Mahdi Aliyari-Shoorehdeli (ORCID:0000-0002-9985-510X)
Mahdi Aliyari-Shoorehdeli (ORCID:0000-0002-9985-510X)
Други именаMahdi Aliyari Shoorehdeli, M. Aliyari Sh., مهدی علیاری شوره دلی
Associate Professor, SMIEEE, K.N. Toosi University of Technology (ROR 0433abe34), Tehran. IRAN
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A novel binary particle swarm optimization
MA Khanesar, M Teshnehlab, M Aliyari-Shoorehdeli
2007 Mediterranean conference on control & automation, 1-6, 2007
Identification using ANFIS with intelligent hybrid stable learning algorithm approaches and stability analysis of training methods
M Aliyari-Shoorehdeli, M Teshnehlab, AK Sedigh, MA Khanesar
Applied Soft Computing 9 (2), 833-850, 2009
Training ANFIS structure with modified PSO algorithm
VS Ghomsheh, M Aliyari-Shoorehdeli, M Teshnehlab
2007 Mediterranean Conference on Control & Automation, 1-6, 2007
Training ANFIS as an identifier with intelligent hybrid stable learning algorithm based on particle swarm optimization and extended Kalman filter
M Aliyari-Shoorehdeli, M Teshnehlab, AK Sedigh
Fuzzy Sets and Systems 160 (7), 922-948, 2009
Feature extraction and classification of EEG signals using wavelet transform, SVM and artificial neural networks for brain computer interfaces
MRN Kousarrizi, ARA Ghanbari, M Teshnehlab, M Aliyari-Shoorehdeli, ...
2009 international joint conference on bioinformatics, systems biology and …, 2009
Adaptive fuzzy dynamic surface control of nonlinear systems with input saturation and time-varying output constraints
L Edalati, AK Sedigh, M Aliyari-Shoorehdeli, A Moarefianpour
Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing 100, 311-329, 2018
Modified multi-objective particle swarm optimization for electromagnetic absorber design
S Chamaani, SA Mirtaheri, M Teshnehlab, M Aliyari-Shoorehdeli
2007 Asia-Pacific Conference on Applied Electromagnetics, 1-5, 2007
Thyroid disease diagnosis based on genetic algorithms using PNN and SVM
F Saiti, AA Naini, M Aliyari-Shoorehdeli, M Teshnehlab
2009 3rd International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedical …, 2009
Fault analysis of high-voltage circuit breakers based on coil current and contact travel waveforms through modified SVM classifier
FN Rudsari, AA Razi-Kazemi, MA Shoorehdeli
IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery 34 (4), 1608-1618, 2019
Recurrent fuzzy neural network by using feedback error learning approaches for LFC in interconnected power system
K Sabahi, M Teshnehlab, M Aliyari-Shoorehdeli
Energy Conversion and Management 50 (4), 938-946, 2009
Model-based robust fault detection and isolation of an industrial gas turbine prototype using soft computing techniques
HA Nozari, M Aliyari-Shoorehdeli, S Simani, HD Banadaki
Neurocomputing 91, 29-47, 2012
Load frequency control in interconnected power system using modified dynamic neural networks
K Sabahi, MA Nekoui, M Teshnehlab, Mahdi Aliyari-Shoorehdeli, ...
2007 Mediterranean Conference on Control & Automation, 1-5, 2007
Classification of alcoholics and non-alcoholics via EEG using SVM and neural networks
MRN Kousarrizi, AA Ghanbari, A Gharaviri, M Teshnehlab, ...
2009 3rd International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedical …, 2009
Sliding mode control of rotary inverted pendulm
MA Khanesar, M Teshnehlab, M Aliyari-Shoorehdeli
2007 Mediterranean Conference on Control & Automation, 1-6, 2007
A novel training algorithm in ANFIS structure
M Aliyari-Shoorehdeli, M Teshnehlab, AK Sedigh
2006 American Control Conference, 6 pp., 2006
Detection of anomalies in industrial iot systems by data mining: Study of christ osmotron water purification system
MSS Garmaroodi, F Farivar, MS Haghighi, MA Shoorehdeli, A Jolfaei
IEEE Internet of Things Journal 8 (13), 10280-10287, 2020
Intelligent prediction of differential pipe sticking by support vector machine compared with conventional artificial neural networks: an example of Iranian offshore oil fields
R Jahanbakhshi, R Keshavarzi, M Aliyari-Shoorehdeli, A Emamzadeh
SPE Drilling & Completion 27 (04), 586-595, 2012
Novel hybrid learning algorithms for tuning ANFIS parameters using adaptive weighted PSO
M Aliyari-Shoorehdeli, M Teshnehlab, AK Sedigh
2007 IEEE International Fuzzy Systems Conference, 1-6, 2007
Identification using ANFIS with intelligent hybrid stable learning algorithm approaches
M Aliyari-Shoorehdeli, M Teshnehlab, AK Sedigh
Neural Computing and Applications 18 (2), 157-174, 2009
Type-2 fuzzy control for a flexible-joint robot using voltage control strategy
MM Zirkohi, MM Fateh, M Aliyari-Shoorehdeli
International Journal of Automation and Computing 10 (3), 242-255, 2013
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