Prof Nicholas Branch
Prof Nicholas Branch
Geography and Environmental Science, University of Reading
Потвърден имейл адрес: reading.ac.uk
Do environmental collaboration and monitoring enhance organizational performance?
KW Green, PJ Zelbst, VS Bhadauria, J Meacham
Industrial Management & Data Systems 112 (2), 186-205, 2012
Millennial and orbital variations of El Nino/Southern Oscillation and high-latitude climate in the last glacial period
CSM Turney, AP Kershaw, SC Clemens, N Branch, PT Moss, LK Fifield
Nature 428, 306-310, 2004
A high resolution late Holocene palaeo environmental record from the central Adriatic Sea
F Oldfield, A Asioli, CA Accorsi, AM Mercuri, S Juggins, L Langone, ...
Quaternary Science Reviews 22 (2-4), 319-342, 2003
The soil micromorphological evidence of domestic occupation and stabling activities
RI Macphail, MA Courty, J Hather, J Wattez, M Ryder, N Cameron, ...
Arene Candide: a functional and environmental assessment of the Holocene …, 1997
Environmental Archaeology: Theoretical and Practical Approaches
N Branch, M Canti, P Clark, T Chris
Edward Arnold, London, 2005
Towards a European tephrochronological framework for Termination 1 and the Early Holocene
SM Davies, NP Branch, JJ Lowe, CSM Turney
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London. Series A …, 2002
Centennial-scale climate change in Ireland during the Holocene
GT Swindles, IT Lawson, IP Matthews, M Blaauw, TJ Daley, DJ Charman, ...
Earth-Science Reviews 126, 300-320, 2013
Climatic variability in the southwest Pacific during the Last Termination (20–10 kyr BP)
CSM Turney, AP Kershaw, JJ Lowe, S van der Kaars, R Johnston, S Rule, ...
Quaternary Science Reviews 25 (9-10), 886-903, 2006
Marine Isotope Stage 9 environments of fluvial deposits at Hackney, north London, UK
CP Green, NP Branch, GR Coope, MH Field, DH Keen, JM Wells, ...
Quaternary Science Reviews 25 (1-2), 89-113, 2006
Testing the sustainability and sensitivity to climatic change of terrace agricultural systems in the Peruvian Andes: a pilot study
NP Branch, RA Kemp, B Silva, FM Meddens, A Williams, A Kendall, ...
Journal of Archaeological Science 34 (1), 1-9, 2007
Mid-Late Holocene environmental change and human activities in the northern Apennines, Italy
NP Branch, NAF Marini
Quaternary International 353, 34-51, 2014
Pedosedimentary, cultural and environmental significance of paleosols within pre-hispanic agricultural terraces in the southern Peruvian Andes
R Kemp, N Branch, B Silva, F Meddens, A Williams, A Kendall, C Vivanco
Quaternary International 158 (1), 13-22, 2006
Inca sacred space – landscape, site and symbol in the Andes
F Meddens, K Willis, C McEwan, N Branch
Archetype Publications, London, 2014
Geochemical characterisation of Quaternary tephras from the Campanian Province, Italy
C Turney, S Blockley, J Lowe, S Wulf, N Branch, G Mastrolorenzo, ...
Quaternary International 178, 288-305, 2008
The timing and causes of the Neolithic elm decline: New evidence from the Lower Thames Valley (London, UK)
CR Batchelor, NP Branch, EA Allison, PA Austin, B Bishop, A D. Brown, ...
Environmental Archaeology 19 (3), 263-290, 2014
The Neolithisation of Liguria (NW Italy): An environmental archaeological and palaeoenvironmental perspective
NP Branch, S Black, R Maggi, NAF Marini
Environmental Archaeology 19 (3), 196-213, 2014
Late Wurm lateglacial and Holocene environmental history of the Ligurian Apennines, Italy
N Branch
Accordia Research Institute, 2004
Bramcote Green, Bermondsey: a Bronze Age trackway and palaeo-environmental sequence
C Thomas, J Rackham, AJ Barham, N Branch, J Glorgi, D Goodburn, ...
Proceedings of the Prehistoric Society 62, 221-253, 1996
Pre-Columbian landscapes of creation and origin
J Staller
Springer Science & Business Media, 2008
High Altitude Ushnu Platforms in the Department of Ayacucho Peru, Structure, Ancestors and Animating Essence
FM Meddens, NP Branch, CV Pomacanchari, N Riddiford, R Kemp
Pre-Columbian landscapes of creation and origin, 315-355, 2008
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