Md Shahriar Pervez Ph.D.
Md Shahriar Pervez Ph.D.
Потвърден имейл адрес: usgs.gov
Assessing the impacts of climate and land use and land cover change on the freshwater availability in the Brahmaputra River basin
MS Pervez, GM Henebry
Journal of Hydrology: Regional Studies 3, 285-311, 2015
Mapping irrigated lands at 250-m scale by merging MODIS data and national agricultural statistics
MS Pervez, JF Brown
Remote Sensing 2 (10), 2388-2412, 2010
Merging remote sensing data and national agricultural statistics to model change in irrigated agriculture
JF Brown, MS Pervez
Agricultural Systems 127, 28-40, 2014
Mapping irrigated areas in Afghanistan over the past decade using MODIS NDVI
MS Pervez, M Budde, J Rowland
Remote sensing of environment 149, 155-165, 2014
Projections of the Ganges–Brahmaputra precipitation—Downscaled from GCM predictors
MS Pervez, GM Henebry
Journal of Hydrology 517, 120-134, 2014
Spatial and seasonal responses of precipitation in the Ganges and Brahmaputra river basins to ENSO and Indian Ocean dipole modes: implications for flooding and drought
MS Pervez, GM Henebry
Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences 15 (1), 147-162, 2015
Technical Manual for the Geospatial Stream Flow Model(GeoSFM)
KO Asante, GA Artan, S Pervez, C Bandaragoda, JP Verdin
Open-File Report. U. S. Geological Survey, 2008
A linear geospatial streamflow modeling system for data sparse environments
KO Asante, GA Arlan, S Pervez, J Rowland
International Journal of River Basin Management 6 (3), 233-241, 2008
Users Manual for the Geospatial Stream Flow Model(GeoSFM)
GA Artan, K Asante, J Smith, S Pervez, D Entenmann, JP Verdin, ...
Open-File Report. U. S. Geological Survey, 2008
Mapping irrigated lands across the United States using MODIS satellite imagery
JF Brown, SK Maxwell, MS Pervez
A Central Asia hydrologic monitoring dataset for food and water security applications in Afghanistan
A McNally, J Jacob, K Arsenault, K Slinski, DP Sarmiento, A Hoell, ...
Earth System Science Data 14 (7), 3115-3135, 2022
Establishing an operational waterhole monitoring system using satellite data and hydrologic modelling: application in the pastoral regions of East Africa
GB Senay, NM Velpuri, H Alemu, S Md Pervez, KO Asante, G Kariuki, ...
Pastoralism: Research, Policy and Practice 3, 1-16, 2013
Mapping irrigated lands at 250-m scale by merging MODIS data and national agricultural statistics. Remote Sens., 2, 2388–2412
MS Pervez, JF Brown
Vegetation monitoring optimization with normalized difference vegetation index and evapotranspiration using remote sensing measurements and land surface models over East Africa
S Pervez, A McNally, K Arsenault, M Budde, J Rowland
Frontiers in Climate 3, 589981, 2021
Interactive information system for irrigation management
MS Pervez, MA Hoque
Pergamon, Physics and Chemistry of the Earth 28, 927-934, 2008
Evaluation of remote sensing-based irrigated area map for the Conterminous United States
S Pervez, JF Brown, S Maxwell
Proceedings of the ASPRS Pecora 17, 2008
Differential heating in the Indian Ocean differentially modulates precipitation in the Ganges and Brahmaputra Basins
MS Pervez, GM Henebry
Remote Sensing 8 (11), 901, 2016
Assessment of 2006 and 2007 drought patterns in the vegetation drought response index across Nebraska
JF Brown, S Pervez, B Wardlow, T Tadesse, K Callahan
Pecora 17–The Future of Land Imaging: Going Operational, 2008
ENSO-based outlook of droughts and agricultural outcomes in Afghanistan
S Shukla, F Zaheer, A Hoell, W Anderson, H Jayanthi, G Husak, D Lee, ...
Weather and Climate Extremes 45, 100697, 2024
Land surface modeling applications for famine early warning
A McNally, JP Verdin, CD Peters-Lidard, KR Arsenault, S Wang, S Kumar, ...
AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2015, H52E-06, 2015
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