Alvin S. Acerbo
Alvin S. Acerbo
Потвърден имейл адрес: bnl.gov
Nanoparticle surface charge influences translocation and leaf distribution in vascular plants with contrasting anatomy
E Spielman-Sun, A Avellan, GD Bland, RV Tappero, AS Acerbo, ...
Environmental Science: Nano 6 (8), 2508-2519, 2019
Changes in Intracortical Microporosities induced by Pharmaceutical Treatment of Osteoporosis as Detected by High Rresolution Micro-CT
SM Tommasini, A Trinward, AS Acerbo, F De Carlo, LM Miller, S Judex
Bone 50 (3), 596-604, 2012
Upgrade of MacCHESS Facility for X-ray Scattering of Biological Macromolecules in Solution
AS Acerbo, MJ Cook, RE Gillilan
Journal of Synchrotron Radiation 22 (1), 2015
Protein Coating Composition Targets Nanoparticles to Leaf Stomata and Trichomes
E Spielman-Sun, A Avellan, GD Bland, ET Clement, RV Tappero, ...
Nanoscale 12 (6), 3630-3636, 2020
Assessment of the Chemical Changes induced in Human Melanoma Cells by Boric Acid Treatment using Infrared Imaging
AS Acerbo, LM Miller
Analyst 134 (8), 1669-1674, 2009
Imaging the Material Properties of Bone Specimens using Reflection-Based Infrared Microspectroscopy
AS Acerbo, GL Carr, S Judex, LM Miller
Analytical chemistry 84 (8), 3607-3613, 2012
Altered Composition of Bone as Triggered by Irradiation Facilitates the Rapid Erosion of the Matrix by both Cellular and Physicochemical Processes
DE Green, BJ Adler, ME Chan, JJ Lennon, AS Acerbo, LM Miller, ...
PloS one 8 (5), e64952, 2013
Bone Matrix Quality after Sclerostin Antibody Treatment
RD Ross, LH Edwards, AS Acerbo, MS Ominsky, AS Virdi, K Sena, ...
Journal of Bone and Mineral Research 29 (7), 1597-1607, 2014
Effect of CeO 2 nanomaterial surface functional groups on tissue and subcellular distribution of Ce in tomato (Solanum lycopersicum)
J Li, RV Tappero, AS Acerbo, H Yan, Y Chu, GV Lowry, JM Unrine
Environmental Science: Nano 6 (1), 273-285, 2019
Dynamic Full-Field Infrared Imaging with Multiple Synchrotron Beams
E Stavitski, RJ Smith, MW Bourassa, AS Acerbo, GL Carr, LM Miller
Analytical chemistry 85 (7), 3599-3605, 2013
Overexpression of DMP1 Accelerates Mineralization and Alters Cortical Bone Biomechanical Properties in Vivo
A Bhatia, M Albazzaz, AAE Orías, N Inoue, LM Miller, AS Acerbo, ...
Journal of the mechanical behavior of biomedical materials 5 (1), 1-8, 2012
Alterations in Collagen and Mineral Nanostructure observed in Osteoporosis and Pharmaceutical Treatments using Simultaneous Small-and Wide-Angle X-ray Scattering
AS Acerbo, AT Kwaczala, L Yang, S Judex, LM Miller
Calcified tissue international 95 (5), 446-456, 2014
Nanospectroscopy Captures Nanoscale Compositional Zonation in Barite Solid Solutions
FT Ling, HA Hunter, JP Fitts, CA Peters, AS Acerbo, X Huang, H Yan, ...
Scientific Reports 8 (1), 13041, 2018
Vein fluorite U-Pb dating demonstrates post–6.2 Ma rare-earth element mobilization associated with Rio Grande rifting
G Piccione, ET Rasbury, BA Elliott, JR Kyle, SJ Jaret, AS Acerbo, ...
Geosphere 15 (6), 1958-1972, 2019
An Anisotropic Propagation Technique for Synthesizing Hyperbranched Polyvillic Gold Nanoparticles
AS Schwartz-Duval, SK Misra, P Mukherjee, E Johnson, AS Acerbo, ...
Nano Research, 2016
Multi-element effects on arsenate accumulation in a geochemical matrix determined using µ-XRF, µ-XANES and spatial statistics
A Sharma, A Muyskens, J Guinness, M Polizzotto, M Fuentes, R Tappero, ...
Journal of Synchrotron Radiation 26 (6), 2019
HBM Mice Have Altered Bone Matrix Composition and Improved Material Toughness
RD Ross, M Mashiatulla, AS Acerbo, JD Almer, LM Miller, ML Johnson, ...
Calcified tissue international 99 (4), 384-395, 2016
Open Source EtherCAT Motion Control Rollout for Motion Applications at SLS-2.0 Beamlines
A Acerbo, T Celcer, A Sandström
19th International Conference on Accelerator and Large Experimental Physics …, 2024
2014 CHESS Users’ Meeting and Workshops
AS Acerbo, MP Miller, JPC Ruff
Synchrotron Radiation News 27 (5), 21-24, 2014
Local Chemical and Nanostructural Properties of Rat Cortical Bone are Altered by Osteoporosis and Pharmaceutical Treatments
AS Acerbo
The Graduate School, Stony Brook University: Stony Brook, NY., 2012
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