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Mechanical alloying and properties of immiscible Cu-20 wt.% Mo alloy
A Kumar, K Jayasankar, M Debata, A Mandal
Journal of Alloys and Compounds 647, 1040-1047, 2015
Analysis of tribological performance of Cu hybrid composites reinforced with graphite and TiC using factorial techniques
D Nayak, N Ray, R Sahoo, M Debata
Tribology Transactions 57 (5), 908-918, 2014
Effect of high energy ball milling on structure and properties of 95W-3.5 Ni-1.5 Fe heavy alloys
M Debata, TS Acharya, P Sengupta, PP Acharya, S Bajpai, K Jayasankar
International Journal of Refractory Metals and Hard Materials 69, 170-179, 2017
Kinetics, thermodynamics and isotherm studies on adsorption of methyl orange from aqueous solution using ion exchange resin Amberlite IRA-400
SS Behera, S Das, PK Parhi, SK Tripathy, RK Mohapatra, M Debata
Desalination and Water Treatment 60, 249-260, 2017
Influence of nickel boride addition on sintering behaviour and mechanical properties of TiC–Ni based cermets
S Acharya, M Debata, TS Acharya, PP Acharya, SK Singh
Journal of Alloys and Compounds 685, 905-912, 2016
Study of pore morphology, microstructure, and cell adhesion behaviour in porous Ti-6Al-4V scaffolds
S Mandal, VV Das, M Debata, A Panigrahi, P Sengupta, A Rajendran, ...
Emergent Materials 2, 453-462, 2019
Microstructure and mechanical properties of novel tungsten heavy alloys prepared using FeNiCoCrCu HEA as binder
A Panigrahi, TS Acharya, P Sengupta, D Kumar, L Sarangi, N Kumar, ...
Materials Science and Engineering: A 832, 142451, 2022
Effect of composition and milling time on mechanical and wear performance of copper–graphite composites processed by powder metallurgy route
D Nayak, M Debata
Powder metallurgy 57 (4), 265-273, 2014
Optimization of milling parameters, processing and characterization of nano-crystalline oxide dispersion strengthened ferritic steel
A Pandey, K Jayasankar, P Parida, M Debata, BK Mishra, S Saroja
Powder technology 262, 162-169, 2014
Effect of partial and full substitution of Ni with NiB on densification, structure and properties of 90W-6Ni-2Fe-2Co heavy alloys
P Sengupta, M Debata
Journal of Alloys and Compounds 774, 145-152, 2019
Effect of boron addition on sintering of tungsten based alloys
M Debata, A Upadhyaya
Journal of materials science 39 (7), 2539-2541, 2004
L10 FeNi: a promising material for next generation permanent magnets
S Mandal, M Debata, P Sengupta, S Basu
Critical Reviews in Solid State and Materials Sciences 48 (6), 703-725, 2023
Microstructural characterization of oxide dispersion strengthened ferritic steel powder
A Pandey, H Palneedi, K Jayasankar, P Parida, M Debata, BK Mishra, ...
Journal of nuclear materials 437 (1-3), 29-36, 2013
Structural investigations of nanocrystalline Cu-Cr-Mo alloy prepared by high-energy ball milling
A Kumar, SK Pradhan, K Jayasankar, M Debata, RK Sharma, A Mandal
Journal of Electronic Materials 46, 1339-1347, 2017
Substitution of Ni with NiB prevents shape distortion of liquid phase sintered 90W–6Ni–2Fe–2Co heavy alloys
P Sengupta, A Panigrahi, B Indoria, P Meher, TS Acharya, S Basu, ...
Journal of Alloys and Compounds 840, 155785, 2020
Microstructure, distortion characteristics and mechanical behaviour of NiB modified 90W-6Ni-4Co heavy alloys
P Sengupta, P Meher, A Panigrahi, S Mandal, S Basu, M Debata
Journal of Alloys and Compounds 887, 161404, 2021
Effect of Y2O3, La2O3 and ZrO2 dispersoid addition on ultra-high temperature stability of 95W–3.5 Ni–1.5 Fe heavy alloy
S Mandal, P Sengupta, S Dey, M Kumar, S Basu, M Debata
International Journal of Refractory Metals and Hard Materials 113, 106195, 2023
Microwave heat treatment of natural ruby and its characterization
S Swain, SK Pradhan, M Jeevitha, P Acharya, M Debata, T Dash, ...
Applied Physics A 122, 1-7, 2016
Corrosion behavior of powder metallurgy Y2O3 dispersed iron-and nickel-base superalloys
M Debata, GS Upadhyaya
Journal of materials engineering and performance 10, 602-607, 2001
Formation of L10 Ordering in FeNi by Mechanical Alloying and Field-Assisted Heat Treatment: Synchrotron XRD Studies
S Mandal, A Panigrahi, A Rath, M Bönisch, P Sengupta, M Debata, ...
ACS omega 8 (15), 13690-13701, 2023
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