Jesse Mark
Jesse Mark
University of Western Ontario
Потвърден имейл адрес: drexel.edu
Comparison of brain activation during motor imagery and motor movement using fNIRS
AM Batula, JA Mark, YE Kim, H Ayaz
Computational intelligence and neuroscience 2017 (1), 5491296, 2017
Soluble transferrin receptor as an index of iron status in Zairian children with malaria.
S Kuvibidila, JA Mark, RP Warrier, L Yu, D Ode, KA Tshefu
The Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene 98 (6), 373-378, 1995
Neuroadaptive Training via fNIRS in Flight Simulators
JA Mark, AE Kraft, MD Ziegler, H Ayaz
Frontiers in Neuroergonomics 3, 820523, 2022
Neurofeedback for personalized adaptive training
J Mark, N Thomas, A Kraft, WD Casebeer, M Ziegler, H Ayaz
Advances in Neuroergonomics and Cognitive Engineering: Proceedings of the …, 2018
Developing an optical brain-computer interface for humanoid robot control
AM Batula, J Mark, YE Kim, H Ayaz
Foundations of Augmented Cognition: Neuroergonomics and Operational …, 2016
Eye tracking-based workload and performance assessment for skill acquisition
J Mark, A Curtin, A Kraft, T Sands, WD Casebeer, M Ziegler, H Ayaz
Advances in Neuroergonomics and Cognitive Engineering: Proceedings of the …, 2020
Mental workload assessment by monitoring brain, heart, and eye with six biomedical modalities during six cognitive tasks
JA Mark, A Curtin, AE Kraft, MD Ziegler, H Ayaz
Frontiers in neuroergonomics 5, 1345507, 2024
Predicting future performance based on current brain activity: an fNIRS and EEG study
H Ayaz, A Curtin, J Mark, A Kraft, M Ziegler
2019 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics (SMC …, 2019
Simultaneous fMRI and tDCS for enhancing training of flight tasks
JA Mark, H Ayaz, DE Callan
Brain sciences 13 (7), 1024, 2023
Multimodal cognitive workload assessment using eeg, fnirs, ecg, eog, ppg, and eye-tracking
J Mark, A Curtin, A Kraft, A Sargent, A Perez, L Friedman, A Barkan, ...
Front. Hum. Neurosci 12 (2018), 10.3389, 2018
Evaluating neural correlates of Constant-Therapy neurorehabilitation task battery: An fNIRS pilot study
J Mark, B Onaral, H Ayaz
International Conference on Augmented Cognition, 231-241, 2016
Developing a tDCS-Enhanced Dual-Task Flight Simulator for Evaluating Learning
J Mark, H Ayaz, D Callan
Advances in Neuroergonomics and Cognitive Engineering: Proceedings of the …, 2021
Simultaneous fMRI and tDCS for Enhancing Training of Flight Tasks Supplementary Information
JA Mark, H Ayaz, D Callan
(No Title), 2023
Neuroadaptive Training Approaches to Enhance Skill Acquisition in Flight Simulators
JA Mark
Drexel University, 2023
Wearable Brain and Body Sensing for Multimodal Assessment of Cognitive Workload and Training
J Mark, AB Curtin, A Kraft, M Ziegler, H Ayaz
NATO Human Factors & Medicine (HFM) Symposium, 2022
Neuroimaging-guided Adaptive Training in Flight Simulators
J Mark, A Kraft, W Casebeer, M Ziegler, H Ayaz
Frontiers in human neuroscience 12, 2018
Developing a Cognitive Battery for Top-Down Workload Assessment
A Kraft, M Ziegler, S Mayne-DeLuca, T Sands, A Perez, J Mark, A Curtin, ...
Conference Abstract: 2nd International Neuroergonomics Conference. doi: 10 …, 2018
Cadavers as teachers-Reply
DM Chapman, KJ Rhee, EA Panacek, JA Mark, B Honigman, ...
Annals of emergency medicine 30 (1), 1997
Effects of tDCS neurostimulation on Flight Simulator Performance
J Mark, H Ayaz, D Callan
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