Igor Smirnov
How many macrozoobenthic species might inhabit the Antarctic shelf?
J Gutt, BI Sirenko, IS Smirnov, WE Arntz
Antarctic Science 16 (1), 11-16, 2004
Deep-sea fauna of European seas: an annotated species check-list of benthic invertebrates living deeper than 2000 m in the seas bordering Europe: Ophiuroidea
IS Smirnov, D Piepenburg, C Ahearn, K Juterzenka
Invertebrate Zoology 11 (1), 192-209, 2014
Deep-sea echinoderms of the Sea of Okhotsk
AN Mironov, KV Minin, AB Dilman, IS Smirnov
Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography 154, 342-357, 2018
Comparative study on polyhydroxylated steroids from echinoderms
LK Shubina, SN Fedorov, EV Levina, PV Andriyaschenko, AI Kalinovsky, ...
Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part B: Biochemistry and Molecular …, 1998
Biogeographical and phylogeographical relationships of the bathyal ophiuroid fauna of the Macquarie Ridge, Southern Ocean
TD O’Hara, PJ Smith, VS Mills, I Smirnov, D Steinke
Polar biology 36, 321-333, 2013
Echinoderms of the Kuril-Kamchatka Trench
AN Mironov, AB Dilman, AV Gebruk, AV Kremenetskaia, KV Minin, ...
Progress in Oceanography 179, 102217, 2019
Methane seep communities on the Koryak slope in the Bering Sea
E Rybakova, E Krylova, V Mordukhovich, S Galkin, I Alalykina, I Smirnov, ...
Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography 206, 105203, 2022
Echinoderms from the Laptev Sea
AV Smirnov, IS Smirnov
Issledovaniya Fauny Morei 37 (45), 411-462, 1990
Biogeographical analysis of the Chukchi Sea and adjacent waters based on fauna of some macrobenthos taxa
VV Petryashov, SV Vassilenko, AY Voronkov, BI Sirenko, AV Smirnov, ...
Invertebrate Zoology 10 (1), 49-68, 2013
Two polar Hydractinia species (Cnidaria), epibiotic on two closely related brittle stars (Echinodermata): an example for a taxonomic and ecological bipolarity
A Svoboda, S Stepanjants, I Smirnov
Antarctic Communities: Species, Structure and Survival. Cambridge University …, 1997
New echinoderms findings in the Laptev Sea (1993 1998 expeditions)
AV Smirnov, IS Smirnov
Issledovaniya fauni morei 56 (64), 93, 2006
1997. Taxonomic biodiversity of bottom invertebrates in the eastern Weddell Sea
B Sirenko, I Smirnov, WE Arntz
The Expedition Antarktis XIII/3 (EASIZ I) of „Polarstern “to the eastern …, 1996
ZOOINT-an integrated system for zoological data bases
A Lobanov, E Sokolov, I Smirnov
ADBIS 94, 23-26, 1994
Echinoderms of the East Siberian Sea
AV Smirnov, IS Smirnov
Issledovaniya Fauny Morei 49 (57), 132-182, 1994
Biogeographical analysis of macrobenthos fauna in the East Siberian Sea and reconstruction of the fauna forming ways
VV Petryashov, AY Voronkov, SV Vassilenko, BI Sirenko, AV Smirnov, ...
Issledovania fauny morei [Explorations of the Fauna of the Seas] 66 (74), 160, 2010
Working out a databank on marine invertebrates
IS Smimov
Echinoderms Through Time, 145-145, 2020
ZOOCOD–conception of representation of zoological hierarchical classifications in relational databases
AL Lobanov, IS Smirnov, MB Dianov
Int. Symposium “Information retrieval system in biodiversity research …, 1999
Zwei polare Hydractiniiden-Arten (Hydroidea, Cnidaria) als Symbionten nahe verwandter Schlangensterne (Ophiolepididae, Echinodermata) Á ein ökologisches Beispiel für Bipolarität
A Svoboda, SD Stepanjants, IS Smirnov
Berichte zur Polarforschung 155, 86Á9, 1995
A new subgenus of the genus Phenolia (Coleoptera, Nitidulidae) from Myanmar Cretaceous amber with taxonomic, phylogenetic and bionomic notes on the ‘nitidulid’group of families …
AG Kirejtshuk, J Jenkins Shaw, IS Smirnov
Biogeography and area types of the Southern Ocean ophiuroids (Echinodermata, Ophiuroidea)
IS Smirnov
Echinoderms Through Time, 477-488, 2020
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