015 Facilitation dynamics and localization phenomena in Rydberg lattice gases with position disorder M Marcuzzi, J Minář, D Barredo, S De Léséleuc, H Labuhn, T Lahaye, ...
Physical Review Letters 118 (6), 063606, 2017
109 2017 Entanglement entropy of non-unitary conformal field theory D Bianchini, O Castro-Alvaredo, B Doyon, E Levi, F Ravanini
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical 48 (4), 04FT01, 2014
106 2014 Role of interactions in a dissipative many-body localized system B Everest, I Lesanovsky, JP Garrahan, E Levi
Physical Review B 95 (2), 024310, 2017
57 2017 A terahertz-driven non-equilibrium phase transition in a room temperature atomic vapour CG Wade, M Marcuzzi, E Levi, JM Kondo, I Lesanovsky, CS Adams, ...
Nature communications 9 (1), 3567, 2018
54 2018 Non-equilibrium universality in the dynamics of dissipative cold atomic gases M Marcuzzi, E Levi, W Li, JP Garrahan, B Olmos, I Lesanovsky
New Journal of Physics 17 (7), 072003, 2015
53 2015 Arguments towards a c-theorem from branch-point twist fields OA Castro-Alvaredo, B Doyon, E Levi
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical 44 (49), 492003, 2011
33 2011 Coherence, entanglement, and quantumness in closed and open systems with conserved charge, with an application to many-body localization K Macieszczak, E Levi, T Macrì, I Lesanovsky, JP Garrahan
Physical Review A 99 (5), 052354, 2019
28 2019 Emergent devil’s staircase without particle-hole symmetry in Rydberg quantum gases with competing attractive and repulsive interactions Z Lan, J Minář, E Levi, W Li, I Lesanovsky
Physical review letters 115 (20), 203001, 2015
26 2015 Composite branch-point twist fields in the Ising model and their expectation values E Levi
arXiv preprint arXiv:1204.1192, 2012
25 2012 Higher particle form factors of branch point twist fields in integrable quantum field theories OA Castro-Alvaredo, E Levi
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical 44 (25), 255401, 2011
25 2011 Non-adiabatic quantum state preparation and quantum state transport in chains of Rydberg atoms M Ostmann, J Minář, M Marcuzzi, E Levi, I Lesanovsky
New Journal of Physics 19 (12), 123015, 2017
19 2017 Universal corrections to the entanglement entropy in gapped quantum spin chains: a numerical study E Levi, OA Castro-Alvaredo, B Doyon
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 88 (9), 094439, 2013
15 2013 Crystalline structures and frustration in a two-component Rydberg gas E Levi, J Minář, JP Garrahan, I Lesanovsky
New journal of Physics 17 (12), 123017, 2015
14 2015 On the non-equilibrium dynamics of dissipative Rydberg gases in the presence of dephasing noise E Levi, R Gutiérrez, I Lesanovsky
arXiv preprint arXiv:1602.01314, 2016
13 * 2016 Non-classical correlations in a class of spin chains with long-range interactions and exactly solvable ground states E Levi, I Lesanovsky
New Journal of Physics 16 (9), 093053, 2014
9 2014 Cumulants of time-integrated observables of closed quantum systems and symmetry with an application to the quantum Ising chain JM Hickey, E Levi, JP Garrahan
Physical Review B 90 (9), 094301, 2014
8 2014 Terahertz-driven phase transition applied as a room-temperature terahertz detector CG Wade, M Marcuzzi, E Levi, JM Kondo, I Lesanovsky, CS Adams, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:1709.00262, 2017
5 2017