Mia Amber Derhé
Mia Amber Derhé
School for Field Studies (Australia)
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Degraded lands worth protecting: the biological importance of Southeast Asia's repeatedly logged forests
DP Edwards, TH Larsen, TDS Docherty, FA Ansell, WW Hsu, MA Derhé, ...
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 278 (1702), 82-90, 2011
Land‐sharing versus land‐sparing logging: reconciling timber extraction with biodiversity conservation
DP Edwards, JJ Gilroy, P Woodcock, FA Edwards, TH Larsen, ...
Global change biology 20 (1), 183-191, 2014
Measuring the success of reforestation for restoring biodiversity and ecosystem functioning
MA Derhé, H Murphy, G Monteith, R Menéndez
Journal of Applied Ecology 53 (6), 1714-1724, 2016
Predicting the effect of climate change on aggregation behaviour in four species of terrestrial isopods
M Hassall, D Edwards, R Carmenta, M Derhé, A Moss
Behaviour 147 (2), 151-164, 2010
Recovery of mammal diversity in tropical forests: a functional approach to measuring restoration
MA Derhé, HT Murphy, ND Preece, MJ Lawes, R Menéndez
Restoration Ecology 26 (4), 778-786, 2018
Spatial variation in anuran richness, diversity, and abundance across montane wetland habitat in Volcanoes National Park, Rwanda
Y van der Hoek, D Tuyisingize, W Eckardt, N Garriga, MA Derhé
Ecology and Evolution 9 (7), 4220-4230, 2019
Recent decline in vegetative regeneration of bamboo (Yushania alpina), a key food plant for primates in Volcanoes National Park, Rwanda
Y van der Hoek, F Emmanuel, W Eckardt, I Kwizera, M Derhé, D Caillaud, ...
Scientific Reports 9 (1), 13041, 2019
Developing a population assessment for Scopoli’s and Cory’s shearwaters Calonectris Diomedea calonectris borealis
M Derhé
Ecology and Conservation of Mediterranean Seabirds and Other Bird Species …, 2012
Developing a population assessment for Yelkouan Shearwater Puffinus yelkouan
M Derhé
Ecology and Conservation of Mediterranean Seabirds and other bird species …, 2011
Status, diversity and trends of the bird communities in Volcanoes National Park and surrounds, Rwanda
MA Derhe, D Tuyisingize, W Eckardt, F Emmanuel, T Stoinski
Bird Conservation International 30 (1), 1-20, 2020
Thermal imaging outshines spotlighting for detecting cryptic, nocturnal mammals in tropical rainforests
AH Underwood, MA Derhè, S Jacups
Wildlife Research 49 (6), 491-499, 2022
Population assessment for the Yelkouan Shearwater Puffinus yelkouan
MA Derhé
Methodology for Bird Species Recovery Planning in the European Union. Final …, 2012
Observations on regeneration of the keystone plant species Hagenia abyssinica in Volcanoes National Park, Rwanda.
L Kayitete, Y Hoek, B Nyirambangutse, MA Derhé
African Journal of Ecology 57 (2), 2019
Update on the population status and distribution of Mediterranean shearwaters
C Carboneras, M Derhé, I Ramírez
Report to the Seventh Meeting of the ACAP Advisory Committee, La Rochelle, 2013
Effects of sardines as an attractant on carnivore detection and temporal activity patterns at remote camera traps
AC Siegfried, SN Harris, C Olfenbuttel, DS Jachowski
Wildlife Research 51 (1), NULL-NULL, 2023
Refining seabird marine protected areas by predicting habitat inside foraging range-a case study from the global tropics
M Miller, G Hemson, J Du Toit, A McDougall, P Miller, A Mizutani, ...
Authorea Preprints, 2023
Effect of mountain gorilla (Gorilla beringei beringei) population growth to their key food plant biomass in Volcanoes National Park, Rwanda
MJP Samedi, W Eckardt, M Derhé, M Miller, CC Grueter, MM Robbins, ...
Rwanda Journal of Engineering, Science, Technology and Environment 2 (1), 2019
Investigating the efficiency of reforestation approaches in restoring rainforest biodiversity and function
MA Derhé
PQDT-UK & Ireland, 2017
Developing a population assessment for Scopoli's and Cory's
M Derhé
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