Philipp Heinrich
Philipp Heinrich
FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg
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Japan's 2014 general election: Political bots, right-wing internet activism, and prime minister Shinzō Abe's hidden nationalist agenda
F Schäfer, S Evert, P Heinrich
Big data 5 (4), 294-309, 2017
How will your tweet be received? predicting the sentiment polarity of tweet replies
ST Arasteh, M Monajem, V Christlein, P Heinrich, A Nicolaou, HN Boldaji, ...
2021 IEEE 15th International Conference on Semantic Computing (ICSC), 370-373, 2021
A corpus of German Reddit exchanges (GeRedE)
A Blombach, N Dykes, P Heinrich, B Kabashi, T Proisl
Proceedings of the Twelfth Language Resources and Evaluation Conference …, 2020
Combining machine learning and Semantic features in the classification of corporate disclosures
S Evert, P Heinrich, K Henselmann, U Rabenstein, E Scherr, M Schmitt, ...
Journal of Logic, Language and Information 28, 309-330, 2019
Extending corpus-based discourse analysis for exploring Japanese social media
P Heinrich, F Schäfer
Proceedings of 4th Asia Pacific Corpus Linguistics Conference, 135-140, 2018
A transnational analysis of news and tweets about nuclear phase-out in the aftermath of the Fukushima incident
P Heinrich, C Adrian, O Kalashnikova, F Schäfer, S Evert
Proceedings of the LREC 2018 “Workshop on Computational Impact Detection …, 2018
Was bin ich–und wenn ja, wie viele? Identifikation und Analyse von Political Bots während des Bundestagswahlkampfs 2017 auf Twitter
F Pfaffenberger, C Adrian, P Heinrich
Die (Massen-) Medien im Wahlkampf: Die Bundestagswahl 2017, 97-124, 2019
Translation Inference across Dictionaries via a Combination of Graph-based Methods and Co-occurrence Statistics.
T Proisl, P Heinrich, S Evert, B Kabashi
LDK Workshops, 94-82, 2017
Empirist corpus 2.0: Adding manual normalization, lemmatization and semantic tagging to a German web and CMC corpus
T Proisl, N Dykes, P Heinrich, B Kabashi, A Blombach, S Evert
Proceedings of the Twelfth Language Resources and Evaluation Conference …, 2020
Reconstructing arguments from noisy text: Introduction to the RANT project
N Dykes, S Evert, M Göttlinger, P Heinrich, L Schröder
Datenbank-Spektrum 20, 123-129, 2020
Multimodal approaches to media discourses: Reconstructing the age of austerity in the United Kingdom
T Griebel, S Evert, P Heinrich
Routledge, 2020
Corpus Query Lingua Franca part II: Ontology
S Evert, O Harlamov, P Heinrich, P Bański
Proceedings of the Twelfth Language Resources and Evaluation Conference …, 2020
Die überschätzte Gefahr? Twitter-Bots im Europawahlkampf 2019
F Pfaffenberger, P Heinrich
Europawahlkampf 2019: Zur Rolle der Medien, 115-148, 2020
A new German Reddit corpus
A Blombach, N Dykes, S Evert, P Heinrich, B Kabashi, T Proisl
Proceedings of the 15th Conference on Natural Language Processing (KONVENS …, 2019
The_illiterati: Part-of-speech tagging for magahi and bhojpuri without even knowing the alphabet
T Proisl, P Uhrig, A Blombach, N Dykes, P Heinrich, B Kabashi, ...
Proceedings of The First International Workshop on NLP Solutions for Under …, 2019
EmotiKLUE at IEST 2018: Topic-informed classification of implicit emotions
T Proisl, P Heinrich, B Kabashi, S Evert
Proceedings of the 9th Workshop on Computational Approaches to Subjectivity …, 2018
Automatic Identification of COVID-19-Related Conspiracy Narratives in German Telegram Channels and Chats
P Heinrich, A Blombach, BMD Dang, L Zilio, L Havenstein, N Dykes, ...
Proceedings of the 2024 Joint International Conference on Computational …, 2024
Anonymisierung von Gerichtsurteilen–Eine wesentliche Voraussetzung für E-Justice
A Adrian, S Evert, M Keuchen, P Heinrich, N Dykes
Jusletter IT (May 2021), 2021
Argument parsing via corpus queries
N Dykes, S Evert, M Göttlinger, P Heinrich, L Schröder
it-Information Technology 63 (1), 31-44, 2021
Possibilities and Challenges of Corpus-Assisted Discourse Analyses of Austerity in the United Kingdom
T Griebel, S Evert, P Heinrich
Multimodal Approaches to Media Discourses, 1-10, 2020
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