Marco Moro
Subsidence induced by urbanisation in the city of Rome detected by advanced InSAR technique and geotechnical investigations
S Stramondo, F Bozzano, F Marra, U Wegmuller, FR Cinti, M Moro, ...
Remote Sensing of Environment 112 (6), 3160-3172, 2008
The Paganica fault and surface coseismic ruptures caused by the 6 April 2009 earthquake (L'Aquila, central Italy)
E Falcucci, S Gori, E Peronace, G Fubelli, M Moro, M Saroli, B Giaccio, ...
Seismological Research Letters 80 (6), 940-950, 2009
Surface movements in Bologna (Po plain—Italy) detected by multitemporal DInSAR
S Stramondo, M Saroli, C Tolomei, M Moro, F Doumaz, A Pesci, F Loddo, ...
Remote Sensing of Environment 110 (3), 304-316, 2007
Liquefaction phenomena associated with the Emilia earthquake sequence of May–June 2012 (Northern Italy)
Emergeo Working Group
Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences 13 (4), 935-947, 2013
A database of the coseismic effects following the 30 October 2016 Norcia earthquake in Central Italy
F Villani, R Civico, S Pucci, L Pizzimenti, R Nappi, PM De Martini
Scientific data 5 (1), 1-11, 2018
InSAR surface displacement field and fault modelling for the 2003 Bam earthquake (southeastern Iran)
S Stramondo, M Moro, C Tolomei, FR Cinti, F Doumaz
Journal of Geodynamics 40 (2-3), 347-353, 2005
New constraints on the seismic history of the Castrovillari fault in the Pollino gap (Calabria, southern Italy)
FR Cinti, M Moro, D Pantosti, L Cucci, G D'addezio
Journal of Seismology 6, 199-217, 2002
Prevalence of anti-legionella antibodies among Italian hospital workers
P Borella, A Bargellini, I Marchesi, S Rovesti, G Stancanelli, S Scaltriti, ...
Journal of Hospital Infection 69 (2), 148-155, 2008
Coseismic deformation pattern of the Emilia 2012 seismic sequence imaged by Radarsat-1 interferometry
C Bignami, P Burrato, V Cannelli, M Chini, E Falcucci, A Ferretti, S Gori, ...
Annals of Geophysics 55 (4), 2012
Coseismic effects of the 2016 Amatrice seismic sequence: First geological results
WG Emergeo, S Pucci, PM De Martini, R Civico, R Nappi, T Ricci, F Villani, ...
Annals of geophysics, 2016
The relationship between seismic deformation and deep-seated gravitational movements during the 1997 Umbria–Marche (Central Italy) earthquakes
M Moro, M Saroli, S Salvi, S Stramondo, F Doumaz
Geomorphology 89 (3-4), 297-307, 2007
The Colfiorito earthquake sequence of September–October 1997: Surface breaks and seismotectonic implications for the central Apennines (Italy)
R Basili, V Bosi, F Galadini, P Galli, M Meghraoui, P Messina, M Moro, ...
Journal of Earthquake Engineering 2 (02), 291-302, 1998
New paleoseismological data from the Gran Sasso d'Italia area (central Apennines)
P Galli, F Galadini, M Moro, C Giraudi
Geophysical Research Letters 29 (7), 38-1-38-4, 2002
Paleoseismology of silent faults in the central Apennines (Italy): the Campo Imperatore fault (Gran Sasso Range fault system)
F Galadini, P Galli, M Moro
Annals of Geophysics 46 (5), 2003
Analisi paleosismologiche lungo la faglia del M. Marine (alta valle dell’Aterno): risultati preliminari
M Moro, V Bosi, F Galadini, P Galli, B Giaccio, P Messina, A Sposato
Alpine and Mediterranean Quaternary 15 (2), 259-270, 2002
The efficacy of ultraviolet light-emitting technology against coronaviruses: a systematic review
F Chiappa, B Frascella, GP Vigezzi, M Moro, L Diamanti, L Gentile, ...
Journal of Hospital Infection 114, 63-78, 2021
Historical earthquakes and variable kinematic behaviour of the 2009 L'Aquila seismic event (central Italy) causative fault, revealed by paleoseismological investigations
M Moro, S Gori, E Falcucci, M Saroli, F Galadini, S Salvi
Tectonophysics 583, 131-144, 2013
The 2009 L'Aquila earthquake (Italy): What's next in the region? Hints from stress diffusion analysis and normal fault activity
E Falcucci, S Gori, M Moro, AR Pisani, D Melini, F Galadini, P Fredi
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 305 (3-4), 350-358, 2011
Local pattern of stress field and seismogenic sources in the Pergola–Melandro basin and the Agri valley (Southern Italy)
L Cucci, S Pondrelli, A Frepoli, MT Mariucci, M Moro
Geophysical Journal International 156 (3), 575-583, 2004
Control of infectious mortality due to carbapenemase-producing Klebsiella pneumoniae in hematopoietic stem cell transplantation
A Forcina, R Baldan, V Marasco, P Cichero, A Bondanza, M Noviello, ...
Bone Marrow Transplantation 52 (1), 114-119, 2017
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