Elizabeth Masden
Elizabeth Masden
Research Fellow, Environmental Research Institute, University of the Highlands and Islands
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Assessing vulnerability of marine bird populations to offshore wind farms
RW Furness, HM Wade, EA Masden
Journal of Environmental Management 119, 56-66, 2013
Barriers to movement: impacts of wind farms on migrating birds
EA Masden, DT Haydon, AD Fox, RW Furness, R Bullman, M Desholm
ICES Journal of marine Science 66 (4), 746-753, 2009
Cumulative impact assessments and bird/wind farm interactions: Developing a conceptual framework
EA Masden, AD Fox, RW Furness, R Bullman, DT Haydon
Environmental Impact Assessment Review 30 (1), 1-7, 2010
Barriers to movement: modelling energetic costs of avoiding marine wind farms amongst breeding seabirds
EA Masden, DT Haydon, AD Fox, RW Furness
Marine Pollution Bulletin 60 (7), 1085-1091, 2010
Annex IV 2016 state of the science report: environmental effects of marine renewable energy development around the world
A Copping, N Sather, L Hanna, J Whiting, G Zydlewski, G Staines, A Gill, ...
Ocean Energy Systems 224, 2016
Avian collision risk models for wind energy impact assessments
EA Masden, A Cook
Environmental Impact Assessment Review 56, 43-49, 2016
Assessing the sensitivity of seabird populations to adverse effects from tidal stream turbines and wave energy devices
R Furness, H Wade, A Robbins, E Masden
ICES Journal of Marine Science 69 (8), 1466-1479, 2012
Ecological drivers of change at South Georgia: the krill surplus, or climate variability
PN Trathan, N Ratcliffe, EA Masden
Ecography, 2012
Seabirds and marine plastic debris in the northeastern Atlantic: A synthesis and recommendations for monitoring and research
NJ O'Hanlon, NA James, EA Masden, AL Bond
Environmental Pollution 231, 1291-1301, 2017
Contrasting effects of GPS device and harness attachment on adult survival of Lesser Black‐backed Gulls Larus fuscus and Great Skuas Stercorarius skua
CB Thaxter, VH Ross‐Smith, JA Clark, NA Clark, GJ Conway, EA Masden, ...
Ibis 158 (2), 279-290, 2016
Quantifying avian avoidance of offshore wind turbines: current evidence and key knowledge gaps
ASCP Cook, EM Humphreys, F Bennet, EA Masden, NHK Burton
Marine Environmental Research 140, 278-288, 2018
Modelling flight heights of lesser black‐backed gulls and great skuas from GPS: A Bayesian approach
VH Ross‐Smith, CB Thaxter, EA Masden, J Shamoun‐Baranes, ...
Journal of Applied Ecology 53 (6), 1676-1685, 2016
Challenges and opportunities in monitoring the impacts of tidal-stream energy devices on marine vertebrates
CJ Fox, S Benjamins, EA Masden, R Miller
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 81, 1926-1938, 2018
Considerations for upscaling individual effects of wind energy development towards population-level impacts on wildlife
R May, EA Masden, F Bennet, M Perron
Journal of environmental management 230, 84-93, 2019
Monitoring nest incorporation of anthropogenic debris by Northern Gannets across their range
NJ O'Hanlon, AL Bond, JL Lavers, EA Masden, NA James
Environmental Pollution 255, 113152, 2019
Harbour porpoise distribution can vary at small spatiotemporal scales in energetic habitats
S Benjamins, N van Geel, G Hastie, J Elliott, B Wilson
Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography 141, 191-202, 2017
Renewable energy developments in an uncertain world: The case of offshore wind and birds in the UK
EA Masden, A McCluskie, E Owen, RHW Langston
Marine Policy 51, 169-172, 2015
Avian vulnerability to wind farm collision through the year: Insights from lesser black‐backed gulls (Larus fuscus) tracked from multiple breeding colonies
CB Thaxter, VH Ross‐Smith, W Bouten, NA Clark, GJ Conway, ...
Journal of Applied Ecology 56 (11), 2410-2422, 2019
Assessing the impact of marine wind farms on birds through movement modelling
EA Masden, R Reeve, M Desholm, AD Fox, RW Furness, DT Haydon
Journal of the Royal Society Interface 9 (74), 2120-2130, 2012
Dodging the blades: new insights into three-dimensional space use of offshore wind farms by lesser black-backed gulls Larus fuscus
CB Thaxter, VH Ross-Smith, W Bouten, EA Masden, NA Clark, ...
Marine Ecology Progress Series 587, 247-253, 2018
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