Managerial coping with organizational change: A dispositional perspective. TA Judge, CJ Thoresen, V Pucik, TM Welbourne Journal of applied psychology 84 (1), 107, 1999 | 1903 | 1999 |
The role-based performance scale: Validity analysis of a theory-based measure TM Welbourne, DE Johnson, A Erez Academy of management journal 41 (5), 540-555, 1998 | 1298 | 1998 |
Predicting the performance of initial public offerings: should human resource management be in the equation? TM Welbourne, AO Andrews Academy of management journal 39 (4), 891-919, 1996 | 821 | 1996 |
Structuring for high reliability: HR practices and mindful processes in reliability‐seeking organizations TJ Vogus, TM Welbourne Journal of Organizational Behavior: The International Journal of Industrial …, 2003 | 517 | 2003 |
Gainsharing and mutual monitoring: A combined agency-organizational justice interpretation TM Welbourne, DB Balkin, LR Gomez-Mejia Academy of Management Journal 38 (3), 881-899, 1995 | 385 | 1995 |
Compensation strategies in a global context LR Gomez-Mejia, T Welbourne Human Resource Planning 14 (1), 29-41, 1991 | 351 | 1991 |
Employee engagement: Beyond the fad and into the executive suite TM Welbourne Wiley Subscription Services, Inc., A Wiley Company, 2007 | 347 | 2007 |
Relational capital: strategic advantage for small and medium-size enterprises (SMEs) through negotiation and collaboration TM Welbourne, M Pardo-del-Val Group Decision and Negotiation 18, 483-497, 2009 | 311 | 2009 |
Compensation strategy: An overview and future steps LR Gomez-Mejia, TM Welbourne Human resource planning 11 (3), 173-189, 1988 | 298 | 1988 |
Disentangling compensation and employment risks using the behavioral agency model M Larraza‐Kintana, RM Wiseman, LR Gomez‐Mejia, TM Welbourne Strategic Management Journal 28 (10), 1001-1019, 2007 | 276 | 2007 |
The human resource executive effect in initial public offering firms TM Welbourne, LA Cyr Academy of management journal 42 (6), 616-629, 1999 | 257 | 1999 |
The Role of Risk Sharing and Risk Taking Under Gainsharing. LR Gomez-Mejia, TM Welbourne, RM Wiseman Academy of Management Review 25 (3), 492-507, 2000 | 256 | 2000 |
Gainsharing: A critical review and a future research agenda TM Welbourne, LRG Mejia Journal of management 21 (3), 559-609, 1995 | 246 | 1995 |
Women “take care,” men “take charge”: Managers' stereotypic perceptions of women and men leaders JL Prime, NM Carter, TM Welbourne The Psychologist-Manager Journal 12 (1), 25-49, 2009 | 240 | 2009 |
Guest editor's comments special issue on human resource management and the SME: Toward a new synthesis JA Katz, HE Aldrich, TM Welbourne, PM Williams Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice 25 (1), 7-10, 2000 | 238 | 2000 |
Wall Street reaction to women in IPOs: An examination of gender diversity in top management teams TM Welbourne, CS Cycyota, CJ Ferrante Group & Organization Management 32 (5), 524-547, 2007 | 213 | 2007 |
A confirmatory investigation of the dimensionality of the Pay Satisfaction Questionnaire. TA Judge, TM Welbourne journal of Applied Psychology 79 (3), 461, 1994 | 198 | 1994 |
The case for employee resource groups: A review and social identity theory-based research agenda TM Welbourne, S Rolf, S Schlachter Personnel Review 46 (8), 1816-1834, 2017 | 172 | 2017 |
Influence of venture capitalists on high tech management LR Gomez-Mejia, DB Balkin, TM Welbourne The Journal of High Technology Management Research 1 (1), 103-118, 1990 | 161 | 1990 |
Human resources in initial public offering firms: do venture capitalists make a difference? LA Cyr, DE Johnson, TM Welbourne Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice 25 (1), 77-92, 2000 | 142 | 2000 |