Joop van Holsteyn
Joop van Holsteyn
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Never a dull moment: Pim Fortuyn and the Dutch parliamentary election of 2002
JJM Van Holsteyn, GA Irwin
West European Politics 26 (2), 41-66, 2003
Demoted leaders and exiled candidates: Disentangling party and person in the voter’s mind
JJM Van Holsteyn, RB Andeweg
Electoral Studies 29 (4), 628-635, 2010
According to the polls: The influence of opinion polls on expectations
GA Irwin
The Public Opinion Quarterly 66 (1), 92-104, 2002
The Netherlands: explaining the limited success of the extreme right
C Mudde, J Van Holsteyn
The politics of the extreme right: from the margins to the mainstream …, 2000
In the eye of the beholder: The perception of the List Pim Fortuyn and the parliamentary elections of May 2002
JJM Van Holsteyn, GA Irwin, JM Den Ridder
Acta Politica 38, 69-87, 2003
What are they waiting for? Strategic information for late deciding voters
GA Irwin, JJM Van Holsteyn
International Journal of Public Opinion Research 20 (4), 483-493, 2008
Towards a more open model of competition
GA Irwin, JJM Van Holsteyn
West European Politics 12 (1), 112-138, 1989
The Dutch parliamentary election of 2010
JJM Van Holsteyn
West European Politics 34 (2), 412-419, 2011
Strategic electoral considerations under proportional representation
GA Irwin, JJM Van Holsteyn
Electoral Studies 31 (1), 184-191, 2012
From May’s Laws to May’s legacy: On the opinion structure within political parties
JJM Van Holsteyn, JMD Ridder, RA Koole
Party Politics 23 (5), 471-486, 2017
Decline of the structured model of electoral competition
GA Irwin, JJM Van Holsteyn
West European Politics 12 (1), 21-41, 1989
Holland and Pim Fortuyn: A deviant case or the beginning of something new?
J Rydgren, J van Holsteyn
Movements of exclusion: Radical right-wing populism. New York: Nova Science …, 2005
The Dutch parliamentary elections of March 2017
JJM Van Holsteyn
West European Politics 41 (6), 1364-1377, 2018
Scientific progress, educated guesses or speculation? On some old predictions with respect to electoral behaviour in the Netherlands
GA Irwin, JJM Van Holsteyn
Acta Politica 43, 180-202, 2008
Tweede Orde Personalisering: Voorkeurstemmen in Nederland
J Van Holstyen, R Andeweg
Res Publica 54 (2), 163-191, 2012
Alles blijft anders: Nederlandse kiezers en verkiezingen in het begin van de 21e eeuw
JJM Van Holsteyn
Aksant, 2005
Het woord is aan de kiezer: een beschouwing over verkiezingen en stemgedrag aan de hand van open vragen
JJM van Holsteyn
They Say It Can't Be Done? Strategic Voting in Multi-Party Proportional Systems: The Case of the Netherlands
GA Irwin, JJ Van Holsteyn
annual meeting of the American Political Science Association, Philadelphia, 2003
The Dutch parliamentary elections of 2006
JJM Van Holsteyn
West European Politics 30 (5), 1139-1147, 2007
Bandwagons, underdogs, the Titanic, and the Red Cross: the influence of public opinion polls on voters
G Irwin, JJM Van Holsteyn
communication presented at the 18th Congress of the International Political …, 2000
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