Professor Ibrahim Yakamba Dugje
Professor Ibrahim Yakamba Dugje
Department of Crop Production, University of Maiduguri
Потвърден имейл адрес: unimaid.edu.ng
Farmers Guide to Cowpea Production in West Africa.
IY Dugje, LO Omoigui, F Ekeleme, AY Kamara, H Ajigbe
International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA) Ibadan Nigeria, (www …, 2009
Farmers Guide to Soybean Production in Northern Nigeria.
IY Dugje, LO Omoigui, F Ekeleme, R Bandyopadhyay, KP Lava, ...
International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA) Ibadan Nigeria,(www …, 2009
Infestation of Crop Fields by Striga Species in the Savanna Zones of North East Nigeria
IY Dugje, AY Kamara, LO Omoigui
Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment (http://www.elservier.com). 116, 251 …, 2006
Production du nie’be’ en Afrique de l’Ouest : Guide du paysan.
IY Dugje, LO Omoigui, F Ekeleme, AY Kamara, H Ajigbe
International Institute of Tropical Agriculture Ibadan (www.iita.org)., 2009
Field Performance of Improved Cowpea Varieties under conditions of Natural Infestation by the Parasitic Weed – Striga gesnerioides.
AY Kamara, D Chikoye, F Ekeleme, LO Omoigui, IY Dugje
International Journal of Pest Management 54 (3), 189-195, 2008
Influence of Insecticide Spraying Regimes and Cultivar on Insect Pests and Yield of Cowpea in the Dry savannas of North-Eastern Nigeria.
AY Kamara, D Chikoye, LO Omoigui, IY Dugje
Journal of Food, Agriculture, and Environ 5 (1), 154 – 158, 2007
A participatory approach to increasing productivity of maize through Striga hermonthica control in northeast Nigeria
AY Kamara, JE Jones, P Amaza, LO Omoigui, J Helsen, IY Dugje, ...
Experimental Agriculture 44, 349-364, 2008
Effects of inter-row spacing and plant density on performance of sesame (Sesamum indicum l.) in a Nigerian Sudan savanna.
AL Ngala, IY Dugje, H Yakubu
Science International (Lahore), . 25 (3), 513 – 519, 2013
Integrating planting date with insecticide spraying regimes to manage insect pests of cowpea in northeastern Nigeria
AY Kamara, F Ekeleme, LO Omoigui, T Abdoulaye, P Amaza, D Chikoye, ...
International Journal of Pest Management 56 (3), 243 – 253., 2010
Screening of millet (Pennisetum glaucum (L.) R. Br.) varieties for salt tolerance in semi – arid soils of northern Nigeria.
H Yakubu, AL Ngala, IY Dugje
World Journal of Agricultural Sciences 6 (4), 374-380., 2010
A participatory evaluation of improved cowpea cultivars in the Guinea and Sudan savanna zones of north east Nigeria.
AY Kamara, JE Jones, F Ekeleme, LO Omoigui, P Amaza, D Chikoye, ...
Archives of Agronomy and Soil Science 55 (4), 1 – 16, 2009
Influence of Farmers’ Crop Management Practices on Striga hermonthica Infestation and Grain Yield of Maize (Zea mays L.) in the Savanna Zones of Northeast Nigeria.
IY Dugje, AY Kamara, LO Omoigui
Journal of Agronomy 7, 33 – 40., 2008
Direct Estimation of Maize Leaf Area Index as Influenced by Organic and Inorganic Fertilizer Rates in Guinea Savanna.
A Berdjour, IY Dugje, NA Rahman, DA Odoom, AY Kamara, S Ajala
Journal of Agricultural Science 12 (6), 66-75, 2020
Influence of Nitrogen Fertilization on the Performance of Early and Late Maturing Maize Varieties under Natural Infestation with Striga hermonthica (Del.) Benth.
AY Kamara, F Ekeleme, LO Omoigui, A Menkir, D Chikoye, IY Dugje, ...
Archives of Agronomy and Soil Science 55 (2), 125 –145, 2009
Sustainable Intensification of Cereal-Based Farming Systems in Ghana’s Guinea Savanna: Constraints and Opportunities Identified with Local Communities.
J Ellis-Jones, A Larbi, IYD I Hoeschle-Zeledon, IA Teli, SSJ Buah, ...
IITA Report, IITA Ibadan, Nigeria, (www.iita.org), 2012
Maize + soybean intercropping effect on yield productivity, weed control and diversity in northern Ghana.
A Berdjour, IY Dugje, IK Dzomeku, NA Rahman
Weed Biology and Management 20, 69-81, 2020
Effect of sowing date on Striga infestation and yield of sorghum (Sorghum bicolor [L.] Moench) cultivars in the Sudan savanna of northeast Nigeria
F Ekeleme, AY Kamara, LO Omoigui, D Chikoye, IY Dugje, A Tegbaru
African Journal of Agricultural Research 6 (14), 3240-3246., 2011
Performance of drought tolerant three-way and top cross maize hybrids in Sudan Savanna of North Eastern Nigeria
AU Izge, IY Dugje
Journal of Plant Breeding and Crop Science 3 (11), 669 – 675, 2011
Guide to soybean production in northern Nigeria
IY Dugje, LO Omoigui, F Ekeleme, RP Lava Kumar, AY Kamara
IITA, Ibadan. 21p, 2009
Arable Crop Production.
AU Izge, PE Odo, IY Dugje
Da’a Press Limited, 2009
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