Dr. Pushpendar Kumar
Dr. Pushpendar Kumar
Потвърден имейл адрес: iitd.ac.in
Bioconversion of algae to methane and subsequent utilization of digestate for algae cultivation: a closed loop bioenergy generation process
SK Prajapati, P Kumar, A Malik, VK Vijay
Bioresource technology 158, 174-180, 2014
Development and performance evaluation of an algal biofilm reactor for treatment of multiple wastewaters and characterization of biomass for diverse applications
P Choudhary, SK Prajapati, P Kumar, A Malik, KK Pant
Bioresource technology 224, 276-284, 2017
A rapid method for fungal assisted algal flocculation: critical parameters & mechanism insights
A Bhattacharya, M Mathur, P Kumar, SK Prajapati, A Malik
Algal research 21, 42-51, 2017
Antibacterial Potential of Jatropha curcas Synthesized Silver Nanoparticles against Food Borne Pathogens
N Chauhan, AK Tyagi, P Kumar, A Malik
Frontiers in microbiology 7, 1748, 2016
Exploring pellet forming filamentous fungi as tool for harvesting non-flocculating unicellular microalgae
SK Prajapati, P Kumar, A Malik, P Choudhary
BioEnergy Research 7, 1430-1440, 2014
Method for simultaneous bioflocculation and pretreatment of algal biomass targeting improved methane production
AMVKV Sanjeev K Prajapati, Arghya Bhattacharya, Pushpendar Kumar
Green Chemistry, 2016
Anaerobic digestion of textile industries wastes for biogas production
P Kumar, S Samuchiwal, A Malik
Biomass Conversion and Biorefinery 10 (3), 715-724, 2020
Cultivation of native algal consortium in semi-continuous pilot scale raceway pond for greywater treatment coupled with potential methane production
P Kumar, SK Prajapati, A Malik, VK Vijay
Journal of environmental chemical engineering 5 (6), 5581-5587, 2017
Potential role of N-acetyl glucosamine in Aspergillus fumigatus-assisted Chlorella pyrenoidosa harvesting
A Bhattacharya, M Mathur, P Kumar, A Malik
Biotechnology for Biofuels 12, 1-17, 2019
High-rate CO 2 sequestration using a novel venturi integrated photobioreactor and subsequent valorization to microalgal lipids
S Dey, A Bhattacharya, P Kumar, A Malik
Green Chemistry 22 (22), 7962-7973, 2020
An integration of algae-mediated wastewater treatment and resource recovery through anaerobic digestion
M Bhandari, P Kumar, P Bhatt, H Simsek, R Kumar, A Chaudhary, A Malik, ...
Journal of environmental management 342, 118159, 2023
Evaluation of biomethane potential of waste algal biomass collected from eutrophied lake: effect of source of inocula, co-substrate, and VS loading
P Kumar, SK Prajapati, A Malik, VK Vijay
Journal of Applied Phycology 31, 533-545, 2019
Anaerobic co-digestion of waste microalgal biomass with cattle dung in a pilot-scale reactor: effect of seasonal variations and long-term stability assessment
P Kumar, A Bhattacharya, SK Prajapati, A Malik, VK Vijay
Biomass Conversion and Biorefinery, 1-13, 2020
Life cycle assessment of sequential microbial-based anaerobic-aerobic reactor technology developed onsite for treating textile effluent
S Samuchiwal, F Naaz, P Kumar, SZ Ahammad, A Malik
Environmental Research 234, 116545, 2023
Virulence and immunogenicity of a clone of Streptococcus equi in which expression of SeM is blocked by Tn916 mutagenesis
JF Timoney, J Wang, S Artiushin, A Sheoran, J Nally, P Kumar
Streptococci and Streptococcal Diseases Entering the New Millinium.(Martin …, 2000
Thermogravimetry and associated characteristics of pearl millet cob and eucalyptus biomass using differential thermal gravimetric analysis for thermochemical gasification …
P Kumar, PMV Subbarao, LD Kala, VK Vijay
J. TSEP, 2021
Thermal and kinetic analysis of biomass fuel (powders) by differential thermal gravimetric analysis (TGA/DTG/DTA)
P Kumar, PMV Subbarao, LD Kala, VK Vijay
Proceeding of the 16th International Conference on Environmental Science and …, 2019
Genetic evaluation of Frieswal sires for test day milk records and first lactation traits. MV Sc
P Kumar
Thesis, LUVAS, Hisar, India, 2015
Genetic evaluation of Frieswal sires for test day milk records and first lactation traits
P Kumar
MV Sc thesis, 2015
Inorganic P fractions in an Entisol under continuous cropping and fertilizer use.
RC Dakhore, VN Deshmukh, P Kumar
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