Andrea Kóbor
Andrea Kóbor
Brain Imaging Centre, Research Centre for Natural Sciences
Потвърден имейл адрес: ttk.mta.hu
Statistical learning leads to persistent memory: Evidence for one-year consolidation
A Kóbor, K Janacsek, Á Takács, D Nemeth
Scientific reports 7 (1), 760, 2017
Verbal fluency in children with ADHD: strategy using and temporal properties
Á Takács, A Kóbor, Z Tárnok, V Csépe
Child Neuropsychology 20 (4), 415-429, 2014
ERPs differentiate the sensitivity to statistical probabilities and the learning of sequential structures during procedural learning
A Kóbor, Á Takács, Z Kardos, K Janacsek, V Csépe, D Nemeth
Biological psychology 135, 180-193, 2018
Is procedural memory enhanced in Tourette syndrome? Evidence from a sequence learning task
Á Takács, A Kobor, J Chezan, N Éltető, Z Tárnok, D Nemeth, MT Ullman, ...
Cortex 100, 84-94, 2018
Dynamics of EEG functional connectivity during statistical learning
B Tóth, K Janacsek, Á Takács, A Kóbor, Z Zavecz, D Nemeth
Neurobiology of Learning and Memory 144, 216-229, 2017
The bifactor model of the Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire
A Kóbor, Á Takács, R Urbán
European Journal of Psychological Assessment, 2013
High trait anxiety is associated with attenuated feedback-related negativity in risky decision making
Á Takács, A Kóbor, K Janacsek, F Honbolygó, V Csépe, D Németh
Neuroscience letters 600, 188-192, 2015
Procedural learning in Tourette syndrome, ADHD, and comorbid Tourette-ADHD: Evidence from a probabilistic sequence learning task
Á Takács, Y Shilon, K Janacsek, A Kóbor, A Tremblay, D Németh, ...
Brain and Cognition 117, 33-40, 2017
Different strategies underlying uncertain decision making: Higher executive performance is associated with enhanced feedback‐related negativity
A Kóbor, Á Takács, K Janacsek, D Németh, F Honbolygó, V Csépe
Psychophysiology 52 (3), 367-377, 2015
Children with ADHD show impairments in multiple stages of information processing in a Stroop task: An ERP study
A Kóbor, Á Takács, D Bryce, D Szűcs, F Honbolygó, P Nagy, V Csépe
Developmental Neuropsychology 40 (6), 329-347, 2015
Tracking the implicit acquisition of nonadjacent transitional probabilities by ERPs
A Kóbor, K Horváth, Z Kardos, Á Takács, K Janacsek, V Csépe, D Nemeth
Memory & Cognition 47, 1546-1566, 2019
Perceiving structure in unstructured stimuli: Implicitly acquired prior knowledge impacts the processing of unpredictable transitional probabilities
A Kóbor, Z Kardos, D Nemeth, K Janacsek
Cognition 205, 104413, 2020
Age-related characteristics of risky decision-making and progressive expectation formation
Z Kardos, A Kóbor, Á Takács, B Tóth, R Boha, B File, M Molnár
Behavioural Brain Research 312, 405-414, 2016
The latent classes of subclinical ADHD symptoms: Convergences of multiple informant reports
A Kobor, A Takacs, R Urban, V Csepe
Research in developmental disabilities 33 (5), 1677-1689, 2012
Neurophysiological and functional neuroanatomical coding of statistical and deterministic rule information during sequence learning
A Takács, A Kóbor, Z Kardos, K Janacsek, K Horvath, C Beste, D Nemeth
Human brain mapping 42 (10), 3182-3201, 2021
Comparison between wireless and wired EEG recordings in a virtual reality lab: Case report
Á Török, I Sulykos, K Kecskés-Kovács, G Persa, P Galambos, A Kóbor, ...
2014 5th IEEE Conference on Cognitive Infocommunications (CogInfoCom), 599-603, 2014
Dissociation between two aspects of procedural learning in Tourette syndrome: Enhanced statistical and impaired sequence learning
E Tóth-Fáber, Z Tárnok, K Janacsek, A Kóbor, P Nagy, BC Farkas, S Oláh, ...
Child Neuropsychology 27 (6), 799-821, 2021
Word stress representations are language specific: evidence from event-related brain potentials
F Honbolygo, A Kobor, B German, V Csepe
Psychophysiology 57 (5), e13541, 2020
Cognitive components of foreign word stress processing difficulty in speakers of a native language with non-contrastive stress
F Honbolygó, A Kóbor, V Csépe
International Journal of Bilingualism 23 (2), 366-380, 2019
Implicit anticipation of probabilistic regularities: Larger CNV emerges for unpredictable events
A Kóbor, Z Kardos, K Janacsek, Á Takács, V Csépe, D Nemeth
Neuropsychologia 156, 107826, 2021
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