Nancy Bocken
Nancy Bocken
Professor in Sustainable Business & Circular Economy, Maastricht University; Fellow CISL Cambridge
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The Circular Economy–A new sustainability paradigm?
M Geissdoerfer, P Savaget, NMP Bocken, EJ Hultink
Journal of cleaner production 143, 757-768, 2017
A literature and practice review to develop sustainable business model archetypes
NMP Bocken, SW Short, P Rana, S Evans
Journal of cleaner production 65, 42-56, 2014
Product design and business model strategies for a circular economy
NMP Bocken, I De Pauw, C Bakker, B Van Der Grinten
Journal of industrial and production engineering 33 (5), 308-320, 2016
A review and typology of circular economy business model patterns
F Lüdeke‐Freund, S Gold, NMP Bocken
Journal of industrial ecology 23 (1), 36-61, 2019
A value mapping tool for sustainable business modelling
N Bocken, S Short, P Rana, S Evans
Corporate Governance, 2013
Barriers and drivers to sustainable business model innovation: Organization design and dynamic capabilities
NMP Bocken, THJ Geradts
Long range planning 53 (4), 101950, 2020
Design thinking to enhance the sustainable business modelling process–A workshop based on a value mapping process
M Geissdoerfer, NMP Bocken, EJ Hultink
Journal of cleaner production 135, 1218-1232, 2016
Towards a sufficiency-driven business model: Experiences and opportunities
NMP Bocken, SW Short
Environmental innovation and societal transitions 18, 41-61, 2016
Value mapping for sustainable business thinking
NMP Bocken, P Rana, SW Short
Journal of Industrial and Production Engineering 32 (1), 67-81, 2015
Experimenting with a circular business model: Lessons from eight cases
NMP Bocken, CSC Schuit, C Kraaijenhagen
Environmental innovation and societal transitions 28, 79-95, 2018
Sustainable venture capital–catalyst for sustainable start-up success?
NMP Bocken
Journal of cleaner production 108, 647-658, 2015
Circular Economy in the building sector: Three cases and a collaboration tool
E Leising, J Quist, N Bocken
Journal of Cleaner production 176, 976-989, 2018
Bridging sustainable business model innovation and user-driven innovation: A process for sustainable value proposition design
B Baldassarre, G Calabretta, NMP Bocken, T Jaskiewicz
Journal of cleaner production 147, 175-186, 2017
Do circular economy business models capture intended environmental value propositions?
K Manninen, S Koskela, R Antikainen, N Bocken, H Dahlbo, A Aminoff
Journal of cleaner production 171, 413-422, 2018
Circular cities: Mapping six cities in transition
S Prendeville, E Cherim, N Bocken
Environmental innovation and societal transitions 26, 171-194, 2018
Circular ecosystem innovation: An initial set of principles
J Konietzko, N Bocken, EJ Hultink
Journal of Cleaner Production 253, 119942, 2020
Sustainable business model archetypes for the banking industry
AWH Yip, NMP Bocken
Journal of cleaner production 174, 150-169, 2018
Taking the circularity to the next level: a special issue on the circular economy
NMP Bocken, EA Olivetti, JM Cullen, J Potting, R Lifset
Journal of Industrial Ecology 21 (3), 476-482, 2017
Sustainable business model experimentation by understanding ecologies of business models
N Bocken, F Boons, B Baldassarre
Journal of Cleaner Production 208, 1498-1512, 2019
Sustainable business model adoption among S&P 500 firms: A longitudinal content analysis study
P Ritala, P Huotari, N Bocken, L Albareda, K Puumalainen
Journal of cleaner production 170, 216-226, 2018
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