Sabrina Sami Mecheri
Sabrina Sami Mecheri
centre de développement des energies renouvelables,Alger,Algerie
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Viability of integrating Solar Water Heating systems into High Energy Performance housing in Algeria
S Sami, D Semmar, A Hamid, R Mecheri, M Yaiche
Energy 149, 354-363, 2018
Dynamic simulation of hybrid-solar water heated olympic swimming pool
K Kaci, M Merzouk, N Kasbadji Merzouk, M El Ganaoui, S Sami, R Djedjig
Energy Procedia, 750-757, 2017
Mise en application de la nouvelle réglementation thermique algérienne du bâtiment
K Imessad, R Kharchi, S Bouchaib, A Chenak, S Hakem, A Hamidat, ...
Revue des Energies Renouvelables 20 (4), 591-597, 2017
Effect of parallel and serie connection configuration of solar collector on the solar system performances
M Koussa, D Saheb, H Belkhamsa, MA Lalaoui, SA Hakem, S Sami, ...
IREC2015 The Sixth International Renewable Energy Congress, 1-6, 2015
Determination of the energetic needs of low Energy housing and integration of a solar water heating installation located in Algeria.
S Sami-Mecheri, D Semmar, A Hamid
Energy procedia, 854-863, 2015
Etude du comportement thermique d’une installation de chauffage d’eau collective
S Sami, D Lafri, A Hamid
conference JENVER 99, 1999
Solar energy for heating a building used for offices
R Kharchi, K Imessad, S Sami, S Hakem, S Bouchaib, A Chenak, ...
Tmrees, EURACA, 04 to 06 September 2019, Athens, Greece., 2019
Efficacité énergétique des logements à haute performance énergétique, ‘HPE’. Application au site de Bechar
S Sami-Mecheri, D Semmar, A Hamid
Revue des Energies Renouvelables 15 (2), 357 – 364, 2012
study and realization of a solar water heating installations for different remote sites of Algeria
A Hamid, D Lafri, S Sami, D Semmar
Sharika-emirats arabes unis, 2001, 2001
Optimisation des Surfaces de Captation des Installations Solaires de Chauffage d'Eau Collectif
S Sami, A Hamid, D Lafri, D Semmar, R Kharchi
Rev. Energ. Ren.: Chemss, 25-31, 2000
Etude et réalisation d’une installation de chauffage d’eau collective
A Hamid, S Sami, D Lafri, D semmar, R Kharchi
Rev. Energ. Rn, 95-100, 2002
Chauffage des Bungalows de Hammam Chellala par Energies Géothermiques
D Semmar, D Lafri, A Hamid, R Kharchi, S Sami
Rev. Energ. Rn, 75-85, 2002
Integration of a solar cooling and heating system. Case of a residential building located in Blida region
S Sami, K Kaci, MEL Ganaoui, L Ouhsaine
MATEC Web of Conferences 307, 01048, 2020
Integration of a Solar Thermal System for the Heating of an Office Space
R Kharchi, K Imessad, S Bouchaib, A Chenak, S Hakem, A Hamidat, ...
International Journal of Environmental Sciences & Natural Resources 12 (1), 2018
Optimization of collector area for solar heating
K Kaci, O Laouedj, M Merzouk, N Kasbadji, S Sami
The Journal of MacroTrends in Energy and Sustainability 2 (1), 75-83, 2014
Optimisation des surfaces de captation des installations solaires de chauffage d’eau sanitaire
S Sami, M Belhamel, A Hamid, NA Messaoudene
Revue des Energies Renouvelables 10 (4), 473-487, 2007
Etude de la rentabilite d’une installation solaire de chauffage d’eau collective : Application a different sites Algeriens
S Sami-Mecheri, A Hamid, M Belhamel, NA Messaoudene
Rev. Energ. Rn, 53-57, 2003
Optimization of the Energy Efficiency of an Individual Housing in Béchar: Integration of Traditional Materials
S Sami, K Kaci, K Imessad, S Hakem, S Bouchaib
Technological and Innovative Progress in Renewable Energy Systems …, 2025
Improvement of the modern house’s energy efficiency in the region of In Saleh
S Oukaci, A Hamid, D Semmar, A Naimi, S Sami
Solutions for Sustainable Development, 337-346, 2019
Etude d'un système de chauffage d'eau et de refroidissement solaire d'une installation collective
K Kaci, S Sami, M Merzouk, N Kasbadji Merzouk, D Semmar, A Hamid, ...
5th International Seminar on New and Renewable Energies, SIENR 2018, 2018
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