Adaptive silviculture for climate change: a national experiment in manager-scientist partnerships to apply an adaptation framework LM Nagel, BJ Palik, MA Battaglia, AW D'Amato, JM Guldin, CW Swanston, ... Journal of Forestry 115 (3), 167-178, 2017 | 267 | 2017 |
A practical approach for translating climate change adaptation principles into forest management actions MK Janowiak, CW Swanston, LM Nagel, LA Brandt, PR Butler, ... Journal of Forestry 112 (5), 424-433, 2014 | 129 | 2014 |
Stand structure and composition in a northern hardwood forest after 40 years of single-tree selection JK Neuendorff, LM Nagel, CR Webster, MK Janowiak Northern Journal of Applied Forestry 24 (3), 197-202, 2007 | 112 | 2007 |
Spatial scale and stand structure in northern hardwood forests: implications for quantifying diameter distributions MK Janowiak, LM Nagel, CR Webster Forest Science 54 (5), 497-506, 2008 | 92 | 2008 |
Factors influencing tree species diversity and Betula alleghaniensis establishment in silvicultural openings JM Shields, CR Webster, LM Nagel Forestry 80 (3), 293-307, 2007 | 87 | 2007 |
Leaf anatomical changes in Populus trichocarpa, Quercus rubra, Pseudotsuga menziesii and Pinus ponderosa exposed to enhanced ultraviolet‐B radiation LM Nagel, JH Bassman, GE Edwards, R Robberecht, VR Franceshi Physiologia Plantarum 104 (3), 385-396, 1998 | 84 | 1998 |
Effects of uneven-aged management on diameter distribution and species composition of northern hardwoods in Upper Michigan JW Schwartz, LM Nagel, CR Webster Forest Ecology and Management 211 (3), 356-370, 2005 | 74 | 2005 |
The stand: revisiting a central concept in forestry KL O'Hara, LM Nagel Journal of Forestry 111 (5), 335-340, 2013 | 69 | 2013 |
Operationalizing forest‐assisted migration in the context of climate change adaptation: Examples from the eastern USA BJ Palik, PW Clark, AW D'Amato, C Swanston, L Nagel Ecosphere 13 (10), e4260, 2022 | 53 | 2022 |
Downed woody fuel loading dynamics of a large-scale blowdown in northern Minnesota, USA CW Woodall, LM Nagel Forest Ecology and Management 247 (1-3), 194-199, 2007 | 53 | 2007 |
A Functional Comparison of Productivity in Even-Aged and Multiaged Stands: A Synthesis for Pinus ponderosa KL O’Hara, LM Nagel Forest Science 52 (3), 290-303, 2006 | 50 | 2006 |
Sustainability of the selection system in northern hardwood forests NC Pond, RE Froese, LM Nagel Forest Science 60 (2), 374-381, 2014 | 49 | 2014 |
Forest adaptation strategies aimed at climate change: Assessing the performance of future climate-adapted tree species in a northern Minnesota pine ecosystem JJ Muller, LM Nagel, BJ Palik Forest Ecology and Management 451, 117539, 2019 | 46 | 2019 |
Pennsylvania sedge cover, forest management and deer density influence tree regeneration dynamics in a northern hardwood forest MD Powers, LM Nagel Forestry 82 (3), 241-254, 2009 | 40 | 2009 |
Structure and long-term development of subalpine Pinus montana Miller and Pinus cembra L. forests in the central European Alps AC Risch, LM Nagel, M Schütz, BO Krüsi, F Kienast, H Bugmann Forstwissenschaftliches Centralblatt 122 (4), 219-230, 2003 | 40 | 2003 |
Coarse woody type: a new method for analyzing coarse woody debris and forest change CW Woodall, LM Nagel Forest ecology and management 227 (1-2), 115-121, 2006 | 39 | 2006 |
The influence of stand structure on ecophysiological leaf characteristics of Pinus ponderosa in western Montana LM Nagel, KL O'Hara Canadian Journal of Forest Research 31 (12), 2173-2182, 2001 | 35 | 2001 |
An experimental approach to testing the efficacy of management treatments for glossy buckthorn at Seney National Wildlife Refuge, Upper Michigan LM Nagel, RG Corace, AJ Storer Ecological Restoration 26 (2), 136-142, 2008 | 23 | 2008 |
Disturbance dynamics influence Carex pensylvanica abundance in a northern hardwood forest1 MD Powers, LM Nagel The Journal of the Torrey Botanical Society 135 (3), 317-327, 2008 | 22 | 2008 |
Herbaceous-layer community dynamics along a harvest-intensity gradient after 50 years of consistent management MA Campione, LM Nagel, CR Webster Open Journal of Forestry 2 (03), 97, 2012 | 20 | 2012 |