Renata Blumberg
Renata Blumberg
Assistant Professor
Потвърден имейл адрес: montclair.edu
Toward anarchist and autonomist Marxist geographies
N Clough, R Blumberg
ACME: An International Journal for Critical Geographies 11 (3), 335-351, 2012
Reparation ecologies: Regimes of repair in populist agroecology
KV Cadieux, S Carpenter, A Liebman, R Blumberg, B Upadhyay
Environmental Governance in a Populist/Authoritarian Era, 344-360, 2020
For food space: theorizing alternative food networks beyond alterity
R Blumberg, H Leitner, KV Cadieux
Journal of Political Ecology, 2020
Solidarity, space, and race: toward geographies of agrifood justice
R Slocum, K Cadieux, R Blumberg
Justice spatiale-Spatial justice 9, http://www. jssj. org/article/solidarite, 2016
Alternative food networks and farmer livelihoods: A spatializing livelihoods perspective
R Blumberg
Geoforum 88, 161-173, 2018
The effects of acclimation to the United States and other demographic factors on responses to salt levels in foods: An examination utilizing face reader technology
AL Kerrihard, MB Khair, R Blumberg, CH Feldman, SM Wunderlich
Appetite 116, 315-322, 2017
Geographies of reconnection at the marketplace
R Blumberg
Food Culture and Politics in the Baltic States, 25-44, 2018
Infrastructures of taste: Rethinking local food histories in Lithuania
R Blumberg, D Mincyte
Appetite 138, 252-259, 2019
Metabolic syndrome and chronic disease risk in South Asian immigrants: A review of prevalence, factors, and interventions
M Mahadevan, M Bose, KM Gawron, R Blumberg
Healthcare 11 (5), 720, 2023
Beyond europeanization: The politics of scale and positionality in Lithuania’s alternative food networks
R Blumberg, D Mincyte
European Urban and Regional Studies 27 (2), 189-205, 2020
Food and nutrition care in long-term care facilities: Examining the perspectives of frontline workers
R Blumberg, C Feldman, D Murray, N Burnes, D Murawski
Journal of nutrition in gerontology and geriatrics 37 (3-4), 145-157, 2018
A convergent mixed-methods exploration of the effects of community-engaged coursework on graduate student learning
LM Dinour, J Szaro, R Blumberg, M Bose
Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior 50 (6), 598-609, 2018
Placing alternative food networks: farmers’ markets in post-soviet Vilnius, Lithuania
R Blumberg
Ethical Eating in the Postsocialist and Socialist World, 69-92, 2014
Navigating urban agroecological research with the social sciences
E Bowness, JA Nicklay, A Liebman, KV Cadieux, R Blumberg
Urban Agroecology, 275-298, 2020
Raíces del sur: Cultivating ecofeminist visions in urban New Jersey
R Blumberg, R Huitzitzilin, C Urdanivia, BC Lorio
Capitalism Nature Socialism 29 (1), 58-68, 2018
Solidarité, espace et «race»: vers des géographies de la justice alimentaire, Justice spatiale/Spatial Justice, 9
R Slocum, KV Cadieux, R Blumberg
Food security in systemic context
KV Cadieux, R Blumberg
Encyclopedia of food and agricultural ethics, 979-88, 2014
An investigation of social ecological barriers to and facilitators of WIC farmers market nutrition program voucher redemption
R Blumberg, E Fowler, Y Bai, P Lal, A Smolen, I Dubrovsky
Nutrients 14 (9), 1871, 2022
The Spatial Politics and Political Economy of Alternative Food Networks in Post-Soviet Latvia and Lithuania
R Blumberg
PhD diss., University of Minnesota, Twin Cities, 2014
Engendering European alternative food networks through countertopographies. Perspectives from Latvia
R Blumberg
Anthropology of food, 2022
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